View Full Version : Katy LIED!!!

09-27-2003, 05:08 PM
I'll never trust Katy again.

Months ago I lost my debit card.

I tore up my truck, my house and every other place that I could think of.

I looked ALL OVER THE PLANET for my card before I decided that I did not need one.
Which, is a blessing in itself…I saved some money….

No more, "I want a bite to eat, I will go to the ATM". You take out 20 dollars to buy a five dollar meal. The other 15 goes to charity. Lotto tickets, soda, ciggies, chips, coffee.

All the things that make life more bearable. At least on my planet.

I was kinda upset that I lost another card……This one makes number four!

Number Two was a far more cut and dry loss.
I watched it fly from my hand while I was riding my motorcycle, on the freeway, at night.
Don't ask, you cannot use an ATM card while riding 70 miles an hour on a bike.

Number Four was far more mysterious. I remember putting it into my backpack…….the black hole of accessories……..IT JUST DISAPPEARED!!!!!!

I know I did not lose the card. It's still around somewhere. Someplace.

I finally broke down and called my bank to get a replacement card.

"7 to 10 business days to get a new one!", the gal told me.

I hung up the phone and said to myself……"Watch, the lost card will show up after the new one comes"…..Yeah, right!

So why can I make a prediction like that?
Evil still runs around on the planet, monkeys have not exited my rear end and Fidel Castro is still alive! Why should I have 'luck' like that?

Yesterday my new card came, Number 5!!!!
I’m happy again, I used it last night to get a 20 dollar bill from my account!
Life is good once again! I'm part of the real world!

I'm feeling sooooooo good that I am going to clean my house today!

I start around the computer. I have some CDs that I have not returned to their place next to the stereo….They went to work with me, came home. Instead of putting them back I left them on the CPU and I listened to them while I did my 'computing'.

As I went looked at the bottom most CD-case I happened to see a small corner of the VISA logo. The VISA logo in the lower right hand corner of LOST DEBIT CARDS.

I pinched the edge of that small piece of plastic and out slides my lost debit card, one day after I got my new one in the mail….

When I looked at the CD case it came out of I saw that the album was KATY LIED by Steely Dan. The card had worked it's way into
the case.

Moral of the story?

Never trust Katy-she'll hide your card- and lie about it.
Put your cards BACK in your wallet purse, where they belong.
Put your CDs back where they belong.
Never mix CDs and debit cards.

and NEVER say that you will find a lost item AFTER you replace it.
You will find it then, really!

Being able to predict you will find a lost item AFTER you replace it is kinda cool!
You feel omnipotent, clairvoyant, mysterious and……..

I think I'll go get some money out of the ATM and play the lottery tonight.


09-27-2003, 05:32 PM
Gotta love ya!

09-27-2003, 06:27 PM
LOL Richard..it never fails does it?

09-27-2003, 06:50 PM
Maybe the card and the CD's have formed a secret alliance to get you to buy more CD's??

Or, it could have been Eddie.

09-27-2003, 07:02 PM

09-27-2003, 07:02 PM
cash????what is cash????? I really NEED my card.

09-27-2003, 07:06 PM
http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons/34.gif OOH! I have SO been There!!!!!! Funny how you always find things in the last place you look...

By the way, RICHARD, I DO NOT LIE!;) :D


09-27-2003, 08:43 PM
LOL!! Loudlou thats what I was thinking too!! beings I too am a Kaite :) and when I was little thats how I spelled it..k-a-t-y!

09-27-2003, 08:48 PM
HA HA Richard, this story had me intrigued, especially the heading, well at least I know you have good taste in music mate!!!!

09-27-2003, 09:24 PM
I am Desperately trying to find a way to go see Arthur Lee on 10/21????
Sounds like you NEED to join me!!!!
go to mylittleredtelephone.com....to see his tour dates!!!

09-27-2003, 10:36 PM
Without my debit card, I am lost....that is why I have two

Really...for the same account!! When I changed my name after gettingmarried, they sent me a new card, with a new number for the same account. I treied to cancel the old one, but they make it so hard...you actually have to go INTO the bank?!? With direct deposit, and a ATM card, who does that?!?

I almost never have cash...and usually can only find one of my cards. The other? Loose in my purse, in the laundry, who knows :)

09-28-2003, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom

I almost never have cash...and usually can only find one of my cards. The other? Loose in my purse, in the laundry, who knows :)

I found one of my cards in the lint screen of the dryer once.
does that count???

Apologies to all the Katy's, Katies, Kaites Kaydees, KDs and all the rest.

I am the last person you want to go to a concert with.....

They last time i feel in the parking lot.....no, i was not drunk!

and so you all know......i didn't win the lotto:(

Dakota's Mommy
10-01-2003, 09:28 AM
I also rarely have cash. It's just so much easier to carry my card around. Especially being so far away from one of our 2 bank accounts. If I try to pull cash out of one account, I have to use an ATM and get charged a fee. Sorry, I want to use the money I spend, not pay fees. So, I just go without!

10-01-2003, 03:04 PM
Yes I rarely have cash on me these day's, my husband persuaded me to stop being outdated, and move with the times , and use EFTPOS, I am sure he somewhat regrets it now!, like it is so much easier to buy stuff than have to go to the bank and withdraw it.

It can be a nuisance though, when my daughter needs cash for school things, and out of school hobbies, and I don't have the cash on me.

But in general yes its ALL GOOD.