View Full Version : A Day In Your Dog's Life...

10-01-2003, 11:01 PM
As your dog, describe a typical day! Be sure to be your dog's personality too...;)
When I wake up early in the morning, I streeetch my legs, and get my tongue warmed up for a long day of kisses by smothering my grandma's (mama's mom) face with slobby wet smackers. After she's finally awake and up, I'm ready to play! So I wait impatiently as grandma pours herself a cup of coffee, grabs the paper from outside, and sits down to read. Well...not on my puppy dog watch. It's time to play, grams! Come on! Throw the ball! So after bugging her, I finally get my toy thrown so I can chase and attack it with my face! Aaaargh, toy you're DONE now! I'm gonna riup yout to shreads! Arr grrr aaaarrgh!! Okay, hey! There's a peice of paper! Wait no--a treat too! :D Alright grandma can we wake mom up now? PLEEEASE? **puppy dog eyes and a little begging motion with front paws**
Finally, grams gets up and walks up the stairs. Of course, I run and beat her. Mwahahahahahaha! I turn the corner to mom's room and put my front paws up on the bed, barking for mama to wake up. As soon as grandma walks in, she puts me on the bed so I can get my mom to wake up and turn off that garbage she calls..umm..'music'?
So mom's up..time to wake up the other kids!
Mom walks downstairs with me happily, and feeds me before giving me a good, well-needed brushing. Then I go outside for potty, and excersise!
After breaskfast, mama kisses me goodbye, and she leaves for..'school'? Why is there school anyways! And hey--why can't I go too?
Well anyways, hours pass and finally mom gets home. She's all sweaty form volleyball practice, or a game, but I love it! She greets me, feeds me dinner, and then plays with me for a bit while watching TV and relaxing.
I usually get scraps, or peices of food but most of the time I'm just gonna bark to get their attention...:D I think they like that because they always yell "NO!" and tap my nose like they wanna
play when I do.
Then after more play, it's sleepy time. I chase mom upstairs, grams tucks her and me in, and we snuggle while listening to that darn music as we both drift off to sleep. In the middle of the night, I wake up and go to grandma's bed though, because mama talks and kicks in her sleep..plus that music is annoying my ears. :rolleyes:
Then it's time to start all overr again!

Yes--be as detailed as possible! Lol! :D

10-01-2003, 11:14 PM
:D great idea!
It was mommy's alarm clock again...yeesh, she always lets it beep for so long! I let mommy know when she's sleeping in...I just jump on her bed and give her morning kissies. Sometimes mommy mumbles things at me...but I just keep telling her I love her and giving more kisses. After she gets up, she runs around while I watch. Then when she's done running around, she says "Crate!". I'm a good boy so I do as I'm told right away..Then she hands me a bunch of brown triangle shape food. I don't really like it but if I don't want to starve to death, I have to eat it. For the next ten days, mommy has to make sure I eat all my food so she can give me a piece of hotdog. I think she's hiding something in them...but who cares, I like hotdogs! Then mommy leaves me but I know she'll be back soon. She always says "bye kai! I love you!" so I know she's leaving. Then I just relax and wait for my mommy to come back.

When she comes back, I pretend that I haven't seen her in years! I like to jump up and shake my bum around. We play for a bit then we go in the house and relax. Then she usually goes on the 'puter. I just wait beside her until she's done. Around 7, I get my "din din". She says "crate" again and I wait for it inside my crate. Then after dindin, I get my hotdog piece again! Yum!

After din-din, we do a few things together. It's different everyday. She likes to point that stupid flashing box machine at me all the time. She says that the "pet talkers" like it when people use those stupid box machines. Humans :rolleyes: ..

