View Full Version : Turn the page....

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-01-2003, 08:44 PM
Well, a big chapter of my life is about to end (hopefully). Somebody is supposed to come by on Saturday to buy my motorcycle. I'm happy that it's finally selling since we've been trying to sell it since about April, and Terry's sold months ago already, but I will be sad to see it go. :(

It was really a big part of my life when I first moved to Chicago, and was really the thing that got me out and about in Chicago and meeting people and getting involved in something besides work. When I moved here I knew about 3 people, now I can honestly say I know hundreds, and quite of few of those I met through the motorcycle. And most importantly, if not for the bike, I most likely would not have met Terry. We were both members of the same HOG chapter (a Harley sanctioned motorcycle club - not like the Hells Angels or anything) and every week the club got together to go for breakfast rides. Terry and I got to know each other on these rides, and had our first date in Daytona during Bike Week of 1995. So much of our early relationship was based around the motorcycle and those breakfast rides. Then as we got together more, we ended up going to Sturgis 2 or 3 times, Daytona another 2 or 3 times and lots of other places mostly in the midwest - within riding distance. We really had a lot of fun on them.

But things change, times change, we change, and we just weren't riding them anymore. In the first year I put 10,000 miles on it, and in the last 3 years I've put about 200 miles on it. I swore when I first got it that I would never sell it. It was my baby and I was so proud - not just of the bike, but of the fact that I was able to own something like that and pay for it all by myself. I was a little more independent then (ok, a lot more independent), and it was kind of a statement for me. Not only did I not need a man to drive the motorcyle, but I didn't need one to help pay for it either!

We were never really what you would think of as "bikers" but thought of ourselves more as "enthusiasts." We enjoyed the bikes and spent a lot of time with them and on them, but we really didn't live the "biker life." If it was below 40 degrees, forget it, we took the car to breakfast. ;) If it was raining, forget it, we took the car to breakfast. ;) You get the idea.

Anyway, so this doesn't get too long, 'cause I could go on forever about my bike, just like I can go on forever about T & P, I just wanted to share a few pictures with you. I was digging all the stuff out for when they come by on Saturday and I couldn't help but spend too much time looking back at all the fun I/we had on the bikes.

This first pic is shortly after I got the bike. There was a shindig going on at the Harley shop that I bought it at - and that one of my best friends worked at - and this was supposedly a professional photographer who took the pic. This was fall of 1994. (look how long my hair was! :eek: )

This next one was at the annual Toys for Tots run in Chicago. Up to 10,000 bikes gather every year to donate toys for the kids. It's a lot of fun being in the parade, but it's also a lot of fun watching. We would head out with the whole group, then about 1/2 way we'd stop at a McDonalds and watch and wave as the rest of them rode by. It was usually cold, thus all the clothes, but it was fun and I'm glad we took part because it makes for good memories. (the date isn't right on the pic because I didn't even have the bike in April of '94)

And here's a picture of my 80 year old Grandma the first time she saw my bike. She came out of her apartment and just climbed right on! I was like "Grandma, be careful, the pipes are hot!" but she didn't care, just climbed right on and pretended like she was going to go for a ride. :D 'Course when I actually offered to take her for a ride, she said no, no, but she had a lot of gumption. She's been gone now for about 5 years or so, and I miss her spunkiness - probably where I got some of mine from. :D

And finally, Terry and I had bought matching leather jackets, with the sheepskin or sherling or whatever it's called inside. They are beautiful jackets and were quite expensive. This pic was taken at the Harley shop after another Toys for Tots run. The "stand" was empty because they were changing the mannequins or something, so somebody suggested that Terry and I get up and model our new jackets - so we did! I particularly like this pic because it reflects the joking around, goofiness and general good times we had with the bikes and the people we got to know through them.

So that's all. I could post hundreds of pictures here, like some of those in Sturgis, in the Badlands, in the Keys, driving down the highway (because yes, I rode mine to Sturgis. What? It's only 1000 miles. ;) ) and many many more of the picnics and runs we attended. Which reminds me, every year one of our first runs was a poker run, and before everyone took off, they had a minister/priest/whatever he was do a bike blessing. They would go around the parking lot and individually bless everyone's bike and ask God to watch out for them and help them to ride safe. We always tried to make a point of going to that run to start the year off.

Ok, I guess I'll leave it at that 'cause I'm starting to get all choked up thinking about all this. It was a wonderful time in my life, but I guess it's just time to turn the page and go on to the next chapter......

10-01-2003, 08:58 PM
Sorry you are selling your bikes. I don't ride as often myself, but I plan on keeping atleast one to ride at times.

