View Full Version : Help for a sick Betta?

10-05-2003, 01:47 PM
Before I get blasted for not taking this fish to the vet, I don't think any of the vets in our area 'do' fish, and my grandparents are on a very fixed income.
I got my grandma a betta fish about 6 months ago for her birthday. She loves him. She talks to him everyday and when she feeds him he swims in circles every morning.
She called me today and said that he hasn't been acting right for the last 3-4 days. She said that he isn't eating, dragging his tail, is lethargic, and kind of skinny. Now I don't know if he is doing any of this b/c I haven't seen him yet. Is there anything I can get to put in his water? I know they don't live very long and have no idea how old he was when I got him, but she has only had him since March. I have had one of mine since last Sept and he is doing fine.
She is wondering if his food is old or if she overfed him?
Thanks for all the input!!

10-05-2003, 02:07 PM
I have never had Betta's specfically, but fish in general, and I have heard, that the often don't live as long becuase they are overfed. Do you know how much/often she is feeding the fish? I feed my fish a "pinch" once a day. My gourimi lived for 6 1/2 years that way.

The other thing may be if the water is too cold the fish may be feeling sluggish?

Hope your grandma's fish is doing better soon.

10-05-2003, 02:11 PM
Bettas live about 4 to 5 years average so I would say he still young sense most pet store sell them young.

Go to the pet store and get some antibiotics for fish, there are several kind for fish. Just tell them at the pet store how the fish is acting or just read the back and get the one that covers a wide range of things. 1 pill does 10 gal of water. I don't know if her Betta is in a tank or bowl, but if there is any filters in the tank, remove it before putting in the med's. The carb will neutralize the med. and you don't want that.

What kind of food is she giving him? Betta food or fish flakes? Stick with Betta food. If she over feeding him then the extra food can will settle at the bottom of the tank and will pollute the water.

Have her change to water, just in case, add what ever treatment she need for her type of water then add the med's. If she can, have her get a PH tester and make sure her PH is not to high or low.

I have to say this only because I have know so many people that when they do a water change the wash the bowl or tank with soap. Just in case she doen't know, tell her not to.

Hope I helped some.

10-05-2003, 03:21 PM
CHECK OUT THIS WEBSITE: http://www.bettatalk.com/betta_diseases.htm[/url]

The symptoms you are describing sounds like it could be....

-fin rot
-swim bladder disorder - due to overfeeding
-internal parasites
-unknown-possible depression

No matter what it is, a full water change in is order!!!

I hope your grandparents are able to figure out what is wrong!

10-05-2003, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by Kater
The symptoms you are describing sounds like it could be....

-fin rot
-swim bladder disorder - due to overfeeding
-internal parasites
-unknown-possible depression

No matter what it is, a full water change in is order!!!

If that is what her Betta has they have antibiotics made just for that. It's really the best way to go to heal the Betta. They don't cost that much if your worried about her fixed income.

10-09-2003, 12:36 AM
Any word on how your Grandparents' betta is doing?

10-09-2003, 12:52 AM
Originally posted by Kater
Any word on how your Grandparents' betta is doing?
Actually I haven't heard anything from her since Monday.
No news is probably good news b/c I told her to keep me updated. I will call her tomorrow. :)

I think he is probably depressed for some unknown reason. She thought she might have injured his tail when she changed his water the other day. She changes it once a week.
I don't think she overfeeds him the BETTA FOOD. I told her to take a toothpick, dip it in some water, dip it in the food, then dip it in the fishbowl, which is what the petstore told me to do with mine. She does do it every day tho, I told her at first every other day, but she didn't like NOT feeding him everyday! :)
Not sure about the water temperature tho, they keep their house pretty warm, and she has left him exactly where he has been since I have him to her. She could put it in the sun, I suppose, but I didn't think that was good for them either. :(
Thanks for all the input and help! :)

10-09-2003, 08:35 AM
We keep a gallon glass jar and lablel it for each beta's hospital. There is myacin and antibiotics for them they get dropsie and paricites. Also if you put a single rock of aquarium salt in their water it helps as a preventitive. We sterilize their bowls like you do if you can food. We boil, then cool water for them treat it with a chlorine remover. We feed them beta pellets. 2-3 2xs a day. My oldest has had hers for about 2 years. He went to college this year.