10-02-2003, 05:40 AM
Since im my mommys alarm clock i think its time to roll around on the bed. mommy doesnt wake up easily so i have to figit. Now we get to go downstairs and see all my friends....oh hey cat food!!!! wait nope we're going outside. SNIFF SNIFF SNIFF ...i think i here mommy calling me- i better run as fast as i can i bet shes got treats!!...SHE DOES its a carrot i love carrots.
ok im done i better go check and see if any of my friends still have their carrots....no one wants to share i think i'll go bug mommy- it worked we're goin OUTSIDE.
My favorite thing to do outside is go in the garden to dig and eat dirt...mommy wants to play! she yells Lou Dog get out of the garden then she chases me all over the yard- i love mommy.
I have to go in now- mom says its time to go to work..i wanna go!!!!!!!!!....................................... .................................................. ............i think i hear mommys jeep this is the best time of day mommys home we get to go play. sometimes we play in the yard and sometimes i go in the jeep and we go to this place to walk and theres lots of other dogs and people..i want to play with them all and give everyone kisses but mom makes me keep walkin. when we het home its time for DINNER!! then we go back outside to play for another round of "get out of the garden".
im sleepy now i wanna go in...mommy watches tv and i sit next to her in my spot on the couch. after a while mommy takes me out again now its time to go upstairs for bed. i like upstairs its where the kittys are! i climb in bed with mommy and cuddle up to my kitty friend...i try to sleep but he keeps playing with my tail...i cant blame him though- i try to get that thing all the time!

10-02-2003, 09:53 AM
Hi ebberbudy!
Darlin here..You guyz have tu wate on your mummies and daddies while they go tu wurk or school too? That stinkz..y cant WE goe?

Samantha Puppy
10-02-2003, 10:51 AM

I wake up in the morning before my mommy does. I watch my grandmommy get up and start getting ready, but I don't get up until she tells me it is time for Mommy to wake up. Then I go in Mommy's room, put my front paws up on her bed, and say "BOOF!!" Mommy wakes up and we cuddle for a little while and then she tells me I have to go pee-pee. Sometimes I don't want to go outside, but Mommy makes it sound so fun, I always do. After I finish pee-peein', Mommy lets me back inside and we run upstairs to tell Grandmommy what I did. The door is usually shut so I hit it open with my nose. She and Mommy make such a big deal out of goin' pee-pee. I think they're a little nutso. Then Mommy has to start getting ready for work. I like to lay on her bed while she gets ready 'cause if she can't lay with me, this is the next best thing. I give her the saddest eyes I possibly could when she comes in to say goodbye to me. But she never stays, she always has to go. I follow her halfway down the stairs and she pets me one last time.

I spend the day with Granddaddy. I like to play and he calls me silly things like "Goof" and "his girlfriend." Granddaddy is fun. But I can't wait for Mommy to come home. I listen for her car and as soon as I hear it, I look out the window to make sure.

I meet Mommy at the door and she always gets down and hugs and kisses me. Then she goes to the couch and pats it so I can get up there and tell her about my day. Me and Mom are buds. I love it when she comes home and plays with me and kisses me. She sometimes says, "I wish she could realize just how much I love her." I hope that Mommy can realize that I do.

10-02-2003, 11:05 AM
A day in the life is Princess *yeah right* Clover

i get awoken to this loud stuff called "music" but mum always rolls over and gives the black noisy box thing a whack to shut it up :D then i get to sleep a lil while longer or if i want to gets up i roll around on my bed and groan n moan untill mum wakes up to let me out. i quickly run to the kitchen to see if the cat has left me somthing to eat and gobble down the leftovers before mum tells/yells at me to "leave it"

then it is time to go outside and check on the workmen that are building houses behind my backyard and listen to Theodore bark at them, i think he is saying "good morning, come near my mum and sister and ill nip your ankles" he is sooooo silly. then if water is falling from the sky i go back inside and jump into bed again because mum keeps saying "your not staying out in the rain, it is too cold" i dont care though :)

some days mum goes out to this place called the Animal Shelter and comes home stinking of other dogs and cats, i dont like it when she goes to that place the smell scares me. but mum jumps in that funny lil glass room with water and comes out smelling Hooman again. then it is play time and mum, gramndma and the lil dogs go to the park to run around and chase balls even play with other 4 leggers.

then it is time to go home for a rest before dinner as mum says "you have to rest for an hour before eating you dont want to get bloat" and i say "but im hungry now mummy" but it never works.

then i get to eat and play a bit longer then go to bed and then start again

10-02-2003, 04:38 PM
Hey! I hear someone gettin up! It's Grama!!! I jump up all over her and giving her kissies! Gram! I need to go pottEE now!! So I get to go outside! When Im outside I always say Hi to the odder big dog. He usually pees on me through da fencey. Yuck! I get away in time. I come back in and jump up on grams.I eat brekfast and after dat i run and grab my squeaky toy *squeak Squeak SQUEAKKK!!!* grams throws the toy! yay!! after im done killing my stuffie to death. I go over to da kitty and jump on her! *thump* she alwayz meowz and triees to jump on me and attack. But Im a big Doggy!
Anyway.. It's time to get mommy up!! I jump on her bed and licky her face. She usually rolls over to da udder side. but Im a quick gal and I wakEE her up! She is Finally up and gives me kissys and huggys! THen she gots to go to school. So she is gettin ready, I usually stay out of her way, cuz I know she needs to get ready in time, So I crawl on the couch and take a nappy. Beforee she weaves she gives me a pat on da head, After when she gets home Finally I run up to her and jump on her cuz I'm Soo happy to see my mummy!! She gives me kissee's and pets me and belly rubys!! I lay down on her lap when she does her homework while she is scrathing behind my ear *oohh thats the spot!* Then we watch t.v. and relax, Then it's din din time. I eat and when they doo I have ta lay down becauze Im not aloud too beg. But Mom always sneaks a wittly itty bitty peice for me! Shh dont tell!!
and a little later on we goes to bed and I snuggle with my MommEE!! sleept time!!
and dats my story!! Ahh what a doggys life!

10-02-2003, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by Samantha Puppy
Then I go in Mommy's room, put my front paws up on her bed, and say "BOOF!!"

Hehe... Abby's is coming in a sec... gotta clean up the kitchen. :rolleyes:

10-02-2003, 05:06 PM
Abby heerz ta tell yaz about MI dae.

I sleepz onna BIG bed wiff my momma's momma till Daddy gets uppies ta go to a plase he cals "werk''. He hasta go SO erlee inna mornin(atta bout 5 er clok!), an da worse part iz he gotta wakes me uppies ta go pottee! An now iz so cold inna mornin, makes me "shivverrrrr" when I get back inna houz!

So, den I get's back inna houz and hoppa back inna bed wiff grama (gossa be shur not ta wake herr up... she getz angree!) So I sneekz back onna bed, and Daddy keepz gettin redeez... Den he lookz at me sleepin an goes, "Yoo'z a luckee dawg... gettin to sleeperz in an eben sleepin onna BED!" I thinkz mah Daddy iz "jelus" dat I dont hafta gets up erlee to go to "werkz".

So den me an grama sleepz till bout "korter ta seben." Den she yellz reellee loudz to wake up my momma an her bruther. Bruther ushally getz up first, cuz I knowz "fer fack" dat my momma don't like gettin up inna mornin.

So I'z sit an wate pashently for momma to clomp downa starez. I wagz my tale wen I seez her, an she openz da gate onna starez and gibs me a good scritchie onna my errz. Den she getz redy an momma comez back ober by me.

"You'z be a good dawgerz, okaee Abby? I'll missa you." Den she scritchies me all ober and kizzez mah nosie. Den I gets to wate all day for momma to get back homiez! But wen she doez, I getz verry "exsited".

Dat's my day, Pet-Tawlk pupperz! Hopez I'm not DAT borin!


10-02-2003, 06:21 PM
A Day in the Life of Daisy
*Stretchhhhh* Another day starts. Grandma see's I'm up and sayz "Go get Julianne", I know what that means. I run to my mommaz room and cover her in kisses until she wakes up and says "Hey Daisy girl". Mumz then goes into da kitchen and gives me a *treat*. :D Den, she puts mez outside to do my *buissness*. I bark when I wantz to come back inz and Mumma openz da door and kisses me goodbye and says "Be good baby, I'll be back soon." Yeah, she SAYZ soon but makes me wait A LONG timez. :rolleyes: She finnalyz comes home and runs over to da den and showers me with hugz and kissez. Thenz she runs over to my big sis Molly and Molly starts barkin' with joy. She letz me into da livin' room and I go underz the 'puter desk and Molly goes onna couch. I don't see wats so specialz 'bout the 'puter. She always ges on dis place called "Pet Talk" an shows picturez of mez and Molly. Da pet talker's seem to like 'em...Hoomans..:rolleyes: Da day finnalyz ends with momma feedin' me an Mollyz and kissin' us goodnight.