Sara luvs her Tinky
10-02-2003, 05:29 AM

You are one of the coolest people I have never got to meet in person. Every time I turn around you surprise me with something so neat. I myself have never cared to ride on motorcycles... but looks like you had lots of fun.

I loved the pic of your grandma on the bike!!;) She looks so cute!

10-02-2003, 05:44 AM
Hmm, T&P's mom a biker chick.......go figure......hee hee.
You definitely have great memories there to cherish and don't be surpized if you cry when the bike leaves. I cry almost every time I sell a beloved auto.

Heather Wallace
10-02-2003, 06:36 AM
Lovely story and pictures, thank you.

Killearn Kitties
10-02-2003, 07:10 AM
What an excellent story. These are wonderful, irreplaceable memories to have and selling the bikes won't take them away. Thanks for letting us see the pics; kive the one on the "stand".:D

10-02-2003, 07:43 AM
What a story Debbie! And I must say...the bike is gorgeous, I just love the color. For some reason I expected you bike to be a little smaller than that;)
Sounds like you have alot of wonderful memories of your time with your bike. It's sad selling it, but like you said time to turn the page...
My mom & dad just did the same thing and they've been riding for the last 41 years together:eek: So I kinda understand where your coming from.
I hope you and Terry can find many more things to do together (like that will be a problem:p )!

10-02-2003, 08:31 AM
Kindred spirits! What an awesome story Debbie! Lots of good memories from the sound of it and your bike is beautiful.

You remind me of my parents. They don't have their own bikes, but mom and dad do a lot of travelling on the motorcycle. :)

They also go upnorth with my uncle and some friends to the Blessing of the Bikes. :) I can't recall what city it is near.

Dad's just now looking into chaps. :D

10-02-2003, 08:55 AM
What a story Debbie!

I have a soft spot for Harleys and 30 years back to drive a motorcycle was one of my dreams (unrealistic at that time). To see a woman who pays for her marvelous bike and rides it 10000 miles a year warms my heart:D :D :D

This will be part of your life forever and what is life if not the good stories one can tell.

10-02-2003, 09:29 AM
Wow Debbie, you must have had a lot of fun in those days. No wonder Harley owners get together for long rides, they're fantastic machines! I've been on the back of one a few times - what a feeling!! :eek: A girl I used to know had an OLD one, don't remember the model, but she was a very proud owner. I bet I could not even hold one up and start it without falling over. LOL!

Get some last shots the day you sell it! And get on with your new and interesting life! :D Memories are there to stay. ;)

Edwina's Secretary
10-02-2003, 01:14 PM
Although I am not a Harley enthusiast I am married to one ;) :D and see how much pleasure he gets from it. I would love to know which H.O.G you belonged to as he has been looking for "the right one."

I owned a townhouse before I was married. I was so proud of it! It was a bittersweet day when we bought this house. I understand how you feel.

I can't wait to show this thread to Don tonight (I bet he will wish he had Terry's luck of finding a Harley mamma!)

Go Corvettes! Go motorhomes!

Cinder & Smoke
10-02-2003, 01:42 PM
W:DW Deb!

Dad sez you're an *Awsome* :cool: Biker Chick!

Thanks for sharing that Chapter of you life.
Now turn the page, and start filling us all in on the Next Chapter!

Happie Trails to You and Terry!!! :D

10-02-2003, 02:14 PM
Great pics!!

As much as Joey loved seeing everyone when he got home I think he was much more enthused to see the surprise his Dad got him. A couple months before, his Dad bought a Harley then bought Joey a 2002 RED Honda Shadow(looks brand new..only has 250 miles on it). Joey has been wanting a bike forever. The look on his face when he walked into the garage and saw this gorgeous RED bike was priceless. I'm starting to wonder if he's more in love with bike than me. lol At least he hasn't started sleeping in the garage..yet!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-02-2003, 04:50 PM
Thanks everybody, you're all so wonderful and supportive. Hugs all around. {{{:) }}}

Sara - thanks, and yeah, my Grandma was sumpin special.

Jen -
T&P's mom a biker chick.......go figure Yeah, that's what everybody says. That's your bike? :D

Anna -
I expected you bike to be a little smaller than that Actually this one was the perfect size for me, not too big but not too small either. Of course there was the minor fact that if it ended up on the ground I couldn't pick it up myself, but fortunately every time it ended up on the ground somebody else was there to help pick it up. :o And I'm sorry to hear your parents are giving up biking after 41 years. I'm sure their accident had something to do with their decision and I don't blame them. Terry had a run-in with a deer a few years back, and that has defnitely influenced our decision to get rid of them.

