View Full Version : Counting My Cat Blessings

10-02-2003, 02:24 PM
Blessing # 1....Waking up each morning to Abner snuggled up against my back. As soon as I start to move he jumps up and begins to talk to me and follows me everywhere I go in the house. He is my morning sunshine.

Blessing # 2....Tucker. Tucker is close to 18 years old, so everyday I have with her is a blessing to me. She has led a very hard life.....I'm blessed that she chose my house to live in.

Blessing # 3....There is nothing like foot warmers on a cool winter night. My footwarmers come in the size of 11 and 17 lbs, one warmer is gray the other black....I never said I could match well.

Blessing # 4....Well, that would have to be the bouncing Tigger. Always full of energy, always on the go, and always into TROUBLE. I'm blessed that I am the receipant of her TROUBLE.....I always get "Run Over" by the Tigger-Lou as she hops into bed for the night.

Blessing # 5....Being chosen by every kitty that you see in my posts. All have had difficult lives....I am truely blessed that I am able to take care of each and everyone of them.

What are your kitty blessings?

10-02-2003, 03:13 PM
You are truly blessed!

10-02-2003, 03:18 PM
Monte is a blessing as he showed me unconditional love. He adores the ground I walk on. (doesn't evyone need a little of that?)

Little Kim is a blessing because every time I say her name I think of my dear friend Kim whom she is named after.

Fern is a blessing as she was a test of my patience. She took 6 years to decide that she could sit on my lap, and today she literally yells at me to pet her each day right after her dinner.

Sterling is a blessing as he showed me tolerance. Even a kitty with bad habits needs to be loved for who they are.

Lucas is a blessing as he showed me acceptance. He welcomed in each and every new member of the household and showed them love.

well, needless to say, I have a LOT of blessings.

10-02-2003, 06:01 PM
Aww what lovely pictures of your beautiful cats and what a nice tribute to them all.

Katie is a blessing as she has always been my loveable girl. Wherever I am, you'll find my Katie Pretty Lady.

Mooky i'm blessed that he drools all over daddy and not on me.

My baby Chipper is a blessing as he is such a joy when he comes running to greet me when I get home.

10-03-2003, 11:20 PM
Ash is indeed my first blessing ,(my blessing in disguise) because If I had not adopted him, my life may have gone on without cats, having him, I have managed to de-sensitise my allergy to cats, so thank you Ash my big old grumpy fur-ball., because of you I have been blessed with my RB Sooti, and now Lexie the fur-love of my life.

I might also add if I did not have my two blessings I would not be here right now, and have met you all on PT , so I am truely blessed.:)

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-04-2003, 06:47 AM
What a great thread, and what a lovely tribute to your cats, catlover4ever. You are right, you are blessed to have them in your life, and they are also blessed that they ended up in your home!

Ally is my little blessing every day....

She wakes me up shouting "HEWWOO" in the morning.

we sit in the sunny kitchen together and share companionship before the rest of the house is awake

when I return from work, only ONE member of my family rushes to meet me at the door (guess who...)

when I cook dinner she keeps me company and even "helps" sometimes

when I have my bath she sits on the ends and kills all the "bubble monsters"

when I work in the study or watch TV she is guaranteed to be in my lap, having a snuggle.

What a blessing to be on the receiving end of such unconditional love!

10-04-2003, 09:32 AM
Michael also loves me and worships the way that I am giving him little surprises! JJJ3 is the clown prince , and Sam kneads my bad arm like a massure! Moose is comical , the Siamese are acrobats , and Nugget can be funny! Princess waits until the Others are away , then she is very affectionate!I do count my blessings as I know how temporary thier little lives are , sometimes!

10-05-2003, 01:20 PM
All though Leroy lived with me nearly 20 years, he never liked me. I guess I can't really say that. He just wasn't a lap cat. Once in 20 yrs he was on my lap. He was a blessing to me, for he helped me through my 20's and early 30's. He always listened to me tell him my troubles. He was my roommate, I never lived alone.
Kelcee is a blessing because she is a lap cat :) She loves the Mommy. She follows me in every room.

10-05-2003, 02:30 PM
I have a Leroy too, but he is silly, funny, and forever young! Just when I'm ready to pop my little blessing he manages to find his way to my lap with headbutts and the loudest purr! He makes me laugh and I thank God for him and all my furbabies. Leroy has a very special place in my heart and I know I am blessed that he chose me to be his human.

Animals are God's creation and should be treated as such.

10-05-2003, 03:07 PM
Dose your Leroy have a middle name?:) Mine was Leroy Lamont. And now Kelcee's middle name is Yorel, which is Leroy backwards:p

feeling frisky
10-05-2003, 03:43 PM
Well my 1st blessing is Corbyn.If it wasn't for him 3 1/2 yrs ago I would not be here today. Corbyn led my boyfriend, at the time to a closet where I was. I Tried to do a stupid thing. STUPID STUPID!! So Corbyn no matter how bad he is (and he has those days) I can never get mad at him. My 2nd blessing is Chloe. She is so quite.Never was a lap cat till about a yr ago.Now I can't get her off.She has this personnality thats hard to explain.When she looks at you her eyes seem to say it all love, security, patience, content and most of thank you. 3rd blessing is Billy. He is our second wind. Makes me think twice about having children. We only ahd him about 3 wks and he is 5 months.wild animal let me tell you and I thought my husband was bad!! But overall I am grateful that my kitties and I found each other.

10-05-2003, 04:04 PM
Bastet is a blessing because she is the reason I get out of bed in the morning and go to work. I want her to have the best of everything.

10-05-2003, 11:42 PM
Blessing #1

Having Tibby to always make me laugh and she is such a good cuddler, she always sleeps next to me at night.


Blessing #2 And Corkscrew makes life in my apartment very exciting he is always up to something!


10-06-2003, 06:20 PM
my blessing is...

Waking up eye to eye with a kitty-puss because you forgot to
set the alarm....

10-07-2003, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by RICHARD
my blessing is...

Waking up eye to eye with a kitty-puss because you forgot to
set the alarm....

Its amazing how they can tell you've slept in, I've been woken many a time by Bonnie and Jock staring at me !!!

10-07-2003, 11:54 AM
Oh, how I love to be blessed by my two cats Maya and Inka!!
They are perfect feet-warmers, excellent butlers (they always provide a welcome comitee when I come home ;) , the best company in the world, etc...! I couldn't live without them!!