View Full Version : *sigh*

10-02-2003, 03:29 PM
I am just so drained lately. Emotionally and physically...

I get home from school and I am just totally wiped out. POUNDING headaches, sometimes a neck AND back ache, I am tired, don't feel good, everything at once.

It just feels like everyones against me, no one likes me, everyones out to get me... my friends are ditching me, soo much happening. Especially with my friends, seems like everyone was ignoring me for like the past week, telling me what to do, and blowing me off.


That's my little rant/whine for the day. I guess it just comes with being a teen. But I hope it ends soon, cuz I cannot take these horrible headaches and aches and pains all over.


10-02-2003, 09:52 PM
Yes, I can relate. It'll blow over.
I know the feeling. Thid past week I was so worked up in everything and so uptight that I bombed a test, did horrible in my game, wasn't focused, was bitchy to everybody and I felt sick with terrible aches. So you're not alone, we all go through this depression! :)
Your best medicine can be to hold Abby tight in your arms, relax and eat something healthy and refreshing.
Good luck! :)

10-02-2003, 10:53 PM
I work 3 days a week and go to college 2 days a week. I've had at least 1 test (2 today actually) every week for the past 3 weeks or so. It's killing me off. Combine that with having to carry the world's heaviest backpack around a large school, and working with dogs--bending down, lifting them up, etc. plus being on a medication that's making me throw up....I don't feel to swell myself.

10-03-2003, 03:32 PM
Today wasn't as bad, and that's good, considering we had a 2 hour pep assembly and everyone was screaming. I did have to wait for Anne for 20mins all alone while she INSISTED she go to her locker... :rolleyes: