View Full Version : Has anyone done jury service here....

09-29-2003, 01:11 AM
I am just curious if any of you have been called up for jury service and been on a jury, why I ask is my son is on a Jury right now.

First time anyone has been actually picked from our family to do it, so its kinda exciting.

Of course he cannot and will not tell us about the case, but when its over he will be able to fill us in on the details.

I have been called up myself for next month, but I will not beable to do it.

So what is your experience regarding jury service,have you served, been called up, challenged etc etc.?????

09-29-2003, 03:17 AM
Several years ago, I had jury duty. All the prospective jurors were questioned. I was not selected the first two days for the 3 cases, and we were let go early on the 2nd day. On the third day, we were questioned for 1 case. I was not selected, and we were sent home, done for the week. :)

So, I have never been on an actual jury.

09-29-2003, 05:01 AM
I have been called about 3 times but I actually only served on 1 jury. I was petrified at the thought, but it turned out to be OK. The case was 4 days long, but it was so cut & dry I had no guilt about "judging" the defendant. (I did not like the idea of "judging" anyone)

09-29-2003, 08:36 AM
I served once. It was a short, one day case. Two homeless men got into a fight at the shelter and one stabbed the other. Clearly the vote was guilty. But, I honestly felt like we were doing the guy a favor by putting him in jail.

Edwina's Secretary
09-29-2003, 09:35 AM
When I was in my early 20's I served on jury duty. At that time you served for two weeks and could be on multiply juries. I was on one all the way to verdict -- it was civil -- not criminal and selected for another that was settled.

Now it is one day or one trial. I have been called but not selected.

I get rather passionate about the issue of jury duty. People are always trying to get out of serving. I refer to a jury as "twelve people who couldn't get out of it" rather than a jury of peers. I think it an honor to serve -- not an inconvenience.

But there IS a lot of sitting around involved. I have a needlpoint pillow I did during my two weeks on jury service.

09-29-2003, 12:22 PM
I was on a county grand jury in May, 1961. Served one month, but not every day. All KINDS of cases which broadened my experience greatly.

Two years ago was called for two day jury duty and served on one jury. Our verdict was appealed, but upheld.

09-29-2003, 01:26 PM
He he he...I will be forever barred from sitting, I am afraid. Who wants a lawyer on the jury? Who wants a lawyer, period, right?

I have helped select two juries...very interesting, and the one that went to verdict, how STRANGE! Are you guys drinking back there? LOL

09-29-2003, 01:37 PM
I only got call once but, of course with my luck, it was for Grand Jury.....6 months. :mad: So for 6 months I was on call for any grand judy items that came up. I had some interesting cases come up and learned a few things. I now know about fluff in county land fills. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: lol

All in all it wasn't that bad, just the timing of it was. It was right after my x-husband and I seperated and I was on my own to care for all our animals/land and at that time we had cows and a lot more land. I was a tried old lady with really tall weeds in the yard. No time for weeds. :p

09-29-2003, 03:06 PM
It was interesting to read all your replies.

I think Scott is actually enjoying the experience, he was not keen to have to go at first, interfers too much with his training schedule and work etc, but he could not get out of it, and it certainly is a very new experience for him.

It will be interesting to hear all about the case, when it is over, sounds like it will be rather quick and over with, he was glad it was not a black power or gang case, these can get nasty, and honestly your safety is at risk.

I actually would love to do my service, but due to health reasons it would make it too difficult for me, but I certainly would do it if I were able, it would be very interesting.

09-29-2003, 03:29 PM
They don't call us younger folks until we're a bit older, so I haven't been called yet. I can only hope and pray that they never call me! :o I don't want to ever go on jury duty! :o

They called my older brother to come several weeks ago for the first time, but he had tests at University so he told them he couldn't come and they excused him. Personally, I don't like this system.........in a way that, they call practically anyone, and in my opinion, not everyone has the capability or is the right person to judge and contribute to such decisions. :o

09-29-2003, 03:37 PM
PCB I hear what you are saying, but if it were done any other way, people would be up in arm's, it would be discrimination, don't you think?

Who is to judge who is capable?

My son is 21, he has not a lot of life experiences yet, so one could say he is not mature enough to decide, but I would tend to disagree with this, he has taken his position very seriously.

They usually choose a wide variety of ages, etc, so the jury is made up of different types of people from all walks of life, so what might be lacking in one individual , hopefully the others will sort them out, if you know what I mean.

They would never get enough people to serve either.

09-29-2003, 06:26 PM
Nope, as soon as they found out I worked for law enforcement, I was out of there.

09-29-2003, 07:22 PM
I've served twice, but was only picked as a juror once. It was for a hit and run DUI. It was long and freaking boring! It was also frustrating because deep down, we all knew the guy was guilty, but there wasn't enough evidence. We had to let him off.

09-29-2003, 09:15 PM
Actually, I am on jury duty right now.

The way it works in my city is that your service is for a month. They will pick one day a week and you call the night before to see if you have to come in. In my case, it has been every Thursday in September. So every Wednesday night, I have to call to see if I need to go to the courthouse on Thursday.

My name has been called twice out of 5 possible Thursdays. You go there, they check to see that all the jurors called are there.

Then they split us up into two groups and assign us to courtrooms. Then we go to the courtrooms, then they start asking us questions and select the jurors they want. If they don't want you, you are free for the rest of the day. Also, if the parties settle before the jurors come in, we are free for the rest of the day.

In the cases of the two days I went, the first one, theparties settled out of court. The second one, I was questioned, but not selected for an automobile accident case.

It's been an interesting experience so far. I am learning how lazy some people are, not even showing up for jury duty when they are called.

09-30-2003, 12:20 AM
My son has just returned home from court, the case is over now, so he can talk about it, it was actually a Rape case, and they all agreed he was not guilty, too much conflicting evidence, everyone had their doubts.

He will be required again tomorrow, he could get picked for another trial , who know's, it is usually only for one week here.

You get paid 25 dollars per half day, and if you donot go unless you are excused you are liable for a $300 dollar fine.

You have to pay for your own meals, and parking, which is not good around that area, but some transport cost are re-deemable depending where you live and how far you have to go etc.

I think he found the experience quite interesting, but did say it gets a bit boring when, the judge, the prosecutor, the defence all sum up, pretty much the same stuff you have already heard.

An interesting point this rape occurred one year ago, and has only just made it to court, is it like that in the states as well.?