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View Full Version : To all PT Diet Buddies folks, and anyone new who may want to join

10-05-2003, 12:11 PM
As most of you know, Ally cat's mommy started a PT Diet Group on Yahoo Groups a while back, for those PT'ers who wish to lose weight, exercise more, and just live a healthier lifestyle. So far it was going great at yahoo groups, but with Camcampup and others posting about their new forums, I decided to check the site up.................and well, ended up making a forum of my own. :o I have talked to Ally cat's mom about this, and she agreed that it would be nice to move there.

For those of you who are already members of the PT Diet Group, please click on the link below and register.


Also, be sure to post and let us know what you think. The yahoo groups is currently still in use, and I think it will be until everyone gathers up at the board. :)

For those of you who haven't joined before, I'd just like to tell you that so many people have already begun to lose weight, and almost all of us are exercising more and feeling healthier, thanks to the help and encouragement of fellow PT'ers! If you wish to lose weight, eat healthier, or just live a healthier lifestyle, feel free to join us! Newbies are welcome from PT, however, please join only if you are really serious and will be posting. I have made most of the boards private and only viewable to members, because to some, diet issues are a sensitive topic, and some of our members wish to keep it private, so if you won't be posting for a certain amount of time, your user name will be deleted. Even if you're not going to join, please check out my board anyway! I was having so much fun messing around with the colors and making a logo until I finally settled with what I have. :p So everyone, be sure to check it out!

10-05-2003, 12:21 PM

Because I don't have time to even keep up with Pet Talk (and that makes me crazy) I don't know if I will be able to join your group. But please know that I have joined you in spirit and in your goal. I have just determined that the cholesterol lowering medication I take has an increased risk of serious side effects when taken in conjunction with another medication I am on. So I have gotten very serious about 1. Losing weight and 2. Eating even more healthy than I currently do, all in an effort to be able to reduce the amount of medication I take.

Dr. Phil has recently started a weight loss program on his show and he has a new book out. A few of his points of guidance have been helpful to me.

Granted I'm only into this one week as of today, but I have made some progress. Oh, well, maybe I can join and see if I can keep up with the rest of you. I need all the help I can get.

10-05-2003, 12:22 PM
I checked the board out. It looks great, I love the colors. :) Good luck to all you PT dieters. :D

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-05-2003, 12:33 PM
PCB has done a really fantastic job on this! If you feel like being inspired, or need some support in your quest for a healthier body and mind, please join us!

It's already working for me!!!!

10-05-2003, 12:44 PM
Thanks everyone, and I see that you have joined Rachel! :D Welcome! :D

Now where is moderator #3? CATAPAULT? Get over here! :p :D

10-05-2003, 03:57 PM
Great job on the forum, PCB! I'm going to join right now :D I've been meaning to post a "favorite healthy recipe' thread on the Yahoo group board, but now I can do it here since it has it's own designated section :D Very cool.

I must say, I love the PT Diet Buddies group :) I could never get motivated to live a more healthy lifestyle, but now I finally am! In only 1 month I'm seeing a lot of improvements :)

10-05-2003, 05:27 PM
I joined, thanks PCB.

Miss Meow
10-05-2003, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
As most of you know, Ally cat's mommy started a PT Diet Group on Yahoo Groups a while back, for those PT'ers who wish to lose weight, exercise more, and just live a healthier lifestyle. So far it was going great at yahoo groups, but with Camcampup and others posting about their new forums, I decided to check the site up.................and well, ended up making a forum of my own. :o I have talked to Ally cat's mom about this, and she agreed that it would be nice to move there.

For those of you who are already members of the PT Diet Group, please click on the link below and register.


Also, be sure to post and let us know what you think. The yahoo groups is currently still in use, and I think it will be until everyone gathers up at the board. :)


Sorry, I'm a bit confused. Will this board be replacing the Yahoo board, or running in addition to it?

10-05-2003, 05:55 PM
It will replace it because this type of forum is easier to use and more organized. I meant that that's still in use until everyone finds out, because there *might* be people still posting there who don't know of this yet, however, we're all moving here now. :D

Ps. I forgot to add the calorie/carb counting sections, so I will do that shortly.