10-02-2003, 09:15 PM
Awww...so cute! :D
Abby, you could never be boring, sweetie. ;):p

10-02-2003, 09:19 PM
I will have to write mine on the weekend. I'm pooped! And, I just had time to read Foam's so I'll have to read all the others when my eyes aren't falling asleep on me :)

10-02-2003, 09:41 PM
Sheba here:

I'm snoozing, and I do not like to get out of bed till breakfast
time. After I eat, than my mommy kicks me out of the house while she
goes to work. After I do my business, I go lay lay down to snooze by the side gate so I can watch the world go by.

Rocky here:

6:00 a.m. time for pets. I got to go wake up mommy.
I jump on the bed and put my paws on her, and
breath on her face with my dragon breath.
After pets, I jump back down and go back to sleep
for another 20 minutes. 6:30 a.m. time for
more pets and I think I better go outside.
Jump on mommy again, and time to go outside.
Awwww! outside and laying down, I have to go on squirrel patrol. Mommy puts food out for me, but NOPE to busy on squirrel patrol to eat. Got to watch the tree in case the squirrel comes down.

WAIT!! mommy is now taking my food bowl away!!!

I grab a few bites while watching the tree.
Do I want to eat my breakfast today or should I skip it?
I think today I will skip it, might miss that squirrel. :eek:

Pepper here: Got to get up with Rocky. Have to help him with
squirrel patrol after breakfast. Besides maybe he won't notice me stealing some of his food from his bowl. OH SHUCKS!! mommy takes Rocky'f food bowl away. BUT I WANT IT!!!
Nanny Nanny! Mommy lets me back inside the house.
She has to go to work. I think I will jump back on the bed
and dream about food and squirrels.

10-02-2003, 09:41 PM
happy- I have to be up bright and early every morning to make sure smudge and kari are safly in there pens, then afetr I get my mommy up in time for school, she takes me upstairs and I run outside and PLAY! and potty then my mommy lets me inside and I run upstaires for more sleep with my grandmama, but perky is a meany and I end up curled under grandmamas bed, to sleep, then when I wake up my mommas home again! and I run downstairs for LOTS of hugs and kisses if I can just get past that darn misty! ohhh lots of hugs and kisses, and *groan* *groan* *groan* lick lick lick... oh! I forgot! I gotsta go check on the pigs so they dont escape, not with ME on duty! "HAPPY!!!! BREAKFAST!" awww do I hafta?? b..b..b..but I am on duty, mom! dont make me go eat! PLEASE let me skip?? please??? *dragged upstairs* but mmmooooommmmmm, *ears perk up* BREAKFAST! yumyumyum, *gobble gobble gobble* Im done! see? ALL clean! yay! I get to run outside.. uh oh, gotta poop, ahhhhhh, thats better, *light bulb gos off* THE PIGGIES! I forgot, I am on duty, let me in, let me in, let me in! , *runs inside and flys downstairs to pig room* ok, no one can get past me, ok role call! is everyone here? lets see, you and you and you and you, yup everyones here, good. *hours later*"HAPPY!" oh man, I gotta go upstairs again *pout* ~slam!~ the piggi room door is closed! nooooooo!!!!! sigh, guess I will take a nap, till mommy gets home from school to play with me, ......basicly more pig staring, some agility training, an ally run, and more pig gaurding :rolleyes:

10-03-2003, 11:52 AM
Hello Tyr here:
I wait patantly till Momma's noise starts then i jumpona bed an start rollin round nest to Momma so she can rubs my belly- I loves that!
Then the noise starts again but this time Momma doesn't hit it to makes it stop. She looks adme and says" time to get up baby?"
My Kitty is makin her happy noises and walkin cross the tops of us. So Momma gets up and of course I follows her and runs right pass her to the big room.
"Should we let Sissy out" I goes to the crate and looks in - yup she's awake! Momma lets her out and we runs for the door.
Momma opens it and out we go.
After I quickly inspects the yard for any intruders, and chase the neighbors kittys outta the yard I head for the other enda the yard to do my poopies. Now i feels better.
Sissy and me runs around chasin each other and we gets real rough with the wrestlin. Of course I always win!
Kitty comes out an watches us play. Sissy barks at her and sometimes gets too rough wit her-I have to remine her she's MY Kitty an she dun like it wen she nip at her.
Momma come out an play wit ius for a while an then she tells us"time to come in guys-lets go!"
Of course I gotta give her a hard time. I make her chase me for a while. and then I go in for she gets too mad!
Once inside Momma put Sissy back in her den an she try to give me kiss but I get down in my play stance and evry time she try I dodge her...that's fun. But Momma alway leave anyway.
I gives Momma sad eyes at da window, but she still don't come back in.
Sooos me in my Kitty gets comfie ands we waits for Momma to comes home.
Finally!!... I hears Momma at the gate. i go to the window gain an make my wolfie howls... Momma loves that. She opens the door and I jumps up and gives her a big huggie! She hold me for a minute but Sissy is callin and winin as usual! So Momma lets her out and we runs all over agin!
Soon Momma is ups to somin in the food room so i gos in to see what she doin. She eatin somin, so i gots to inspec it. Momma yells "off" an I no what that means, so I go outside gain.
Momma come outs an plays for a bit, I alwas like her to chase me, so I steals somin I no I not sposed to have and runs!...
Momma calls me little bit later "Tyr, Gin-Dinner!" so I gos in - but I gotta check it out first. Sissy of course gobbles her food right down, But I leave it there... Momma will get upset and put somin else in there to try make me eat it. It usually works...
Now we all rest and Momma puts on the big pitur box. Momma sometimes brush me while she watches it. If not I remins her I here by goin to her chair an puttin my paws on her lap and standin in front the box. That usually works!
Soon Momma says "night-night time" and I race to the big bed. I waits while Momma say night-night to Sissy and put her in her den. Then Momma puts Kitty in da room ands we all go sleep. I naturally lay nest to the big bed to guard it.
Before i nos it the noise box is at it gain!

10-03-2003, 12:15 PM
A day in the life of Jake:

It's 7:00 am and I'm laying by the back door, so that I can enjoy the little bit of cold wind that comes under it, cooling my layers of warm fur. I'm so comfortable, I just want to lay here forever - but I have to pee soooooo bad! So - I slowly get up and walk through the house and up the stairs to Mom's room and up to her bed and say "Hrumph". I see her stir and roll over, but she's not up yet so I say "Hrumph" again. My bladder's about to burst, and I'm losing my patience so I start barking and prancing about until she gets up to take me out, or asks somebody else to do it.

Of course - since I'm going out Max just HAS to go out, doesn't he? The big dumb jerk. He bumps into me at least 7 times on the way out to the run, and gets in the way when I'm trying to go through the door. I walk to the end of the run furthest away from him and lift my leg. Ahhhhhhhh! Relief! It's so nice and cold out here, I don't want to go inside. I crawl into my private favorite place under the house to enjoy the weather for a little while.

I like to watch the people walking by, from my spot under the house. They don't know I'm here. I stay quiet, unless they have a dog - then I bark a few times just to say "hello".

It's getting chilly. I'm ready to go in, so I let Mom know by barking continuously until she comes out to get me. Of course since I'm coming in Max just HAS to go in too, doesn't he. Big dumb jerk. He bumps into me at least 7 times on the way in, and manages to step on my feet two or three times. Clumsy mutt.

Inside, I get my first bowl of food for the day and - woo hoo! - Max gets locked up in his crate so we can eat separately. I take my own sweet time slowly savoring my food so that Max will be out of the way for the longest possible time. When I'm finished I lay back down by the back door, so Mom won't realize I'm done and maybe she won't let Max back out again so soon.

I wake up from a light snooze - do I hear somebody in the kitchen? Maybe they'll drop something! I hang around and watch. No such luck. Maybe they'll put a can or something in the garbage without rinsing it first. Nope - they're getting pretty stingy with the food. I've lost 4 lbs lately!

I think I'll go lay down in front of the couch now. I wake up from a light snooze again to hear somebody in the kitchen. This time I get lucky when a morsel of ham falls on the floor for me.

Now I'll lay down in front of the front door. I think I hear the kids home from school, but I don't feel like getting up to check it out.

I see Mom coming down the stairs. She has her shoes on, so it must be walk time. I get up and stretch and wait quietly as she puts the leashes on Max and I. On our way out to the truck, Max bumps into me at least 7 times. Big dumb dog.

When we get to the trail I tag along behind Mom - no reason to put out any more energy than I absolutely have to. I enjoy walking slowly and smelling all the different stories. I just have to try to stay out of Max's way as he bounds up and down the trail. Big dumb dog.

Back from the trail - it's time for a nap. I think I'll sleep by the back door again this time. I sleep very well for an hour or two o- pooped out from the long walk. I wake up when I hear somebody in the kitchen. No luck - nobody dropped anything. Back to the back door for another nap.

My bladder wakes me up. Full again. Mom's painting - I go up to her and let out my usual quiet "hmph" which, as usual, doesn't work so I bark and prance around. She puts the leashes on and takes us out. Max bumps into me at least 7 times on the way out. It's freezing out so I want to come back in immediately. Mom waits by the fence until I finish and brings us back in. Max bumps into me at least 7 times on the way in. Big dumb dog.

Once inside, we get our second bowl of food for the day. I slowly savor the food and the knowledge that Max is locked in the kennel. Mom calls me and makes me lay down while she brushes me. I love to be brushed, except when she brushes my butt. I hate that. It makes me irritable. But when she's done she pets me all over to apologize, and I like that. Mom eventually lets Max out of the kennel and he follows her and Dad up to bed. He'll sleep by their bed all night. The suck-up. I'll stay here and enjoy the cool draft from under the door until my bladder wakes me up again in the morning.

10-03-2003, 05:38 PM
Ouch! What's that in my face? It's Jake stepping on me while he's waking Mom up, the little twerp. Paybacks are hell.

I stand up and streeeeeeetch and yaaaaaaawn and look at Mom lovingly. I put my head on her neck for a big long hug. I can read her mind - she's thinking about taking me outside. I tilt my head and stick one ear up and bark, then run to the back door. Ooops - was that Jake I just ran into? Paybacks, you little runt.

Mom takes us out to the run and hooks me to my cable (I can jump tall fences in a single bound). I race Jake as far as I can, bumping him "accidentally" 5 or 6 times. Then when he's at his end fo the kennel I lift my leg. Aaaahhhhhhh. Relief! Now I set about enlarging my hole in the sandy soil. I love the feel of soil between my paws.

Once inside, I get my first bowl of food of the day. I eat it inside my crate, and finish it in 10 seconds flat. I can hear Jake in the other room, eating his breakfast one piece at a time. As soon as he's done, Mom will open the door to the crate and I'll run in to the toilet for a nice fresh long drink.

I spend the rest of the day shadowing Mom. I sleep at her feet wherever she goes - getting up only to whine when I see a potential playmate walking by the house. Gee I wish I could go play. I plot my next escape. So far I have knocked all of the screens out of all the windows, and the family no longer falls for my "bolt out the door as soon as it opens" routine. I'm running out of options. I wish I had somebody to play with. Mom's nice, but she doesn't wrestle.

When Mom goes upstairs for her bath I follow her and watch curiously as she takes her fur off. That freaks me out. Humans are so wierd. Once she gets in the bath I sleep just outside the door, guarding her from any potential intruders. I take my job as Mom's protector very seriously.

I go with Mom on at least one car ride every day. I can tell when she's thinking about going somewhere, and I hurry her up by going to the back door and barking and whining until she gets her shoes and coat on and hooks me to my leash. I love to ride with my head out the window.

Sometimes the car rides are to a nice long nature path where Mom takes me for a run. Too bad Jake always has to tag along. He walks slowly behind Mom, while I bound through the forest and up and down the trial. My favorite thing to do is to run. I jump over large logs and fly through the air at breakneck speed while Mom and Jake amble along the path. Finally, when my lungs feel like they're going to burst, we're back at the truck and I jump in. Ooops - was that Jake I just barrelled into?

When we get home I plop down for a good long nap. I'm too tired to follow Mom around for at least an hour.

When I'm all rested I bury my head in Mom's lap. I sure love her. My tail just won't stop wagging. I follow her around the house with my head on her hip until she puts me in my crate for dinner.

After dinner I stay in my crate while Jake gets brushed, then I follow Mom to bed. I sleep in a ball curled up right beside her bed, and she reaches her hand down during the night and sleeps with her fingers resting behind my ear. Sometimes she gets up to potty and I follow her to the bathroom and she gives me a great big hug.

I stay beside the bed until Jake steps on my face in the morning.