Kimmy - Terry resisted chaps for the longest time too, then he found some at a good price and then couldn't figure out why he resisted for so long! :rolleyes: They are so warm when there's a chill in the air - not to mentin the extra protection they provide. Hopefully your parents will have many many more years of accident free rides. :)

Barbara and Sara - I knew there would be other women out there who could relate to why I was so durn proud of the thing. It will definitely be bittersweet when it goes. I mean, having the money in the bank will be nice, but that just doesn't give the satisfaction of pulling up to a stop light on a gleaming motorcyle that you paid for yourself. :D

ChinaDoll - I bet Joey has a Harley before the end of next summer. Especially if he's going to be riding with his dad and his Harley. Oh wait, you're in Louisiana where you can ride year round....he'll have it within the next 6 months. :D

And everyone else, thanks so much. Yes, we will always have the memories - and all the pictures to remind us when we get old and feeble minded. ;)

So, the next chapter you ask? Well, as most of you know, it's the motorhome. It's going to be a few years before that chapter can fully begin because Terry has to age a few more years and retire. ;) Then we're going to go full-time in the motorhome and criss-cross the continent together. Can't wait! Here are two pics for those who are unfamiliar with our newest (and biggest) toy.


Thanks again everybody! :D

Heather Wallace
10-02-2003, 05:09 PM
WOW! thats all I can say. Good luck and enjoy.

Russian Blue
10-02-2003, 05:28 PM
That's a beautiful machine Debbie!! I would love to get my license one day! I'm glad you were able to get out so much in the past and find Terry in the process!

Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
Then we're going to go full-time in the motorhome and criss-cross the continent together. Can't wait!

You better criss-cross north to Ontario and visit me and Nakita! But now that I think about it, my driveway is not even long enough to accomodate that huge thing!! :eek:

10-02-2003, 09:18 PM
Great photos and great story too!:)
About 10 years ago my husband and two of my brothers all had motorcycles.(one brother raced them, the other had a Harley)
Now we are all married with kids and all of the motorcycles have been sold.
By the way, what is the name of your motorcycle? (my husband thought it was a Softtail.)

Enjoy the adventures in the motorhome, my in-laws have one and they are leaving soon for Florida for the winter.
Please let me know if you ever head over to the Northeast U.S. in the motorhome and make sure you bring Tubby so he can visit Samantha!:)

10-03-2003, 03:47 AM
WOW, Debbie, you're super cool!
My dad has a motorbike - not a Harley, an Ukrainian one. Big black motorbike. Anyone who've seen me - I am very short - on it, had to laugh. But, for me to try to learn to ride it was also a kind of a statement - I like to be independent.

And, btw, I have no idea how much it weighs, I am sure a lot, but I would try to put it back on wheels, if ...

And, my grandma liked to seat on cousin's back seat like a man, like your grandma. I remember, people were shocked in my village when they first saw her. Women are supposed to seat on the back seat exactly like on the horses, legs on one side only :rolleyes:


Sara luvs her Tinky
10-03-2003, 05:53 AM
Then we're going to go full-time in the motorhome and criss-cross the continent together.

criss-cross over to my house and bring Tubby and Peanut with you!!!!:D

10-03-2003, 06:53 PM

Thank you so much for posting your story about your beautiful bike. Your post moved me so much that I had to give up my long time lurking status and register!

I just want to say that my biking life is also in the winter stages. I’ve had my bike for 15 years and it breaks my heart thinking about getting rid of it, but I think it is about time to let it go. Needless to say, I love my bike and I feel almost as attached to it as I am to my beloved pet!

Please feel free to share more stories!


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-03-2003, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by Kendra
Thank you so much for posting your story about your beautiful bike. Your post moved me so much that I had to give up my long time lurking status and register!

Wow, Kendra, thanks for finally registering and posting! Welcome to PT and hopefully we can hear some stories about your pet, and your bike!

I agree that there just comes a time. I really don't want to sell it, but it just doesn't make any sense to hang onto it anymore. And like I said, I know the bike is only an object and really has no feelings, but that's not the way I see it. I see it as my baby - similar to T & P - and it deserves a better life than I am giving it right now.

I got the deposit check in the mail yesterday, so I'm thinking this is the real deal. Although they were going to call Friday night when they got to their overnight stop, and it's 8:40 and we haven't heard from them yet, but I'm still thinking it's going to happen.

