View Full Version : We had a break-in!!!

10-03-2003, 05:09 AM
Hey! We just had a break-in! Well, I guess it wasn't really a break-in. It was a stumble in. A guy was extremely drunk and came home to the wrong house. He just walked right in the back door.

Jake sleeps against the back door and the guy must have tripped right over him. Jake was barking wildly, and woke up Max (who was sleeping by our bed), and they both stood there and barked at the guy until we made them stop and I'm positive they both would have attacked the him if he'd done anything.

My husband called the cops and the guy heard him calling and started freaking out. He couldn't get the front door open and I was afraid he was going to get violent, so I opened the door and let him out. He took off running and the cops are out looking for him right now.

So anyways - the dogs had the chance to prove themselves! Good doggies! And we're getting locks on our doors today. We don't have them because we've never felt the need to lock our doors.

10-03-2003, 08:00 AM
*grumbles* Drunken fool, but good dogs you both did a great job at holding the intruder and alerting your family :)

10-03-2003, 08:29 AM
I think that would have been pretty scary!

No locks on your doors? No kidding...I can't even imagine!

Samantha Puppy
10-03-2003, 08:46 AM
First of all, GOOD DOGGIES!!! Secondly, I know exactly how you must've felt.

About two years ago, pre-Samantha, I was home alone for the weekend. I hate being in my house alone overnight, so I'd asked my boyfriend to come over and stay with me. He declined because he already had plans. So I locked up tight and went upstairs and fell asleep.

I guess it was around 12:30am, I heard the front door handle jiggle from a sound sleep. I sat straight up in bed and immediately started shaking. I jumped out of bed and looked out the window - there was no car. So now I'm thinking that it was a burglary and the get-away car was down the street. I turn around and start heading down the hallways towards the stairs when I hear the front door handle jiggle again and OPEN. I swear, my heart was about to beat out of my chest.

I admit, I was stupid because I crept down the stairs. It was pitch black, so I couldn't see anything or anyone. I thought whoever it was in my house could surely hear my heart pounding. At the bottom of the stairs, we have a big "can" type thing that holds our umbrellas and my dad's cane from when he needed it. I grabbed the cane and started towards the living room. I honestly have no idea what I was thinking.

As I entered the living room, someone from behind me grabbed my sides like they were tickling me. I screamed and whipped around and kicked the person in the shin. Mr. Intruder fell down and I flicked on the lights. It was my stupid, drunk boyfriend. He knew where our key was hidden in the garage and got in using that. I think I lost about 10 years of my life that night, I've never been so scared!!! Stupid punk.

I'm glad you and your husband are okay though, stacwase... And good on ya for getting locks. Give Max and Jake a big hug from me for keeping their people safe. :)

Linda York
10-03-2003, 10:02 AM
:) Jake has a reason. It may have taken 7 years to see (clearly) why Jake came to your family. Things don't always happen over night. But he was there for you. It's a sign......... :)
Very happy for you and your family. :D

Dakota's Mommy
10-03-2003, 10:44 AM
Wow, yeah, that would scare me! Congrats to the dogs for doing their jobs! I agree that locks would be a good decision at this point!

10-03-2003, 11:28 AM
I think it was a sign that Jake should stay.

As for the locks - after I wrote I realized there actually are locks, we have just never used them. In the entire time we've owned the house! So - we'll see if they work and see if we can find the keys.

We're not the only ones who don't lock the doors, I guess - the cops called to say they found the intruder inside somebody elses house! I'll bet they start locking theirs after tonight, as well!

10-03-2003, 01:06 PM
I'm guessing with Jake and Max - you really don'tneed to lock your doors!
Good going boys!
There's no better feeling than knowing you have a built in alarm system. I pity anyone who tries to break into my house!

10-03-2003, 01:12 PM
Dawn - all you'd have to do is post a photo of your dogs on a a sign outside your door! Those are some big pups!

10-03-2003, 01:18 PM
I'm glad that you guys are ok! That must have been scary!

A few months ago, my friend's husband came home from work to find the neighbor sleeping on the bedroom floor. My bestfriend was naked sleeping in bed. Albert started yelling and screaming at the neighbor, Elly woke up totally confused. Supposedly, the neighbor was drunk and thought it was his house. I kind of think he just knew Elly's husband worked nights and drunkingly tried to sneak in on Elly then passed out.