View Full Version : what do you think ?..........

10-03-2003, 10:55 PM
I am just curious to everyone's opinion's on whether you consider someone taking flowers from your property (,e.g a flowering tree that goes over the fence line,) so they actually donot enter your property stealing or not?

Another example, my neighbours have a really long drive, which all the way along the side are shrubs and flowers, I saw a girl the other day hop out of her car and take a bunch of flowers.

IMO she should have been more courteous and at least asked.

So what do you think?

10-03-2003, 11:09 PM
I think asking would have been the best to do. Obviously, if she hopped out and grabbed a bunch right away, she doesn't want to be caught..ie, she knows she's not doing the right thing.

10-03-2003, 11:09 PM
i think it depends on the flower. If it's a shrub that has tons of flowers the keep blooming and blooming, it's alright. (If they're accessible without walking on the property.) But something that takes a while to grow back and/or requires alot of care like roses, daffodils, tulips, etc...people should not take. Also, taking a flower is ok, I think picking a bunch is rude.

10-03-2003, 11:28 PM
I think asking would be the best to do, even if it is one single flower.

Gardening takes alot of hard work.

10-04-2003, 12:47 AM
You should always ask. Even if the flowers grew out side of the proptery line the owner most likely wants to keep that look.

I planted some plants on the other side of my fence to hide the fence some. I think it looks better that way and I know I don't want anyone coming along picking them. I worked to hard on it. If someone asked me for one...I say yes. To not ask though, NO.

Miss Meow
10-04-2003, 12:51 AM
I always knock on the door, say hello and ask. I've met some really nice people that way, and if they give me cuttings they usually have advice on how to propagate them :)

We have dozens of beautiful old rose bushes outside our office building, and one day they were all beheaded. We went hunting around for the culprit, and found out a woman wanted rose petals for her sister's wedding that weekend so took every last petal from the work garden :rolleyes: