View Full Version : vegtable oil?

08-02-2001, 11:53 AM
I heard that if you mix one table spoon of vegtable oil in with a dogs food once a week it helps the skin and coat. Does anyone know anything about this?

08-02-2001, 01:38 PM
I haven't heard any real proof of that. I think if I was going to use a supplement for skin and fur, I'd get one of those that contains the essential fatty acids and other things that are proven to be good for the pups.
I have used one in the past called Mrs. Allen's Shed stop. They did look good, but it was a little too expensive for me with two large dogs. We were going through a bottle a week and it is about $20/bottle at Petsmart.

Look in the Drs. Foster and Smith Catalog. It is overwhelming how many there are. And ask you vet for a recommendation too.

Good luck with your beautiful, furry baby!

08-02-2001, 02:22 PM
A lady I work with was advised by her vet to give their Basenji, veg oil daily to help add moisture to his dry flaky coat and she said it worked great.
Logan, I found Mrs Allans Shed Stop at Meijers for about $15-16 a bottle.

08-02-2001, 02:45 PM
Many of the "greyhound people" that we associate with give their dogs a spoonful of veg. oil on each of their meals. One couple we know does this for their 6 dogs, and all 6 have very soft, silky, shiny coats.
However, many of the "high-quality" dog foods have oils or supplements in them already, to soften a dog's coat and skin. Our dogs are all on Nutro brand food, which contains linoleic (sp?) acid, and they have nice, soft and shiny coats too. So, I don't worry about adding additional oil to their food bowls!

08-03-2001, 07:36 PM
I gave the veg. Oil to Zeus it worked well on his coat but it made him gain weight.

08-03-2001, 08:10 PM
We were told feeding ours lamb and rice would keep their coat nice and shiny and it really does. Daisy and Perry both have nice feeling coats and a good shine. I had never heard about the vegetable oil before, but I think I will stick with the lamb and rice since it is working well for us.

08-03-2001, 08:57 PM
I feed my dog lamb and rice for other reasons, but I have noticed that it does help his fur. When I fed him vegetable oil it seemed as though his fur had a funny odor and I had to wash him more often! But not all dogs are the same!
Best of Luck:
BayLee's Mommy :rolleyes: :) ;) :eek:

08-05-2001, 09:28 PM
my grandma gives her Shih Tzu vegtable oil in his food, as suggested by the groomer, and it must work because latly his coat seems softer and silkier.

08-21-2001, 02:29 PM
Yes, and I am starting to do it. It's helpful, and he likes it a lot, and it does make his coat shiny. The vet said it's good to do, and so did the breeder.

08-21-2001, 03:14 PM
The vet said to give Killian 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (canola) daily for his liver disease. She didn't explain why, though.


08-21-2001, 03:54 PM
actually the origin was corn oil for the coat,mineral oil for the digestive tract...if you are having dry coat use veg. or corn oil...if your dog is stopped up...sorry,for lack of a better phrase..use mineral oil...if you just want a good coat supplement an inexpensive one is super 14....we used to call it the cheaters method to a good coat...it is a horse supplement...but it is not a panacea...plus you don't give dogs as much as horses...base it on the weight...the best thing for a dogs coat is good grooming to bring the natural oils to the surface...and don't overbathe...it dries the coat.... ;) good exersise and good diet....what kind of dog are we talking about????the deli dog