View Full Version : The Ride in the Car

feeling frisky
09-29-2003, 04:57 PM
I don't know about all of you but when we go anywhere in a car I get meowed at all the way there and all the way home. chloe is the worst. Her first trip to the vet she worked herself up so bad that she threw up, went potty then started to foam at the mouth.Being as emotional as I am By the time I got there They had to clean me up as well as Chloe. Between crying and shaking I was almost as bad as her but not quite. now we give her pills to take. I will never put her through that again. Billy just wants to see whats going on. Corbyn, well he is pretty good

09-29-2003, 05:33 PM
That's why I take my kitties to the vet that is the CLOSEST to my house. Sid is the worse with the low pittiful meow of a cat being sent to his doom.

I know that some places it is possible to find vets that make house calls.

feeling frisky
09-29-2003, 05:39 PM
I know what a mean about the closest. But the Vet that you feel most comfy with is the one you trust the most. The vet is about 7 miles away. I have been going there about 4 yrs now and nervous about seeing someone different. I thank you tho for your respose and any other advise you can give.

09-30-2003, 10:33 AM
I just don't know why, but lil Inka is terrified of being inside a car! First, I thought she was scared to go to the vet; but I found out she is ALWAYS scared in a car, in ANY circumstance!
Last Sunday, I had to park my car outside the car, because my hubby wanted to clean the garage; as Inka loves to be with me, i took her inside the car while putting it on the drive-way. Oh my, she was sooooo scared and terrified. I really don't understand this! My other cat Maya doesn't mind at all :rolleyes: