View Full Version : Please help me save a dog's life

10-03-2003, 01:43 PM
I just opened my local paper and found something that REALLY upset me, so I'm posting this everywhere I can think of. Please click here (http://www.livejournal.com/users/yvesilena/40213.html) to go to my livejournal and help me try and save Tiger here from being killed on Monday.


10-03-2003, 03:18 PM
I am so tired of hearing about dogs doing what is in their nature to do-protect and guard their territories, and being put down for it! In this particular case-I would have to ask - was there any warning that there was a dog inside and- was it obvious that the store was closed? And where was the owner when the dog attacked? was he not close enough that he could have called off the dog or did the dog just not respond to his owners commands?
Shouldn't the judge be asking these questions before he passes a sentence like that?
I hear stories like this all the time. A dog attacks a trespasser and the dog is put down - because the tresspasser was a child or the dog excessively bites the man who tresspassed. whatever the reason, the dog is doing what comes natural and should not be punished for it. Now if the owner is right there and the dog attacks even after the owner calls him off-that's different. Or if it's not on the dogs property and he attacks someone for no reason. But in cases like this - I have to ask why?

10-03-2003, 05:42 PM
This is hearatbreaking:( What a sad story; I feel so badly for the family. What a gorgeous dog. Yes, he was only doing what is his nature in such cases. Was this a first bite situation? In many cases in the U.S., dogs are given a "second chance" when there isn't a serious mauling and it's a first bite. I haven't read the full article yet. I'd love to help, if there's a way:(

10-03-2003, 06:43 PM
I am so sick of scum and trash misusing the system and getting away with it! It makes me sick. That jv got exactly what they deserved. I hope they are messed up for life. Maybe they'll think twice before doing it again. We need to go back to vigilante justice. There wouldn't be so many criminals out there if we did because they would know there would be punishemnt for their actions. Don't even get me started on this or Welfare.