Miss Meow
10-05-2003, 06:43 PM
OK, thanks. I'll go set up an account :)

I see the One Star Bandit has been rating this thread :rolleyes:

10-05-2003, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow

I see the One Star Bandit has been rating this thread :rolleyes:

Me too. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

10-05-2003, 06:58 PM
Is there a place on the new forum like the database on the Yahoo group? I love using that for my weekly food and exercise logs.

10-05-2003, 07:03 PM
I'm still trying to figure out if there's a way I can make a database type of thing, but for now, the keeping track board is where you'll be making personal threads and keeping track of how you're doing. I guess that can work as a database. We couldn't make any more databases on yahoo anyway because we went over the limit. :o

10-05-2003, 07:31 PM
Alrighty, thanks :D

10-06-2003, 03:10 AM
I need to loose weight for my back, but I just cannot stick to my diet... HELP!
He he, I found help: this forum looks great PCB!! I joined! Now, let the kilo's melt ;) :p ;) (it's a pity they don't melt away by chatting :rolleyes: :cool: )

10-28-2003, 01:07 AM
I just joined too, but I'm wondering if a 50 year old can loose weight? I took a look at some of the before pictures and all these young ladies looked good to me, I know one thing it is hard for us older people to loose the weight. Really nice looking website, like I said you are a very talented young woman.
Haven't posted anything yet, I will try and post tomorrow. :)

10-28-2003, 01:10 AM
Of course a 50 year old can lose weight! My mom lost 25 pounds in the last 6 months. She's not 50, but not that big of a difference. Sure its much harder than it would be for say a 21 year old, but you can, with determination, and with working hard. :)

10-28-2003, 06:52 AM
Originally posted by trayi52
I just joined too, but I'm wondering if a 50 year old can loose weight?

Trayi, having lost weight at 50, yes you can. Having subsequently gained it back and now that I'm speeding toward 60 and trying to do it again, I have to say it gets even harder. Trust me and do it now. I'm over at the other board but haven't posted recently, obviously because I haven't made much progress. It will really be nice to have someone in their *mature years* over there with me. I'm not going to give up.

10-28-2003, 09:18 AM
Thanks Rachel.
I guess we can try together, everybody over there are so young looking and pretty. I will try not to give up and be over there shortly. Thanks for your encouragement.:)

10-28-2003, 10:16 AM
Can I join? I really don't need to lose weight but I really, and I mean, really need to get in shape! The other day I went to run and I just ran up and down this little strip twice and the next day I ached so bad. I was really sad because that means I am really out of shape. :( I already eat healthy, I just need to exercise. And that's where I really need support, I need someone to yell at me everyday lol so I can get up and do things. I have my Tae Bo tape here but I don't use it often. Can you fellow PT'ers help me?

I want to build muscle and get toned, especially in my tummy area. After having a baby it's just not the same, hehe. Next month I am going to California to visit my family so I want to look a little healthier. :)

10-29-2003, 07:20 AM
Originally posted by trayi52
Thanks Rachel.
everybody over there are so young looking and pretty

I know, that was my sentiment exactly!

10-29-2003, 01:40 PM
Well, that does it. I've just got to join now. Something got to chance and only I have the power to do it. I'm in folks.

Shoot: I registered but the password is being sent to my home email address. Will have to get it tonight.

I'm hoping for lots of support. I've got a lot to lose and I need a good kick in the butt to get started.

Thanks PCB.

03-04-2004, 12:38 AM
Just thought I should bump this up. Does everyone that joined want to get back to this? It was really helpful. Personally, I'm still working out........still on track......just not posting there as no one else is. :o

If everyone else wants to get back to this, I'm ready. :)

03-04-2004, 09:35 AM
I've been checking the site every few days, but there have been no entries since Jan. 14th. Maybe everyone is waiting for you, Popcornbird?:)

03-04-2004, 03:13 PM
I seem to have given up on you guys, haven't I? :o I just haven't had much to talk about in the ways of dieting and such lol.

