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View Full Version : I'm So Mad! *Hiking Mis-Adventure*

09-27-2003, 08:11 PM
Hiya guys!

So today bf and I went for a hike. We took Joxer and Buford. We tried to find the one trial I had picked out, but it looked like they're not maintaining it anymore. So we find an alternate trail that I had in mind.

The first thing you see upon entering the trailhead is a big sign that says it's a dangerous area for off-leash dogs. Plus there's the sign with all the rules on it. #3 Rule being "All dogs must be leashed". Ok, no problem. I always keep my dogs on leash anyway. Buford isn't very good with strange dogs so I like to keep him close, plus I don't really want them harassing wildlife etc. And this trail happens to be on private land so I feel even more obligated to obey all the rules. Otherwise the owners might revoke the publics privilidges.

We get towards the end of the trail and down the embankment I notice a woman with her little boy and two off-leash dogs in a nice beach area on the river. The strange dogs (lab and sheltie) start barking aggressively and running toward us and I yell down to the woman and ask if her dogs will stay down there. She says yes and then I let her know that Buford isn't good with strange dogs and we will turn around and go down river.

So we head down to another part of the river and let Buford swim for a while (on a 20 foot long line). We're just packing up when the ladies black lab rushes towards bf and Buford very aggressively. So she and Buford get into it and bf is trying to break it up for a good while. It takes about 45 seconds for the lady and her little boy to even reach us (that's how far ahead she let her off-leash dogs run) and by this time bf is wrestling with Buford and I'm on the ground trying to grab the stupid lab. Now, remember we're down by the river and all of this is happening on big, hard river rocks!

Her little boy sees us first and I yell at him to stay away because I certainly didn't want him to get hurt. Now Joxer and the little sheltie are starting to act up so I give each of them a rap on the nose and tell them to leave it, which they both do. We finally seperated the two big dogs and her dog runs back to her. By this time, I'm on the ground, panting and shaking, both knees scraped up and bleeding and my face is bleeding slightly. Later on, I figure out my right thumb is sprained.

I reprimanded the lady very sharply about her having her dogs off-leash and totally no control over them. I inform her that in the National Forrests, your dogs must be leashed at all times. I also reminded her that this was private land and her reckless actions might ruin it for all dog owners.

She huffs off and heads down the trail and I yell out, "Were you even going to ask if we were ok?"

She turns around and snottily asks, "Well, are you ok?" and turns around and walks off.

Some people!

I mean, first of all the rules are for everyone, right? Am I being anal? I would never let my dogs run off leash on a trail like that. I wouldn't want other hikers scared. I mean, not everyone likes dogs after all. And if her dogs are running that far ahead of her, you know she's not cleaning up after them. And I was rather irritated that she was letting her dogs run on the nice little beach. I try to be really couretous and move off the trail for other hikers without dogs but she was just letting her dogs tear up the nice little beach area. Grrrrrrrr.

And I even warned her earlier about Buford. I don't even think she had leashes on her. This really chaps my a$$ because it's exactly people like this that ruin it for all the responsible dog owners.

However, there was one good part. We saw another couple with two pit bulls, also and they were brindle too! And on-leash and well-behaved I might add.

So here I sit, with two banged up knees, one banged up arm, a scratch on my face and a sprained thumb. :(

How would you guys feel about this?

09-27-2003, 08:31 PM
Why can't people just LISTEN??? I am so sorry that had to happen to you... how painful! But I would have been right there doing the same thing to get my dog away. Great job, just sorry you got hurt... Poor you AND doggies AND bf.. {{hugs}}

09-28-2003, 12:48 AM
Totally out of line! This woman was acting very irresponsibly---- to say the least!!!

I'm sorry you got all banged up. :( Ouchie!

I bet it was nice to see some other beautiful well-behaved brindles!!! Did you take any pics? It sounds like a beautiful hiking area!

09-28-2003, 12:57 AM
You were not out-of-line at all! That lady was a total jerk! I HATE people who let their dogs run off-leash! Sure if you're in the middle of nowhere/no people and dogs around and you actually have voice control over your dogs.....but not many people do have that kind of control over their dogs, and this lady obviously didn't. :mad: :mad:

Sorry to hear you were hurt...hope you're feeling better soon! Is Buford ok?

09-28-2003, 01:03 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Is Buford ok?

Buford's the smart one....not a scratch on him! lololol

09-28-2003, 01:03 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about this, Kat :( Where were you? Some people!! :mad: :mad: No, you were not out-of-line at all! I can't believe the nerve of that woman! I hope all your wounds heal well! How's Buford and your bf doing?

09-28-2003, 01:06 AM
We ended up going down Old Robe trail in the Mt. Baker/Snoqualmie National Forest. :)

Everyone's fine, thanks for asking!

09-28-2003, 01:36 AM
You are so right Kat, this is the kind of BS that ruins it for all good dog owners. She obviously has no clue what her dog is doing if he is that far ahead, and ya know, unfortunately for her dog they will run into the wrong dog with owners who don't care as much as you two, and her dog will get torn up. Then she will be blaming EVERYONE except herself.:rolleyes:
Sorry a good day had to be ruined by this.....tom

09-28-2003, 10:23 AM
Sounds like it was to be a beautiful hiking trip--until she ruined it!!

I think you were completely right--your dogs were leashed, and hers weren't. I'm sure they were just tearing everything up, and eliminating wherever they pleased--people disgust me.

I'm sorry you got so banged up, but I'm glad no one was hurt seriously.

09-28-2003, 10:40 AM
I hate that feeling, in the pit of your stomach, when an off lead dog rushes up to you. I always freak out, and start yelling (nice at 6 am, eh). But, you just can't be too sure!

I am glad your injuries were relatively minor (but, I know hurting all the same) and that both bf and dogs were unharmed. Kinda put a bad feeling on the whole day, didn't it?


09-28-2003, 08:28 PM
Here's a small update:

I have a hairline fracture in my wrist! :(

It was hurting today so I went to the walk-in clinic after work. They took x-rays and it looked like a fracture so they're going to send them to the radiologist tomorrow. Until they get the results back, I'll be wearing the cast. If it's just sprained, then it's the cast for 3 days, if it's fractured then I have to wear it for 2 weeks! Ugh!

Now I really wish I'd gotten her name. Grrrrrrr.

09-28-2003, 09:04 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your wrist!!
I hope it heals quickly for you--all because some stupid woman couldn't keep her dogs on a leash, some people.

09-28-2003, 09:06 PM
Oh no! :(

That moronic lady should've just kept her dogs on leash! :mad:

I hope it turns out to be a sprain. Keep us posted!

09-29-2003, 08:39 AM
Ohhhh!! That makes my blood boil! That woman was totally out of line. :mad: And had Buford seriously hurt that dog, she would of blamed Buford. :mad: :mad:

I'm so sorry your wrist might be broken. :( I hope it's just a sprain.


09-29-2003, 10:55 AM
So very sorry about what happened to you. :( It is too bad you were not able to get her name. I would have insisted she provide me with some ID and taken her name and address down. Not only what she did was extremely irresponsible but it was probably against the law also. Most places have leash laws and she would be held responsible for any injuries you incurred because of her poor judgement and stupidity.


09-29-2003, 11:36 AM
OMG!!:eek: I can't beleive some people!It sounds like the people down here.They have no respect!:mad:

Hope you feel better!:)