View Full Version : Do your cats react to your stress?

Miss Meow
10-05-2003, 06:23 PM
Shane left yesterday for a few weeks away, and the cats have been right little horrors since he left.

1. Someone did a poo on the laundry floor, on top of the cat door lid (which I of course stepped on and crushed the poo into the floor)
2. I took the bed linen to wash it, and 5 minutes later someone had peed on the quilt. Took an hour to wash it and all day to dry
3. They would not come to bed and kept running around, and I have had about three hours sleep last night

Ahhh, only another three weeks of this! :eek: I have some Rescue Remedy somewhere - I think we all need a few drops ... How do your cats react to stress in your house?

10-05-2003, 08:26 PM
it seems to me when i am stressed or upset,my guys want to be close to me ,i guess to comfort me.that they do to.alittle while in my lap,with the purrs and looking into there eyes,i forget the problem,and feel better. musicmaker

10-05-2003, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by musicmaker
it seems to me when i am stressed or upset,my guys want to be close to me ,i guess to comfort me.that they do to.alittle while in my lap,with the purrs and looking into there eyes,i forget the problem,and feel better. musicmaker

Same with mine. They always want to be around me. It's so nice but then there are those times where I wish they where not so nice to me. Just sometimes I need to sleep it off without a pile of cats as blankets.....turning over can be a pain. :D

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-06-2003, 07:06 AM
Ally is IMPOSSIBLE when my husband is away. Although I am not sure if it is because I am stressed or if she knows she can get away with murder when Daddy is not around!
When I am very upset about something, Ally stays very close to me and gives me extra luvvies.

10-06-2003, 09:30 AM
If I am agitated , it makes the Cats very nervous. As they dont know that it is nit them that is making me upset , but when I am a victim of circumstances , like Curly , my hero!

10-06-2003, 11:14 AM
My cats usually try to give me extra loving when they know I'm stressed out. Hopefully this was just a bad day Nicole and they'll remain calm from now on.

10-06-2003, 12:13 PM
When I am stressed it is like a magnet for the cats. I have them following me around and wanting to "be" with me the whole time. It would be funny if I wasn't tripping over cats at the time ;)

Miss Meow
10-06-2003, 05:57 PM
They were more settled last night when I got home from work, thank goodness. I took them into the backyard for a long play outside, which made them very happy, and gave them a nice dinner. The boys are fine, but Jasmine is clingy as she misses her daddycat, poor girl.

10-07-2003, 03:31 PM
When my brother is away for longer, Juni is a little more sad than usual. I think it's a girl thing...

10-08-2003, 06:22 AM
Oh yes, I had a similar thing when my b/f was away for 3 weeks recently. She was a nightmare!!
She wouldn't come to sit on the bed at night, instead she'd search the house then when she was done she would sit down wherever she was and cry until I came and picked her up.
She followed me around the house during the day, if I closed the bathroom door she sat outside and cried.
More than once I found her trying to pry open my b/f's wardrobe door and also cirlcling his chest of drawers. :confused:
Then if I was using the computer she'd sit under the chair and whinge. In the end I got her a dining chair and put it next to the computer too - she sat on that and went to sleep.

But I have to say it wasn't all one way.... if she was settled somewhere I had instructions to point the web cam at her so 'someone' could see her from his desktop pc, 7 time zones away!!!!
Even the other guys in the office started asking when the cat was going to be on next! lol :D

10-08-2003, 09:07 AM
Ah... most of these are Meezers. They are very sensitive. And do more inappropriate things to show their stress than the other breeds. Others get clingy, Meezers get mad.

My Meezers are used to us leaving for periods of time(it's in the contract)
so, they are just more lovey when we get back.

But, Snowy does one thing when he gets stressed by the kitten fosters. He coughs. (a big"aaa-ccc-kkkk") Iv'e been really watching him to see that it's not medical. But he does it when there's a comotion, if someone knocks something down, he goes running off, coughing.

Does anyone have any experience with this. I'd like to really know there's nothing wrong with him, he doesn't seem to be distressed, physically, like he's choking, it's just very 'matter of fact'