Either way I'm sure I'll be letting you all know. Everything is in the garage and ready to go, I just don't know if I'm really ready to let it go......:(

Felicia's Mom
10-03-2003, 09:24 PM
Great story, thanks for posting it. My ex was (is) a biker.

10-03-2003, 09:44 PM
Boy do I know the feelings your having. I use to have a Honda Night Hawk, I sold it about two years ago. Watching that KID ride off on it was hard. So bad you want to tell them everything. You know, Like be carefull of this and that, it take only this kind of oil, make sure you do this etc. It's almost as if your turning your child over to a stranger and you want them to know everything so your child if taking care of the way you did. They just think your nuts though....but in time they will understand too. It is sad I know but someone else will now get the enjoyment out of it that you did. So it good also.

I will bet though one day after you retire we will be seeing a new bike being towed behind that motor home. You know for all those places you want to see that a motor home just can't do justice to.

I want to say sorry but, instead I'll say enjoy your new chapter and don't look back with sadness. New pages are wonderful.

You never know you might just get a new bike one day thats just as special to you. I did. :D

10-06-2003, 12:00 PM
Debbie, thanks so much for the welcome! This is a very nice board. Well, as you know, we're all probably pretty anxious to hear if your bike sold this weekend or not.

Fox-Gal, I can relate to what you said about your bike. When I was first dating my husband, he was humble enough to let me try to drive with him riding on the back; however, he turned out to be a little bit too heavy for me to drive him comfortably. -There is nothing like telling the person behind you that he needs to help out and put his feet down at every stop! -I'm sure he also felt real macho riding behind a girl! :cool: I had to finally relent and let him drive me around and it about drove me crazy resisting the urge to tell him how and when he should shift, etc. -Good thing we were just dating at the time or he probably would have literally had an earful of moment-by-moment instructions! :D


10-06-2003, 01:05 PM
[i]Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
Then we're going to go full-time in the motorhome and criss-cross the continent together. Can't wait! [/B]

Just remember,

Don't come crying to us when you start to miss tent camping, Port a Potties, sleeping in the dirt and leaves, the little critters that are looking for leftovers at the campsite, cold showers and the taste of those little black gnats that show up on your toothbrush after a 6 hour, 250 mile ride..........


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-13-2003, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
Just remember,

Don't come crying to us when you start to miss tent camping, Port a Potties, sleeping in the dirt and leaves, the little critters that are looking for leftovers at the campsite, cold showers and the taste of those little black gnats that show up on your toothbrush after a 6 hour, 250 mile ride..........


Not to worry, Richard, there is NO WAY I'll be missing those days. ;) :D

And for those who were wondering, yes, the bike sold. They were a wonderful couple and loved the bike even more in person than they did in the pics I sent. The bike was to be for him, since she had just learned to ride and was going to take over his current bike. Well...... they had about a 4 hour ride home, and when they got there they sent me an email. They said everything went smoothly on the ride home, but there was one problem. My heart stopped when I read that, but then I read on. He proceeded to tell me that when they got home, the wife wanted to take the bike for a ride around the block. She donned the matching helmet that was part of the deal - and didn't come back for 30 - 45 minutes! He said he fears they have just bought her a new bike and he will be keeping custody of the one he had that she was going to get. So :D :D if you can follow the he she in all this. ;) :D I was so happy to hear they had such a serious problem. ;) :D

They were a wonderful couple and I feel I did good by my bike. It was kinda like when someone has a cat or dog they need to put up for adoption. People come look and say they want it, but you know in your heart they won't provide a good home, so you hold on for longer than you thought, and then the perfect family comes along and you are soooo glad you waited because now you found the perfect home.

I feel my baby has found the perfect home. :)

10-14-2003, 06:15 AM
I'm glad to hear your bike has found a good home:) Sounds like his wife has a new bike;)

Killearn Kitties
10-14-2003, 05:28 PM
Thanks for updating us. I did a very similar thing recently as the lady of the couple who just bought your bike did.

My husband is a bit of a car freak. He always has been, but in recent years he has developed a bit of a Porsche habit. In February this year he bought ANOTHER car (fabulous bargain don't you know!) Well we had to drive to Sheffield to collect it, which is a bit of a distance from us. We parked a car at the airport and flew down. We picked up the car and drove back. Alec drove about the first half of the journey, then I took over. Now I hate driving new cars. I am only comfortable once I become familiar with a car and have a bit of experience in driving it. However, by the time we got back to the airport to pick up the car we left there, I was hooked. I loved this car. I kicked Alec out to drive the other car back.:D

I think he was quite pleased really. It meant I was no longer furious with him for buying another stupid car!