View Full Version : My Dilemma

09-26-2003, 01:36 AM
Here's a link to the update regarding what's going on with my fosters: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=34638

With this eye condition, I feel its going to be very hard finding homes for these sweeties. :( I've put posters up at work, told everyone I know that may have room in their hearts for a kitten, given a poster to someone I met that does rescue. Everything I know how to do, outside of setting up a cage at work. (If I do that, I have no control over who would get a kitten...ie: can't control it being declawed, outdoor, taunted by children, etc.) :(

My vet said they will require a major surgery to get their eyes to where they'll be healthy again, but not until they are older. I have to be honest with people, but who is going to be willing to adopt a kitten, give it "artificial tears" twice a day, pay for that surgery when its time AND adhere to my adoption policy? I feel like I'm asking so much of people. :(

Its crossed my mind to keep one of the kittens, which would help the odds of my finding them good homes. Timothy isn't as bad and may not even need the surgery, so that narrows it down to two who'd need really good homes.

But...and its a big one. I don't want this to effect my cats. :( As it is, I feel terrible if I'm too tired to play with our cats, especially if its BECAUSE of the kittens. I can tell Noah and Micah are upset. Olivia is being excessively witchy to the other cats as well. I'm sitting here on the computer with Basie staring at me...it makes me feel so bad I want to wake up and have it all be someone else that took the kittens home. :( :( :(

I know I did the right thing by rescuing them, but not by bringing them home and making them my responsibility.

What do I do? I'm at a loss. My cats come first.

09-26-2003, 03:07 AM

People DO adopt special need cats every day,(Be it limbs /eyes missing, blind, deaf etc.) in fact our local RSPCA staff said these cats are adopted faster than healthy cats !!!

Our first cat Georgie is prone to eye infections and we have to clean his eyes twice daily (He has blocked eye ducts and the vet said an operation is not a good idea at his age). It takes 30 seconds twice a day..big deal.

We fell for him, and adopted him eye infections and all.

AND it is more likely that someone who wishes to take a special kitty, will fit your desired guidelines.

Kelly, Please don't just adopt one of the kittens as you feel you must...as you will be adopting out of misguided guilt not because you want the kitten.

Try to adopt them out, I bet you will be surprised at the response.

PS. Could you get the vet to give you set prices for the eye operations, people are happier to adopt a cat needing an operation if they know a price has been set.

PPS. You so did they right thing rescuing these cuties, if I lived closer we would take one ;)

09-26-2003, 04:58 AM
I do not know how many rescue organization are in your area or how far you would be willing to allow the kittens to travel, but I think your BEST bet is to find an organization to take them in. It can be done. The organization I foster for just accepted a 3 legged kitty as one of our own. We will make sure it get the necessary surgery and then will have a place to stay until he can be adopted by the right family.
Write a detailed letter and include the fact that you would be willing to continue to foster (if you would be) but that you cannot handle the full brunt of the medical costs (maybe you could add that you could HELP with the costs, if you can). Then send it EVERYWHERE you can find.
The 3 legged kitty I spoke of was found through a petfinder classified ad. He was in our area and one of the volunteers just happened to run across a cry for help written by the person who has him. This volunteer asked a number of the other volunteers and they agreed that we could try to help. So stories like this can have a happpy ending.

09-26-2003, 05:10 AM
When I did volunteer work at the RSPCA here it was always the special needs kitty's that went first. In fact one carer said in passing one day that if we could make them all blind or have 3 legs we wouldn't have to put so many down. Sad but true.

09-26-2003, 07:38 AM

I went looking. Here's what I found.


It's a rescue organization for orphaned and injured kittens. Give them a try.

Here is a link with a message board. You might want to post something here about the kittens and see who responds.


And don't you DARE feel guilty. You have done so much for SO many cats and kittens. I think, IMO, that you are feeling a little burned out right now. It's normal, believe me. Rescue can be a VERY overwhelming and stressful job at times. Especially when you rescue kittens such as the ones with the eye problems.

Don't ever forget to take care of yourself AND your own furkids first. Because if you don't, you won't be any good to the ones you do rescue.

I'll keep looking for more sites and will post them as I find them.

Keep up the great work and hang in there!!


09-26-2003, 07:53 AM
Originally posted by moosmom
And don't you DARE feel guilty. You have done so much for SO many cats and kittens. I think, IMO, that you are feeling a little burned out right now. It's normal, believe me. Rescue can be a VERY overwhelming and stressful job at times. Especially when you rescue kittens such as the ones with the eye problems.

Don't ever forget to take care of yourself AND your own furkids first. Because if you don't, you won't be any good to the ones you do rescue.

Keep up the great work and hang in there!!
I agree, Donna & very well said!
I think you feeling burned out and are in a low spot --- these kittens need you now more than ever and I have no doubt that you will do an excellent job in placing them somwhere safe and loving! YOU GOTTA HAVE FAITH! ;)

09-26-2003, 08:53 AM
You're in California, right? What part? In Utah, there is a place called Best Friends, which takes special needs animals. It's a wonderful place. Possibly an option??

09-26-2003, 09:46 AM
I wish that i could take one of the Kittens in , but with my cats getting older I ahve to prepare for when they start to have geriatic problems! But you are a wonderful person to care so deeply ,and Cat prayers are coming your way. Lost Cats Hotel Cats and Me.

09-26-2003, 12:47 PM
I adopted Binx knowing he would need significant vetrinary care. I am no saint (though Binx is!), and there are plenty of others out there, like me, that would do it all again.

You are low, feeling overwhelmed, and can't see the way out. Don't dispair. Cry, baby yourself, throw a tantrum or 50, but, then, pick yourself back up, and march forward. You can do it, you DO do it, and you will be rewarded for doing it.

Hang in there.

09-26-2003, 01:13 PM
Thanks so much!!

I figured out what got me thinking that no one will adopt them. At work, I deal with so many people every day freaking out over the cost of their vet bills. I empathize with them, but come on, making a fuss because you had to pay sales tax on your cats medication???

I think that's the attitude I've been seeing lately and its got me down.

Thanks for the great links and ideas. :)