View Full Version : Sadie makes WAY too many stops on our walks!

08-14-2001, 02:28 PM
My Sadie makes way too many stops to go to the bathroom on our walks! Maybe it's just a problem with females. It kind of concerns me. Can somebody help me?

08-14-2001, 03:07 PM
Many bitches scent mark just like males - I had one brood bitch who would cover any scent she found with her own. This was in a kennels of around 25 animals so there was a lot to cover!!
One way to reduce this is to train the dog to walk without sniffing at all when on the lead. This is really only fair if the dog has free running time every day and the way all my dogs since have been trained.

08-21-2001, 02:21 PM
How old is Saddy? I take my puppy for walks( at least, I try) and they are very short walks, very short. He is a male, so it is not just with females. He stops every two minutes, lays down and inspects every blade of grass that happens to be by the road.