View Full Version : How often does your dog get a bath?

08-18-2001, 03:26 PM
How often does your dog get a bath????? Sadie may gets a bath once a month, sometimes twice a month, if she really needs it! And what kind of shampoo do you use for your dog? I use "TropiClean, Puppy & Kitten, Natural Shampoo with Coconut, Aloe, & Oatmeal". It's a very good shampoo for dogs, and it's for all pets with sensitive skin, and Sadie has ver sensitive skin! There is several kinds of "TropiClean" shampoo. Thank you!

08-18-2001, 03:37 PM
Well, I just gave our dogs a bath today! :) The last time they got a bath was probably about April or May.

08-18-2001, 03:40 PM
Simba gets a bath twice every week. First he gets flea shampoo all over his bodey except his head, and then puppy (tearless) champoo all over including his head.

08-18-2001, 03:42 PM
Thanks everybody! Hey Rottie~ Sadie just got a bath today, too! How hard it must be to give 3 dogs a bath!!!! :D Sadie has flea shampoo, but I only use it whenever she has fleas! I wouldn't put flea shampoo on a dog's head, eathier!

Daisy's Mom
08-18-2001, 07:20 PM
Daisy gets a dreaded bath at least once a month, and sometimes twice. She uses some kind of shampoo I forget the name of, but it has oatmeal in it. I'd go check the bottle, but Daisy knows when I pick it up and totally freaks out!!!

08-18-2001, 07:30 PM
Ricky gets a bath once or twice a month and we use a pet shampoo with aloe and oatmeal. I also use a flea shampoo if it looks like the Advantage isn't working which has happened a couple of times. Ricky hates a bath but it only takes five or ten minutes and I can do it in the bathroom sink so it is no big deal.

08-18-2001, 08:39 PM
Pepper gets a bath about every 1 to 2 months as needed.
The big dogs usually do not get bathed in
the winter, and as needed during the rest of the year. (about every other month)
I use a flea/tick shampoo during the Summer
and a gentle shampoo for the other baths.
Our dogs do not enjoy getting a bath. THey remind me of little kids.

08-18-2001, 11:32 PM
Felice doesn't get a bath very often(once every 3 months) because she has that Akita hair and she takes forever to dry and then she sheds like crazy.
Hercules and Zeus get one probably once every month

08-19-2001, 12:06 PM
Perry and Daisy get a bath about every two weeks. They mostly stay in the house and are out on a cement patio so we don't worry about baths too much. We also use an oatmeal shampoo.
A word of warning, if you use Flea Shampoo please be very careful that you don't get it in your dogs eyes, Perry got it in one of his eyes and it burned it. We took him to our Vet and we had medication to put on him.
It was awful, he suffered quite a bit, so we stopped using it and just do the Advantage.

08-19-2001, 02:01 PM
Bella gets a bath about once every 4-6 weeks depending on when we feel she needs a clipping and have the time. She loves her baths and tolerates the clippers. :rolleyes: I have been using either Finesse or Pantene on her because that's what we have in the house, and for some reason I keep forgetting to get doggie shampoo when I am at PetsMart! :eek:

08-19-2001, 02:31 PM
Thanks everybody!!! :) Pam, I use Finesse on my hair! The conditoner makes my hair soooo soft! Thanks again! :) :D :) :D

08-19-2001, 09:47 PM
What a coincidence..I gave Cody his bath outside today. I used to take him every 2 mo to the groomer who he hated, and he hated the vet's environment. I never minded doing it, he loves it, but the weather has to be decent cause it take forever for him to dry down to the skin. I use tearless dog shampoo, never thought of conditioner which I should have, used 5 huge towels, kept him on the porch on another towel plus a hairdryer! Cody is shedding so badly I can make a sweater. Today is his day to look more like a Golden Ret. than a lab, and he smells great. I call him a Hairy Canary! :D :rolleyes:

[ August 19, 2001: Message edited by: K9karen ]
Rottie...you gave ALL your dogs baths in 1 day! You are my HERO! However do you do it!? I needed a nap after bathing Cody! That boy wore me out!

[ August 19, 2001: Message edited by: K9karen ]

08-20-2001, 09:35 AM
Karen, I love the name "Hairy Canary" poor Cody, I think you have all kinds of names for him, it would probably fill up a post.
Don't you love it when they smell so nice?
Don has a plastic apron he wears when he gives ours a bath and when they see that apron they run for their lives. In the house he has to chase them all over, Daisy runs behind the couch and she will go back and forth. Outside they run around the tree so he can't grab them. This is a show in itself.
:D Jackie

08-20-2001, 09:48 AM
For my new Puppy, he has been with me for one week, and has already gotten a bath. He likes to swim, and the breeder says it would be good for him, and the vet said it was o.k, so we put him in the pool. After his pool time, he decided that he wanted to dig in the dirt and pine needles(I live in a really thickly forested area, with a lot of pine trees.) He was a little mud ball, so we bathed him! I'll give him bath about twice a month.

08-20-2001, 10:11 AM
For Kodi I give him a bath every 4 months, or sometimes when he has been digging in dirt and red clay. Its hard to give a siberian a bath because they have that waterproof outer coat and Kodi does not like it at all.

08-20-2001, 11:26 AM
During the summer, Drake gets a bath everytime he goes swimming in the lake (Which is almost everyother day!). The lake has all sorts of bacteria and I use an antibacterial shampoo on him. Otherwise, he gets a bath every week. He loves take a bath in his mommy and dady's tub but hates it when we use a hose outside.
We groom him at home besause he is part wolf and most groom shops in Georgia will not groom wolf hybrids because Rabies shots are not guaranteed to work with wolves. He is OK with the clippers as long as one of us is giving him treats as the other one clips away! He is so funny.