03-04-2004, 06:05 PM
Oh this is exactly what i need!:D I forced myself out of bed this morning to walk the dog, and it'll help to have others to talk with.

*leaves to sign up*

03-05-2004, 01:00 AM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
I seem to have given up on you guys, haven't I? :o I just haven't had much to talk about in the ways of dieting and such lol.

Not only you.........all of us! I haven't posted there in months! We need to get back to it. I'm off there right now. :p

03-05-2004, 05:00 AM
You have done a great job, popcornbird! The site looks great.
I am obssessed with my weight and count everysingle thing that goes into my mouth, keep a journal of what I eat, work out everyday, run and walk with Drake multiple times a day. I am in good shape, but it is an obssession :(

03-05-2004, 07:42 AM
I have posted there a few times but then I stopped because I noticed that I was the only one using it. I will be right back into it though.


06-02-2004, 02:36 PM
Is anyone still doing this? If people are still active I'd like to join.

06-02-2004, 02:54 PM
Trai, I know what you mean! It's so hard to get motivated. If someone could figure out how to get rid of cravings, half my battle would be won.

06-02-2004, 03:40 PM
I just registered, CatMama78. I've been trying to lose weight for a few years now. I need to lose about 50-60 pounds, yikes I know. I have a very hard time dieting, I just like to eat. I do exercise off and on, but exercise alone doesn't seem to do it. I go strong for about 2 months and then something happens and I stop for about 2 months, so I'm pretty sporadic. Argh, I don't know why I can't stay motivated.

06-02-2004, 06:08 PM
Thanks for bumping this up Laura! I just took a look over the site yesterday and saw that nothing has been posted recently so I was gonna look for this thread to bump it up. :D

I've been slacking as far as exercise goes. School has been WAY too stressful and time consuming. But I've told myself that in 2 weeks, after school is over for the summer, I'm going to get in shape with the dogs and lose at least 20 pounds by grad. :D

06-02-2004, 07:51 PM
I just joined :)

06-02-2004, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
I just joined :)
Me three!:D posted a fluffy picture too:o

06-02-2004, 09:03 PM
Heyyy...........I can't believe this was bumped up! I haven't been to that site in AGES!!! Now that summer's here, I think we should all get back to it. :p I'll have to go check things out there tonight. I forgot all about it!

06-02-2004, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
Trai, I know what you mean! It's so hard to get motivated. If someone could figure out how to get rid of cravings, half my battle would be won.

Val! We should diet together!
I'd be outside excersizing everyday if FL whether wasn't so dang hot. :(

06-02-2004, 09:44 PM
I'd be outside excersizing everyday if FL whether wasn't so dang hot

It's super hot here too, that's why I started swimming. But if you don't have a pool then that's kind of hard especially if you are like me and hate public pools. I hate wearing a swimsuit around a bunch of strangers.

06-02-2004, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
It's super hot here too, that's why I started swimming. But if you don't have a pool then that's kind of hard especially if you are like me and hate public pools. I hate wearing a swimsuit around a bunch of strangers.

We used to have a pool, but it collapsed one night out of nowhere (it was an above ground pool) My neighbors have an AWESOME pool, which they never use, if it was ours i'd be in it all the time!!

06-02-2004, 09:47 PM
My neighbors have an AWESOME pool, which they never use,

That's when you jump the fence! Not only will you get exercise by swimming, but by jumping the fence as well :)

06-02-2004, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
That's when you jump the fence! Not only will you get exercise by swimming, but by jumping the fence as well :)

LOL.. so their Labby Gunner can attack me with kisses.. oh wait, more exercise... Running from Gunner!

Or, I could jump the other fence to Buddy the Pit Bull's yard, to swim in their pool, and dodge him jumping on me....

Or I could just stand lonely in the middle of my dad's garden pretending to swim, where our pool used to be?

I've always wanted a *real* pool. :(

How could you live in Florida without a pool.. almost everyone has one but me!