View Full Version : Crazy evening last night and some more of the same this morning....

09-25-2003, 11:15 AM
I appologize for being graphic.... :o

Yesterday, work was just peachy. I got home and Kia greeted me with the same enthusiasm as always.

My after work routine consists of me changing out of my work clothes and into some "grubbies".

It only took me 5 minutes.....

I walked into the living room and stopped in shock. Poop! :eek: It was EVERYWHERE! (The diarhea kind :o ) It's like Kia's rear end exploded. I looked at her.... looked at the mess.... looked at her.

She wanted to vanish, you could see how guilty she looked. "Mommy I'm sooooo sorry! I couldn't hold it any longer!"

Not her fault if she doesn't feel good... I just sighed and got busy cleaning. Scrubbed the s**t out of the carpet (pun intended ;) ).

She had also made a mess in her crate so I packed up the laundry basket and we got ready to head to my parents. (24 hr. laundromat :p )

Well... on the way out, two kids with a puppy in tow asked me if it was my dog.

My heart sank. He looks like a husky/shepard mix with big brown eyes. Maybe 6 months old. He's got some black spots on his tongue so maybe some chow down the line. He had one ear up and one ear floppy... kinda looks like Drake but lighter. Heck, he might have some wolf in him. He's absolutely adorable. Someone left him in the enclosed poop pen at my apartment that morning and he had been there all day. :mad:

The maintence guy Randy found him and the kids were trying to see if he just got lost and that someone stuck him in the pen. But it's very likely he was abandoned. Randy took him home.. ("My wife is going to kill me" is what he repeated over and over ;) ) But he said he'd let me know if the wife said no. I'll try to find him a good home.

The rest of the evening was quiet....

Then this morning, Zam has poop hanging off her butt! :eek: :o So I'm chasing the cat around the apartment, toilet paper in hand, trying to help.

Well she doesn't want my help. The scratches attest to that...


09-25-2003, 11:20 AM
Sounds like you had a pretty "crappy" night! lol

I hope they find the owner for the pup or that the guy keeps him. I really hate stupid people. :mad:

09-25-2003, 11:36 AM
Poor sick Kia. And you feel so bad for them when they think you're mad at them. Sounds like a fun night, that's for sure. I hope that dog finds a good home.

09-25-2003, 11:40 AM
Exactly why I HATE carpet, Kim!!!! :) Poor Kia. She couldn't help it, but I know she felt guilty. Is she better today??

With four, it is hard to tell who makes the mess on the rare occasion that it happens. But I can never fuss. All I know is that it would be MUCH easier to clean if we didn't have all this blasted carpet in this house!!! Now all I need is the $$$$$ it would take to pull it up and put in hardwood.

Just this morning, Stanley Steemer came to clean our downstairs carpet. 4 dogs and carpet do not mix very well, especially when you have one (her name is Lilly :o ) who got confused about where it was appropriate to tinkle. It look 100% better, but I can't let them on it until tomorrow, so Murphy, my spoiled old girl, is totally ticked off and barking at the gate that has her blocked in the kitchen!!!!

Woe is me!!!! I totally sympathize!!!! :)

09-25-2003, 12:38 PM
Like mugsy said, what a crappy night! :o
Did both Kia and Zam perhaps eat something that didn't agree with their tummys since they both had "issues"? I sure hope they are both feeling better today. If they aren't, try making some light chicken and rice or go and get some Spots Stew for dogs and cats. It's really good for their tummys.

I hope the doggie that was left in the pen has found a home. Sounds like an absolute cutie!

Logan, I know what you mean about carpet. Mine is starting to look really bad and I've only had it for 3 years! :o I swear I'm going to have hardwood or tile flooring one of these days! I may have to give in for a professional carpet cleaning one of these days to get some of the old stains out. It seems like I can never get them out, no matter how much I scrub. Any advice on that front? Even when I catch it right away and clean it up, there is still a residual stain :rolleyes:

How are Kia and Zam doing now?

