View Full Version : whats your favourite breakfast cereal...

09-28-2003, 08:22 PM
Not sure if anyone has done this before or not, but since we are on a theme about what is your fav drink, food, etc, just wondered about this.

Mine would have to be Weighwatchers Breakfast cereal, closely followed by Nutrigrain with honey and nuts.,and good ole kiwi brekky weetabix.

So tell my what do you prefer?

09-28-2003, 08:24 PM
Froot Loops,
Fruity Pebbles,
Cinnamon Toast Crunch,
that kind of stuff

09-28-2003, 08:25 PM
Don't eat cereal or breakfast.

09-28-2003, 08:27 PM
I eat cereals but...never eat breakfast lol. My favorite would have to be CHEERIOS!!!!. I'm addicted to them!

09-28-2003, 08:28 PM
Nothing with sugar! I like shredded wheat/cheerios/raisin bran, that sorta thing.

09-28-2003, 08:30 PM
aww Kay-ann and Binka_nugget,, you should try and eat brekky, most important meal of the day, sorry as a mum I cannot help myself, it is like taking the car out without gas in it.

It also helps get the brain activated and working well in school, but I guess you know all this already.

I went through stages in my life of not eating breakfast myself, infact if I tryed I felt sick, its just what the body gets used to, but now I would not miss it for the world,it is my favourite meal of the day.
Now thats my lecture for the day over.

Miss Meow
09-28-2003, 08:38 PM
I like simple cereals like shredded bran thingies, Weetbix or Just Right. I also like porridge with bananas in winter, but gave up making it at work as everyone laughed at my attempts at cooking sludge in the office microwave!

My real favourite is Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes, but they have far too much sugar and fat so I don't eat them. A chocolate bar is probably healthier ;)

09-28-2003, 08:44 PM
I love cereal, but not for breakfast. For breakfast I eat a burrito (egg, potatoes, cheese, chile) almost every day.:) ... That and my big ole latte!

09-28-2003, 09:03 PM
I go through phases with my cereal--when I get on a kick, I will eat that cereal for breakfast, lunch, and snacks. Right now it's Rice Krispies--I love them!!
I also love Kix, Trix, Frosted Flakes, and Golden Grahams!!

09-28-2003, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by carole
aww Kay-ann and Binka_nugget,, you should try and eat brekky, most important meal of the day, sorry as a mum I cannot help myself, it is like taking the car out without gas in it.

It also helps get the brain activated and working well in school, but I guess you know all this already.

I went through stages in my life of not eating breakfast myself, infact if I tryed I felt sick, its just what the body gets used to, but now I would not miss it for the world,it is my favourite meal of the day.
Now thats my lecture for the day over.

Hey I agree with you! Mom's are always right on such issues. :p

I'm not very much a breakfast person, but my mom is constantly nagging me to make sure I EAT breakfast, because of how important it is for the health. In fact, they say its the most important meal of the day. I recently started eating breakfast EVERYDAY with no skipping days like I used to, and I can tell you, I feel so much more energetic eating breakfast than not eating it. I usually eat cereal or fruit yogurt, sometimes egg.................for breakfast, but back to the topic...........

My favorite cereals are Basic 4, Cheerios, Honey Bunch of Oats, Quaker Oat Squares, Corn Bran, Total, Rice Crispeys, and several others. I love cereal. :p

09-28-2003, 09:16 PM
I don't have time for breakfast.:p
We have a breakfast break at school, but I don't have money either.

09-28-2003, 09:32 PM
Aww excuse me Kay-ann but everyone has time for brekky, its called making time, get up earlier, I rise at 7am everyday, one lame excuse my dear , but hey its your life:)

09-28-2003, 09:37 PM
I get up at 4:30 - 5 I can't get up any earlier and I can't go to bed any earlier.:p
So, Nope *I* don't have time. All I normally eat is dinner and snacks. Sometimes a snack during second period if I remember to bring something.

09-28-2003, 11:42 PM
lol..I try eating in the morning but all we have in the house is junk food. Have you ever heard of a kid complaining about too much junk food? LOL All we have are things like chips, greasy leftovers, microwave meals, noodles..we don't have any actual food lol. I pig out at lunch though..I usually get 3 sandwiches LOL

09-28-2003, 11:48 PM
Miss Meow - I LOVE Crunchy Nut too!!!!!!
Coco Pops
Fruit Loops

........ just call me a sugar babe!!!!!

But I don't eat them anymore .......... 'cos I am trying to be heathy :rolleyes:

09-28-2003, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I get up at 4:30 - 5 I can't get up any earlier and I can't go to bed any earlier.:p
So, Nope *I* don't have time. All I normally eat is dinner and snacks. Sometimes a snack during second period if I remember to bring something.

I understand that ......... I was that way when I was "younger" :rolleyes:

Here in Australia we have something called "Up and Go" which is a smoothie in a box - like drinking your breakfast cereal ...... could that work for you?

