View Full Version : Argh, just eat something, Preacher....

10-03-2003, 02:23 PM
Just a couple of mouthfuls of food--that's all he has to do and my vet will let me bring him home tonight. No eating, no home! But will Preacher eat--hell No!! Dang stubborn huskies!! My vet is offering him food every hour--the last time Preacher took a chunk of canned food in his mouth, chewed it twice and spit it back out! This dog has never missed a meal in the almost two years I've owned him. At one point, I had to put him on a diet as he was getting heavy. Now he hasn't eaten a bite since Monday night and he still can't swallow a couple little mouthfuls.

He is drinking more on his own, but still on an IV drip for fluids as well. They've pumped three litres of fluid in so far and Dr. Kim says he still doesn't think Preacher is fully hydrated. They are increasing the drip rate this afternoon.

Preacher has stopped pooping all over the place though--some kind of anti-diareha medication that I can't pronouce, won't even try to spell it! Dr. Kim is going to add an antibiotic today as well to try and clear out whatever is in his system. He's run tests for every parasite he can think of--no sign of worms, giardia ect.

At least he's drinking a bit on his own. Plus he has been taken for short walks twice today and went under his own power. Yesterday I had to carry him into the clinic. He couldn't even be bothered to lift his head. Walking was out of the question. So he's perking up slowly. Now EAT, you stubborn mutt! I want my special guy home tonight.

10-03-2003, 02:29 PM
C'mon Preacher! You should be home with your adoring "congregation" this weekend. Get well fast, fella!

Samantha Puppy
10-03-2003, 02:33 PM
Drinking is a good step in the right direction. I'm sure Preacher will know when he's ready to eat... I hope he feels all better soon!! :)

10-03-2003, 02:57 PM
His belly is probably not ready for food yet. His system needs time to heal. He will know when he's ready-I know you're worried and you miss him-but give him time. If you rush him to eat before his belly is ready-he might get diarrah again-and that's not good.
Is the vet recommending white rice and chicken till his system can handle regular dog food?

10-03-2003, 05:03 PM
How about trying boiled rice and ground beef?

10-03-2003, 05:07 PM
I'm praying for you Preacher! Pleeeeeze?? Just a couple of bits????

10-03-2003, 05:39 PM
Poor sweetie!:( I'll bet that in the next day or so his appetite will return.:) He was so weak and dehydrated and he needs to get his organs back in balance. As Samantha has said, his body will tell him when he's ready to accept solid food. Of course, we want you home Preacher!! So, get your rest, drink your fluids and get better soon!:) I'm glad though that the vet decided to keep him until his truly back on all fours, even though I'm sure he'd rather be home with his Mommy and I know how you miss him so. Lots of love and prayers coming your way, Preacher!!:) Hoping for an encouraging update in the next day or two!!