View Full Version : ACK!! Disney was sprayed by a skunk!!

10-02-2003, 09:33 PM
Oh my gosh what a stink. Poor little thing, I watched that wicked ole skunk spray her and couldn't do anything to help. It nailed her right in the face and all over her right side. She was foaming at the mouth. My husband raced to the drugstore to buy peroxide and we used that with baking soda and dish soap. I bathed her in it about four or five times washing her in between with her shampoo. It took over an hour but I think she is rid of the stink now, or else we are used to the smell.

I then had to bathe because it rubbed off on me. Poor little Dizzo is passed out in her bed right now exhausted and seems okay.

Any suggestions on anything else that may help in case the smell isn't really gone. Plus I will need to clean my backyard flower bed and deck tomorrow.

10-02-2003, 09:36 PM
I've read that tomatoe juice will help but nothing really gets rid of all of the smell except for time.

10-02-2003, 10:43 PM
Believe it or not, but I've heard Masengil works really well in getting rid of skunk smell. Go figure huh? LOL

10-03-2003, 08:35 AM
Oh that poor little thing:(

I've hear the same thing Shelteez2.

Samantha Puppy
10-03-2003, 08:51 AM
Poor Disney!! Massengill works because of the vinegar. You can also just get regular distilled vinegar and that will help too. Anything extremely acidic really, including pure tomato juice. Good luck and when she stops stinkin', give her a hug from me. ;)

10-03-2003, 09:03 AM
Oh, I can sympathize with you. My husky had killed a skunk once before, but after playing with him for a while, throwing him up in the air, catching him, throwing him up again, catching him again, skunk spraying the whole time. :eek: My house stunk for a week. I had gone to work the next day and had to leave early because my co-workers could't stand the smell. :D We had tried the tomato juice and all that did was turn the white of my dog orange. We called the vets and were told to use the same mixture that you had used, but we were also told to use mayonnaise in between the washings. We bathed him in the mixutre three times and used two bottles of mayonnaise. We also had him lick mayonnaise since the skunk sprayed down his throat too. It worked like a charm.

10-03-2003, 10:45 AM
Thanks everyone.

Disney is still a little Pepe Le Pewish today so I think I will try the Massengill. Now to decided if I'm going to have a little fun and make my husband buy them at the store.:D

I like the mayo suggestion for her breath too. She did get sprayed in the mouth. Talk about some nasty doggie breath today!