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08-18-2001, 08:19 PM
Okay, this may be far fetched but every year I have to put up with a whole herd of other people's kids while I am trying to work. It is an all day affair called "Bring Your Child To Work Day". Don't start typing the hate emails, I love kids in fact I have five wonderful kids myself and four great grandsons. I just never thought an overwhelming need to bring them to work. I know they are supposed to be learning what their mother or father is doing but usually the office just makes it a party and they never see their parent work. Anyway, I think we should have a "Bring Your Dog or Cat to Work Day" It would be alot less stressful. ;) ;)

08-18-2001, 08:59 PM
I have wanted a Bring Your Dog to Work day forever! As soon as the whole Bring Your Child to Work day came up I have wanted to bring my dogs! But, none of my places of work would allow that... nor could they really.

I don't think my dogs would be very good "work" candidates anyway... Well, maybe Sasha would. Everyone would adore her!!!

08-19-2001, 04:47 PM
There was a "Take your dog to work day" this spring. I thought it was national, but maybe just local?? Anyhow, the local newspaper, the Toledo Blade :rolleyes: ran several articles and editorials both before and after the event, criticizing it.
I agree that 'take your child to work day' is a distraction, both to the parents with their kids, who have to provide entertainment all day for the children, and to other workers without kids. But, personally, I would be even more distracted if my work environment was full of happy doggies all day! I wouldn't be able to focus at all that day, LOL :D !

Snowy's Mommy
08-20-2001, 01:53 PM

There was "Bring Your Pet to Work Day" over here too!

I didn't bring Snowy because I would do absolutely NO work all day--I would be too busy playing with him!


08-21-2001, 02:41 PM
I have brang my 2 boxers to work with me on several occaions. I tied their leashes behind my desk and they gave me no problem. Of course I work at a mechanic shop too. Every person who walked through the door would be greeted with a friendly wagging butt of Roxy and Rebel. There're tails are to short to wag. :D

08-21-2001, 03:45 PM
There was a "Bring Your Pet To Work Day" here as well... I wanted to bring Cora, but the University has a strict "no pets in the building" policy.

SIGH.... sometimes, even the most educated people are clueless....

08-22-2001, 11:09 AM
Bring your dog to work day was in June, I think. :)

08-22-2001, 11:16 AM
Aren't I the lucky one? I bring two dogs and two cats to work everyday! :D Since I have a home office, if I am here, they are close by. Of course, I get up and down a lot as Honey especially can never make up her mind where she wants to be! :rolleyes:

There are many days when I have my chair surrounded by two big dogs, with Mimi in my lap, and sometimes Butter nearby, but not usually at the same time as Mimi! And I just chat away with my customers on the phone. What a life! :cool: The only embarassing moments come when one or the other of the dogs starts barking, inside the house! :o Thank goodness that is rare, and I usually have to explain then to the customer that I work at home! LOL!