View Full Version : New baby due next week :)

09-30-2003, 10:42 AM
The Border Collie puppies are due next week, and mum "molly" is just starting to get milk, and is huge, but doing realy well and she still wants to work the sheep lol, silly girl should be resting now.

i cannot wait, we are going to visit them in a couple of weeks, and the owners of the bitch are going to call as soon as she goes into labour (mum and i said we did not care if it was 3am, they still have to call us) :D

well ill keep you all updated :) as things progress.

09-30-2003, 11:17 AM
I have a "strange" request: I have never seen a pregnant dog before...:rolleyes: . Is it possible to post a pic of your doggie, before she has given birth ? Thank you so much!!:)

09-30-2003, 12:00 PM
if i get to see her before giving birth certainly i will post some pics, but as she is a farm/working dog the family live about an hours drive from me , on a sheep farm and im not sure if im going out to see them before the pups are born.

but if i do i will take lots of pics :)

09-30-2003, 12:46 PM
BC puppies! BC puppies! BC puppies! :D :D :D
I am so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's what you have to look forward to........


Have you investigated to see if there is a Border Collie Club in your area? I know you plan to participate in flyball with the pup, right? But BC Clubs are a great resource and I would highly recommend them to any first-time BC guardians! They can organize group herding events and evaluate your dogs herding ability/strengths/weaknesses. I have had wonderful experiences with our local BC Club in Hawai'i! Anyway, just something to consider if you haven't already.

09-30-2003, 01:47 PM
congratulations, i'm getting my new great dane pup on the 10th.

09-30-2003, 02:24 PM
Thanks for the update! Keep them coming! :D

Maybe to get a picture of the mom, you could ask the breeder to take a pic and send it to you? :)

09-30-2003, 08:20 PM
Nuh uh!
Border Collie fever is sweeping the nation!
I'm getting a BC too! :D:D:D:D:D
Good luck :)

09-30-2003, 10:59 PM
I'm So jealous! :p

10-01-2003, 09:00 AM
Have you investigated to see if there is a Border Collie Club in your area?

yep, there is the BC club of victoria and also the Victorian Herding Club (which is only a 40-50 minute drive away). i have been in contact with the BC club of Vic and should get the membership papers in the mail soon *hopefully*

Awwwww the pic is just gorgeous *puppy breath*

I know you plan to participate in flyball with the pup, right? yeah sure do, my fellow Flyballers have high hopes for the pup (we are trying to knock the top Australian team off) :)

Foam that is very exciting :D and we must see pics of your lil BC aswell ;) lot of them.

and we also need pics of the new great dane thunderdog , the 10th is not far away at all *getting all excited about the new arrivals*