Miss Meow
09-28-2003, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by captain
Miss Meow - I LOVE Crunchy Nut too!!!!!!
Coco Pops
Fruit Loops

........ just call me a sugar babe!!!!!

But I don't eat them anymore .......... 'cos I am trying to be heathy :rolleyes:

I forgot about Coco Pops - cocolicious! I think Logan(?) Healthfoods has Cocoa Bombs, which are the bigger, organic version of Coco Pops. Something tells me they're just as bad for you, even though I found them in the health food section, he he he ;)

09-29-2003, 12:41 AM
Please don't mis-understand me kay-ann, I am merely concerned for your health is all!

Why do you rise so early,? Do you have a distance to travel to school or something?

Why not grab a piece of fruit, or like someone else suggested some of those up and go drinks full of good vitamins, so many choices out there today.

It just cannot be good for your concerntration levels, surely, I mean no offense here, it is just so many young people (AND I WAS ONE OF THEM ONCE) who did the same, forget the most important meal of the day, and get into BAD HABITS.

Kay-ann you will have less time as you get older, as more than likely you will have more responsiblities, like maybe getting a family organised in the mornings for school whilst you prepare yourself for work, so it only gets harder.

But regardless it is your life and your choices!!!

09-29-2003, 12:49 AM
I have to give Simba his pills and ointment, take them outside, go to the bathroom myself, put Nala in her cage, take a shower, get dressed, brush my hair-- AND I'm NOT a morning person. It takes me a long time waking up. School starts at 7:05 and I have to be at the bus stop at 6:20. Believe it or not, it does take me that much time, because, like I said I'm not a morning person.

During the summer I would make myself breakfast. Bacon, eggs, toast, tomatoes, and sometimes banana if we had them.

Really, I cannot eat until 12 or so. Eating early makes my stomach hurt really bad.

Oh, and Ash.. I complain about there being too much junk food as well. I'd love to have carrots, fresh veggies, and orange juice in the fridge all the time. But, Nope. You can always find beer and coke in there though. :rolleyes:

09-29-2003, 12:56 AM
Gosh I had no idea school starts so early where you live, here in NZ its starts at around 9 am and 8.45 am, depending if it is primary or secondary schooling, I guess you finish earlier, they finish at 3.15 or 3pm.

I understand what you are saying, the reason you probably hurt , your stomach that is , because it is now used to not eating and if you do, it lets you know about it, been there honey done that.

Do you think you could tolerate a piece of fruit though? it really is just a matter of adjusting and takes time for your stomach to get used to eating in the mornings, me I used to feel sick, like puking at the thought of breakfast, and I think I would have if I did, it took me time but I did it, and I was in my early twenties when I ate this way.

If you are happy as you are and feel no ill effects, then who am I to judge you, just worried for you is all, take care.

09-29-2003, 01:01 AM
If we had fruit, I'd be more than happy!
I love fruit.:D

Anyways, It's way past my bedtime. I've been working on my lesson plans for the preschoolers.:p

09-29-2003, 01:27 AM
sorry I have to ask why don't you have fruit? is it too expensive where you are? or does no-one else like it, pity everyone should have at least 3 serving of fruit per day, and as you like it would be great brekky food, oh well, goodnite, sleep tight.

09-29-2003, 03:20 AM
I love Kellogg's Special K Red Berries:)

09-29-2003, 04:57 AM
#1) Raisin nut bran...........excellent!
#2) Quaker oat squares

others: multi-grain cheerios, oatmeal raisin crisp, mueslix, basic 4

Now go out and try them.....they're great!

09-29-2003, 05:31 AM
Whenever we get fruit around here, it's gone in a few days. It is quite expensive, to get good fruit atleast. Anyways, I'm off to school! Dad is driving me today.

09-29-2003, 06:40 AM
Cinnamon Toast Crunch is my favorite cereal and has been since I was a kid.

But my favorite breakfast is morning star breakfast patties with biscuits.. yumm..

09-29-2003, 06:49 AM
mmmm morningstar breakfast patties.... (in my breakfast burrito. mmmm)

Originally posted by Uabassoon
Cinnamon Toast Crunch is my favorite cereal and has been since I was a kid.

But my favorite breakfast is morning star breakfast patties with biscuits.. yumm..

09-29-2003, 08:22 AM
Kellogg's Special K with red fruits !

09-29-2003, 09:09 AM
Odd man out here, I guess, but I hate cold cereal with a passion. I think it is because that is what I usually had to eat as a child. If it weren't for the rest of the family, I would never even have it in the house. Of course, my birds love Cheerios (thanks, Popcornbird). :)

09-29-2003, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
......My real favourite is Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes...... Oh, I love them, the Crunchy Nut Red too! And Honey Nut Sheddies... My fav at the moment though is Kelloggs Cornflakes with Banana.:D

09-29-2003, 09:48 AM
I eat Bran flakes almost daily,
because it taste good and healthy.

But my favorites are:
Rice Krispies, Chex's and Special K.

