View Full Version : Annoying Triple A Lady, Need Opinions

09-27-2003, 09:19 PM
Ok, my hubby and I decided to join Triple A today, you know, the national auto club that will give you a tow if your car dies or will bring you a tank of gas if you run out on the side of the highway or something.

Well, the cashier lady asked whose name would be on the account. I said "Put my name on it please". Then she looked at the both of us and I said "it's ok, we're married". She then goes "Oh, then I'll put your husband's name as the primary." I said "Excuse me?" She then said "Oh you know, head of household." Then she said "You'll understand in a few years." I was so suprised she was so rude, I didn't say anything!

I mean, she just assumed that the husband is the head of the household. We make decisions together and actually make about the same amount of money as far as salaries go. There is no "head of household" it's a shared responsibility.

After I left, I told my hubby that I was going to call her manager on Monday and tell him that he needed to give her a talking to about customer service.

I mean, the work I do in some instances involves customer service. But I have never in my life thrown down my personal opinion like that and did the opposite of what the customer wanted. I mean, that was sexist bull$hit that she was spewing. Anyway, the hubby thinks it's overreacting if I call her manager and tell him about the unsatisfactory service and sexist comments.

What do you think?

09-27-2003, 09:26 PM
Oh poor you.
I would have found that objectionable as well.

I had the same thing happen with the plumber. After the work, a woman from his business called and asked who the bill should be addressed to. After I said ME a few times and she kept asking for a man...I said, who called you? ME. The bill comes to ME. She said, "I understand but is there a man that I could send it to?" I said sure, but he wont pay it. Send it to me or dont!

09-27-2003, 09:43 PM
I think that you are right to want to tell her manager, but do so as calmly and plainly as you can.

09-27-2003, 09:45 PM
WOW!!! To the both of you- goodness, I would have had a complete COW! How ignorant can either of those people possibly be! It is 2003, not 1953!

09-27-2003, 09:48 PM
To be perfectly honest I wouldn't worry about it either way. Life is too short to expend energy over it. There are rude people everywhere unfortunately. Just my opinion.

If you really want to have something to complain about try waiting for Triple A for 45 min. at night in the pouring rain and have them never come. It happened to me! I was on my way to work and had to call my office and have someone pick me up to get me there. I had to leave my car right where it broke down overnight. :mad:

09-27-2003, 09:55 PM
I say - I'm glad that my man is the head of the household. And the older I get and longer married I even feel more so. Call me a wimp!LOL

09-27-2003, 10:09 PM
Actually to be honest, I did kinda flip out once we were in the car.

I guess what got me is that she did the opposite of what I asked her to do and that is not good customer service. The smug attitude didn't help either.

I think that I will call the manager on Monday and calmly point out to him why I was dissatisfied. In a weird way, she may not have viewed it as bad customer service. She may have done the same thing to a bunch of other people, but they just brushed it off or whatever.

I just think that when people do something wrong, they need to be corrected. Not meanly, unless it is completely called for and in this case, I don't think I need to be over the top evil about it. I mean, I don't want her to lose her job, just don't do it to anybody else.

09-28-2003, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by babolaypo65
She said, "I understand but is there a man that I could send it to?" I said sure, but he wont pay it. Send it to me or dont!


09-28-2003, 12:09 AM
I would report it as well, not so much for the "head of household" thing but like you said, the fact she didn't put the correct name on the account. It's not her business who's the primary card holder, and she has no right to make those decisions. I would call the manager as well.

09-28-2003, 01:54 AM
As for AAA I would advise you to get AAA Plus. It's a few $$ more, but well worth the extra if you really have to use it. They tow the first 100 miles for free, reg. AAA tows to the NEAREST repair shop. I had to use their service when we were transporting my Mom from one hospital to another and one of our cars broke down, 130 miles from their home. It covers the card holder for ANY car they are driving, even if they don't own it. So it doesn't matter whos name is on the card as long as they are present when the tow or gas or work (flat tire) is started.

Having said all that, if you want your name on the card, mine is-not tom's- (Thank God it was my name on the card and not his, he was not with us) then call and tell your story. They will issue you new cards.

09-28-2003, 10:58 AM
I agree, I would have been insulted.
I would make AAA change you to the primary
if she did not do so.
Back in my mother's time, married woman earned Zero credit
if the husband's name was down as the primary on joint
credit cards etc.