View Full Version : My story i started writing

09-29-2003, 04:31 PM
I started writing a story.. And i wanted to share it.. Some of the words arent spell checked because i cant spell check till its all complete.. So tell me what you all think!
chapter one:
Chapter one: Puppy love

Mom told us how we were in her stomach and how we always were kicking.. We all apoligized for hurting her stomach for so long.. “Sorry” we all chanted.. “No.. Its not that you all hurt me or anything... oh you know what.... You guys will get it some day..” “Okay mom” we all said.. “Jackson no! Get away from that wire.. Now you heard your mother get away!” “ Yes mom” said jackson... “Listen you 5 you all better stop your behavior or we will go to..... “The shelter?” ria interupted.. “yes..” mom told us.. Mom always was the one to tell us what things happened in the world.. Things we werent sure about or things that scared us.. But there was mom always with an answer. Mom says the bosses are our owners.. That we have to listen to them because they are in charge. Boss calls me penny. Mom says its because of my color, the color of copper. But I tell the other pups that they call me penny because im shiny like a star. “PENNY!! PLAY WITH ME PEN!” said Brandi.. “Fine!! Calm down bran..” So as we roughhoused together without a worry in the world I knew that mom worried about everything.. Mom was lying under the shade when she called us over for “important news”.. “Kids! Penny!! Jackson! RIA!! Oh brandi stop it come over here! SAMMM!!” called mom. “Yes mom we are listening” we all said together..”come here and sit with me a second will you?” “Ok” they all said.. “ Okay you all know that soon we are gonna separate and we wont always be together.. Right? Well its almost that time.. You all are almost old enough to go out on your own.. Well maybe not yet but soon. So I want you all to know that even though we all will part we will always be together..” “How?” said ria. “Well.. If you think long and hard and believe you will see me and your brothers and sisters..” she nudged me.. “and you penny are the oldest so you keep an eye out of your brothers and sisters..” “Yes I will mom.. I will.” said penny.. The rest of them cocked there heads wondering what she was talking about.. We all turned our heads to a whistle by the gate.:D

09-29-2003, 05:57 PM
that bad huh :(

09-29-2003, 06:00 PM
No! It's great... please keep going, I want more! I love it Amb, I really do... *has a tendency to look at only the threads at the top... lol*

Come on... let's GO!

09-29-2003, 06:30 PM
really? :)

okayy... *still chapter one*

It was boss and a lady.. Boss was pointing at ria.. He opened the gate and picked up ria, and propped her into the ladies arm.. “SHE is sooo cute!” said the lady.. “I’ll take this one..” the lady said.”Mom what is she talking about take me? MOM!” pleaded ria.. “Its okay.. I love you ria” “I love you mom” She drove away with ria in the car and I tried to chase her down as far as I could but boss came and got me and put me back into the yard. “Mama arent you worried? Get her back!! MA!” said penny “Im sorry sweetie its her time to go to a new home and we cant stop that.. “Sam your fast you chase them down” said penny “No!” said mom “You will not sam” mom told him.. Sam just sat there and said nothing..

I feel alone in the car for the long drive. The lady my new boss calls me nena. I don’t like that new name. I miss my brothers and sisters. I hate it with this lady. We arrive at an apartment the lady called it that. She had 2 other dogs. One told me to stay away from his boss or he would eat me.. And the other one was still a puppy like me so it he liked to play with me.. Everything was going so good. I had a new toy and a raw hide to bite on. But then boss put me on the balcony because me and Striker was the mean dogs name didnt get along too well.. She tied me on my leash and said “Until you can learn to be nice to striker I will bring you back in” but I didnt understand. How was I supposed to be nice if I wasnt in there with him? I like ria.. My old name better.. Nena isnt my name.. I want her to change it back. I miss penny, and sam and brandi and jackson so much.. What I would give to be back there with them..

Boss left from the gate and came back a few minutes later with a crate. He called us over to him.. At first we hesitated but he told us in a harsh mean voice to COME now. So we all came to him. all except mom.. “mom come on before we get in trouble.” said jackson. “I laughed because for once I felt one of us were telling what should happen instead of mom.. So he opened the crate.. I wondered what he was gonna do with it.

09-29-2003, 06:33 PM

09-30-2003, 05:04 PM

He called over sam first. Then me and jackson and last brandi. “MOM” we all shouted. Where was boss taking us? Why is he taking me away from my mom? Why is he taking any of us away from mom? “My babies! Its okay just stay strong! Remeber what I told you!” “LOVE YOU MOM” they all chanted. He put us into this moving box and we all fell asleepin the box and we awoke im assuming a few minutes later to a huge jerk. He carried us inside some place very cold.. We all just stay the way we were too afraid to move. I heard him talking to a lady who looked very sad. “I can not keep them anyomore” I suddenely realized this was the shelter.. “I am only working 10 hours and I don’t have enough food for all dogs.. Plus the mama..She’s at home but im bringing her soon.”said boss.. “When will that be sir?” said the lady. “Right after I drop these guys off.” “Okay.. I just need some information before you leave.” “Okay sure...” “Age” “2 and a half months old..” said boss but the lady interrupts boss.” Sir that is awfully early to give up the...” “Please.” “But sir” “I said I couldnt handle them anymore now please drop it and what else do you need?” “Okay.. Breed..” “Chocalate labs” “The day they were born please” “July 14, 2003" “thanks thats it.” “So I will be expecting the mom soon then?” “Yes” boss replied. She carried the crate to the back where it was full of cages, and barking dogs.. She put us all in a large cage and left us.. The bottom was so cold.. I was scared and I missed ria and my mom.. I wanted to be back in the yard again badly.. But I couldnt and I miss it so much..