09-25-2003, 12:53 PM
Thankfully it's a tan carpet, but what I wouldn't give to have wooden floors. :D

Someday.... when I own a home...

I think they are better... I'll know for certain when I get home later. :) Kia was playful when we got to my parents, though we couldn't play outside because of the thunderstorms.

I do hope Randy can keep the little guy. If not, I'll get pics and will post them.

09-25-2003, 03:11 PM
Wow Kim. It sounds like your "surprises" last night were much
worse than my morning hassles. I'm glad Kia & Zam seem better
today. Hope you find were that little pup came from. He does
sound adorable. A Picture would be nice. :D :D

Dakota's Mommy
09-25-2003, 03:59 PM
Yep, you had your hands full! Hope Kia's feeling lots better though!

09-25-2003, 04:11 PM
UGH!!! I know all to well what it is like to clean messes like that out of carpet. No fun!!!

Hope Kia is feeling better today and that he puppy has found a new home :)

09-25-2003, 06:17 PM
Oh dear! What an awful night! I feel for you. Hope the furkids are better now.

Originally posted by wolflady

Logan, I know what you mean about carpet. Mine is starting to look really bad and I've only had it for 3 years! :o I swear I'm going to have hardwood or tile flooring one of these days!

You know, we have hardwood floor in the kitchen and dining room, and I HATE it! Sure it would be easy to clean pet accidents off of, and it is, but drop water on it, food (in the kitchen and dining room, that's bound to happen), move furniture on it, and that's it. The floor is RUINED! Ok, if you look at our floor, it looks fine because we try to take tremendously good care of it, but you can see the color getting wierd if you look closely, and it gets scratched all over practically just touching it. :rolleyes: The birds' droppings are easy to clean on carpet or flooring, but definitely easier on floor, however, for a dog or cat accident, I think hardwood flooring would be much better. If flooring was my choice and we could change it whenever we wanted, I would get marble flooring. That's the best, and it doesn't rot! :mad: Tiles would work too, as long as they're joined tiles. The rough part in between tiles can be hard to clean too.

*So jealous of Middle Eastern houses because they have marble floors* :(

09-25-2003, 06:24 PM
Oh no, that sounds like a real crappy night:eek:
I hope they're both feeling much better today. Kisses all around:D

09-25-2003, 06:28 PM
Oh, poor Kia:( My heart broke when I read your description of the "I'm sorry, mommy" look!:( I hope she's feeling better! I have all wood floors with some area rugs. Still, they always manage to have their rare accident ON THE RUG!!:D I hope the abandoned pupper finds a good home. Randy sounds like a peach. And you're an angel for offering to be back up! Please let us know how Kia's doing and the "stray" too!!

09-25-2003, 11:40 PM
SO sorry to hear Kia had an upset tummy. :( Hope she is feeling better.
I understand totally about Zam!! Kylie is too pudgy to clean herself so I have to get after her and she doesn't like it either!!! :eek:

Dixie Belle
09-26-2003, 04:55 AM
How rough! Glad to hear that they are feeling better. And keep us posted on the puppy.

09-26-2003, 08:51 AM
Well Zam and Kia are both doing a lot better. Both had solid poops last night. :D :p

Although Kia did eat some grass and promptly threw it up on our walk. :rolleyes: But other than that, she's doing fine. :)

I never saw Randy yesterday so I didn't get a chance to ask how the pup was and what his wife's reaction was. I have my fingers crossed that they will keep him.


09-26-2003, 10:12 AM
glad to hear kia and zam are feeling much better :D

and hopefully it will be good news about the pup *good luck*

09-26-2003, 10:15 AM
I'm glad to hear that Kia and Zam are solid now!!!
The grass puking?? Maybe she and Abbey should get together:rolleyes:

I hope everything works out for the pup, and he has found a new home!!