View Full Version : skin irritations

06-28-2000, 09:22 PM
We have a 12 year old cocker spaniel (with a little poodle mixed in). In the last couple of years she has developed chronic skin irritations (small bumps that she scratches and scratches and in some places she goes bald and then opens the bare skin up). The vet says that these irritations are common in cocker spaniels - we've tried feeding her carrots to help her skin. Has anyone had success with any other natural remedies?

06-30-2000, 03:23 PM
Have you tried applying Vitamin E, or a salt solution or even Lanevder oil or Tree Tea oil. Goto www.ambient.on.ca (http://www.ambient.on.ca) for info about compresses with oils to help heal irritations and infections, mainly on humans but it might help your dawgie. I've used the lavender oils on my Bloodhounds when they've scraped themselves up hard while on Search and Rescue missions in the desne woods. worked great! Just remember to dilute it!!!!
Let me know how it works out http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

Please Help Me To Be Half The Human My Kritters Think I Am!

06-30-2000, 11:14 PM
hi has your vet ever mentioned anything to the fact that your dog may be dealing with something called "hot spots"? if so let me know and i'll share what i know on the subject

07-09-2000, 02:28 PM
Our airedale lab mix has skin problems too. We discovered that he is allergic to corn that is used in many dog foods and treats. We changed his food to Limited Diet Duck and Potato. It has really helped. You might want to try changing your dog's diet and see if it's skin problems improve. Also watch the treats you give your dog while you are changing foods to make sure the ingredients in the treats aren't irritating it's skin. Good luck.

07-09-2000, 05:41 PM
After 7 years of chronic skin infections with my German Shepherd, and every prescription food including Duck and Potato, I found that the real cause of the allergies were the trees in my yard! She's on allergy shots now, and it's actually much less expensive than the foods and antibiotics.

07-10-2000, 08:08 PM
Hi! Our vet suggested the Duck & Potato(is it by IVD Co.?)I picked up a bag - but the vet also said that our Lab would have to be strictly on the D & P ONLY - no treats,etc.The only "treats" would be pieces of the D & P. My question is: was that the only food your dog was on - did you deviate from it at all - or was he allowed to have snacks too? Sorry - that was 3 questions. Thanks.
Originally posted by LEGG:
Our airedale lab mix has skin problems too. We discovered that he is allergic to corn that is used in many dog foods and treats. We changed his food to Limited Diet Duck and Potato. It has really helped. You might want to try changing your dog's diet and see if it's skin problems improve. Also watch the treats you give your dog while you are changing foods to make sure the ingredients in the treats aren't irritating it's skin. Good luck.

07-13-2000, 08:58 AM
years ago I use to use a carpet freshner on my rugs, my dog was allergic to it, and had a skin rash, as soon as i stoped using it his rash went away. There is also a good shampo with oatmeal in it I use it for my dogs as my one had a little skin rash, that is also gone good luck