View Full Version : Preacher is home!

10-04-2003, 08:14 PM
I got to bring Preacher home today. He's still not quite right, but definately much improved. He ate this morning and has taken small amounts twice since. I have to give him half a can of Waltham's gastro-forumla canned food six times a day for the next couple days and then I can start adding his regular food.

Also, my vet is amazing! He came into the clinic at 10:30 last night to see if Preacher would eat. No luck. He went home and tells me today that he couldn't sleep cause he was worrying about Preacher so he came back around 1am and tried to feed him again. None of those extra trips are shown on my bill and my bill is actually much smaller than I was expecting. There is a tech who lives above the clinic, so there is someone there 24/7 to check on the animals. Dr. Kim didn't have to come back in himself. He could have just waiting til morning or just called the tech to go check on Preacher!

10-04-2003, 08:16 PM
Preacher I'm happy to hear that you are back home, but I keep sending good vibes your way so you get better soon.

10-04-2003, 09:27 PM
I am so glad he's doing better! I know how sick you can get when one of your best buddies is ill. Hope he continues to improve. And your vet must be really nice!

10-04-2003, 10:12 PM
Oh I'm glad your home Preacher boy!! I hope you're your old self very soon and terrorizing Mom!!

10-05-2003, 06:29 AM
You go boy! And hey, start eating again, to make us all happy Pet Talkers!

Welcome home - you are loved!


10-05-2003, 06:47 AM
Glad to hear Preacher is home and doing better :) i hope he keeps on improving and is back to his old self again soon.

10-05-2003, 06:59 AM
We all send get well wishes your way!!

10-05-2003, 09:59 AM
Glad to hear that he finally ate & is at home. Get better soon Preacher:D

What a wonderful vet you have!!!

10-05-2003, 10:06 AM
Yeah!!! Preacher!!!
Great News!!!

10-05-2003, 02:41 PM
So gald to hear you're home, Preacher man!!:) And what a terrific vet!! Preacher surely was in great hands!:) Well wishes coming your way, sweet boy!

10-06-2003, 10:06 AM
Happy to hear Preacher is home and what a great vet you have!