When I was a kid I loved Rice Krinkles. :)

09-29-2003, 09:54 AM

09-29-2003, 10:16 AM
In the summer my choice is CHEERIOS!

But in the winter, if it is a bit chilly, CREAM OF WHEAT.....with a banana! Yum!

My little niece is being raised very strictly when it comes to food.
She gets treats, but not too often. (ice cream).

She shared with me that she LOVED Lucky Charms. She said they have huge pieces of marshmallow in it. I asked her if she had them at home - being surprised.

She said Noooooo.

I asked her where she had them.......and she said at an overnight with her friends, the twins.

I asked her if she had told Momma and Poppa........and she said,


I don't think I am going to tell them either.

09-29-2003, 10:21 AM
And does Miz Gini now have Lucky Charms at her house? :D I won't tell either!

My fav. is Special K Red Berries, Cracklin' Oat Bran, Raisin Bran, and Quaker Oatmeal Squares.

09-29-2003, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I get up at 4:30 - 5 I can't get up any earlier and I can't go to bed any earlier.:p
So, Nope *I* don't have time. All I normally eat is dinner and snacks. Sometimes a snack during second period if I remember to bring something.

I found these bars called Zone Bars. They taste, to me, like a candy bar, slightly less sweet of course. They come in tons of different flavors- like Chocolate Raspberry and Chocolate Mint, my two favorites. They are low carb and fat (unlike alot of 'breakfast bars') have a decent amount of protein, and DO NO taste funny. They would go great with milk, tea, coffee, water, etc. I can get them on sale for .99, though usual price is 1.49.

Easy to carry, easy to eat.

09-29-2003, 10:28 AM
I can eat a whole box of Golden Grahams (and my mouth top gets all cut up) in one sitting!

Guess what I don't have in my house, ever?

I do love 'real' oatmeal, with some raisins in it...feels like it will stick with me for more than an hour.

09-29-2003, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
And does Miz Gini now have Lucky Charms at her house? :D I won't tell either!

I have been known to sneak up behind her, open her mouth, and pop in a piece of her favorite chocolate and then I give her a wink that says a thousand words. I hadn't better add Lucky Charms or I could get into big trouble.

Edwina's Secretary
09-29-2003, 10:53 AM
Gini...that's what aunts are for!

I adore Corn Bran but it is very hard to find. I was in Wisconsin recently and saw it and bought three boxes. I'm trying to make it last. But like Cataholic...it cuts up the roof of my mouth!

As a child I was very skinny and a finicky eater. Also stubborn. When my mother would get tired of fighting with me about eating...she would let me have cold cereal. I loved Frosted Flakes, Sugar Pops, and Captain Crunch...can we say SUGAR!

09-29-2003, 11:28 AM
Cinnamon Toast Crunch.I don't really eat cereal alot though.

09-29-2003, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
Nothing with sugar! I like shredded wheat/cheerios/raisin bran, that sorta thing.

Me too! I can't stand pre-sweetened cereal. It is just too sweet for me. I like all of your favorites, Cookiebaker, (they are my 3 favorites too! :) ) and I also like cooked oatmeal (not the instant stuff!).

09-29-2003, 12:26 PM
Varieties of Northern Gold and SweetHome brands of granolas.

09-29-2003, 12:29 PM
I don't do cereal at all. I'm more savory. Give me a piece of toast with melted cheese for breakfast any day.:)

09-29-2003, 01:13 PM
I like Kelloggs K - both of the ones with dried fruit. I also like Kelloggs Toppas (called Splitz in Spain) I always buy these when we're there. Talking of Spain, we know a great breakfast Bar in Barcelona where they serve Swiss Omelettes - the ones with cheese. Uhmm!!

Since we were invited for brunch in O's (an american place) I tried american pancakes, they're yummy too, but I can't be bothered to cook those in the morning.

A good english breakfast is fine too, but without the baked beans, and the tomatoes has to be fresh cut! Not tin ones - Ewww!!

But in the summer, I like my own fruit/yougurt breakfast! (posted in the recipe thread I think)

I have been known to eat Porridge too - on a sunday morning. ;)

However, a slice of bread with either cheese or jam goes after, along with a cup of tea! :)

Dakota's Mommy
10-01-2003, 09:30 AM
Depends on my mood! A lot of different sweet ones sound good right this moment though! But, usually I just get cherrios!

10-01-2003, 03:00 PM
Curiosity has got the better of me, since a lot of you seem to like CHEERIOS, please tell me what they are like?
The only CHEERIOS we have in NZ are cheerio sausages, which are little red cocktail sausages.

10-01-2003, 03:10 PM
Cheerios (http://www.cheerios.com/)

10-01-2003, 03:19 PM
Gee thanks Logan, they look very appertising, similar to our kellogs nutrigrain, except they are long in shape, and come in three flavours, choc malt, orginial, honey nut.

10-01-2003, 04:25 PM
As it happens I bought some Cheerios this week, and not only because they were on a bargain offer, 50% extra free, but I like them too! I hope the Berry Burst ones become available over here, they sound really yummy!:)