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Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-23-2003, 11:19 PM
No, not mine, my Aunt's cat. :D

You might remember the story of Hazel, the cat my Aunt got from a breeder friend of hers that ended up with some illness and eventually had to be PTS. :( Well, by the time all that happened my Aunt had gotten attached to her and got used to having a kitty around the house, so the breeder friend gave her Yuri to help make up for Hazel's loss.

Yuri is 2 years old and is retired from the show scene. He has won many awards, but I guess show cats are usually younger cats, and for some reason they didn't use him as a "stud" so he was just hanging around the breeder's house, not getting near enough attention because of all the other cats around. So she gave Yuri to my Aunt knowing that he would then get all the attention he could ever want - and that is definitely the case. He is a regular old spoiled house cat now, with all the grandeur of the show scene behind him.

Here he is. He is a purebred Birman (if I remember right) and is stunning. You can see why he was a winner because all his colors are just perfect, and in the perfect spots.
Here's another shot where you can see on his feet that the brown stops just precisely so.
Here you can see his beautiful blue eyes. I couldn't get a good pic because the light kept making him squint. :rolleyes: And check out those whiskers!
This one was taken right after the one above. He just had to get up and investigate the camera strap. :D
And one more "overall" pic. It's a little blury, but it makes him look soft and cuddly, and he really is. His fur is so thick and dense, but he is a solid cat underneath all that fluff.

So that's Yuri. He's a little stinker who is always getting in trouble, but my Aunt loves him dearly. My Aunt is single, so they are good company for each other. :D

Oh, and one of the things she emailed me that she forgot to show me is one of his favorite games. She has linoleum on the floor in her kitchen and he just loves to be booted across the floor! No really! He'll sit right by her feet and she'll gently give him a push so he goes sliding across the floor. He'll immediately come right back, sit right by her feet again, and wait for her to do it again and again and again. She said he just loves it! I think that would be just too funny to see! :D

09-23-2003, 11:32 PM
Yuri! You are such a beauty AND you mop the floors too! :D What a gorgeous kitty and those whiskers! They even beat my Mishi's - I thought he had the longest whiskers! And do you know, my dear kitty, that in Russian your name is just plain old George .... Yuri just sounds so much more continental to match your handsome good looks!

Miss Meow
09-23-2003, 11:53 PM
Stinker??? Cutest stinker I've ever seen!!! :D I could look into those blue eyes and forgive his naughtiness in an instant ;)

Look at that tootsie fur on his hind feet in the first pic!

09-23-2003, 11:59 PM
WOW he is gorgeous!!!
I am so happy for your Aunt, Debbie!

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-24-2003, 01:08 AM
What a gorgeous cat - and what great photos! I feel like I could just reach through the monitor and cuddle him!

09-24-2003, 06:33 AM
Wow what a magnificent looking kitty!! Absolutely breathtaking:)

09-24-2003, 08:26 AM
Oh wow, look how handsome he is! What a sweet little fluffball! :D

09-24-2003, 08:34 AM
Yuri is absolutely stunning. What a georgeous baby. Yuri will definately be the center of attention with your Aunt.

09-24-2003, 08:36 AM
Yuri and his whiskers could definitely win the "longest whiskers" contest! He is stunning, Debbie. I'm so glad your aunt has him to keep her company. The "mopping" game is too funny!!!!! :D

09-24-2003, 08:54 AM
Yuri is very handsome. I'm so happy for him and your aunt.

09-24-2003, 08:57 AM
Oh Yuri!! You are so stunning!

That game they play sounds so funny. You absolutely have to get some video of that. :D

Killearn Kitties
09-24-2003, 09:15 AM
What a beautiful cat. I'll bet he's a great companion. You would just want to spend all day cuddling him wouldn't you? His whiskers, his eyes, his colouring, everything about him is absolutely gorgeous.

09-24-2003, 09:37 AM
what a Sensational Cat! And it is no suprise that you have won many prizes in the Show Ring! And you are a Happy Cat , which is so graet. Best wishes from all of us!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-24-2003, 09:52 AM
Thanks everyone. :D

Yes, I do have to get video of the mopping game. I think that would just be hilarious to see. :D

09-24-2003, 11:16 AM
Yuri, you are just beautiful. Thanks for sharing these.

K & L
09-24-2003, 11:58 AM
Man, he is beautiful!

09-24-2003, 11:46 PM
Yuri sure is gorgeous. :D I'm so glad that your aunt has a great companion now. :)

09-25-2003, 05:31 AM
Wow Yuri, you are one handsome hunk!

Wonderful shoes and collar and whiskers!

You know you should retire from the show scene when you're on top!

We welcome you as a memeber of the Pet Talk community and are looking forward to meet you often:) :) :)

I will recommend Lady Edwina to have a closer look

09-25-2003, 06:08 AM
What a handsome, handsome cat! I love his whiskers.

09-25-2003, 06:57 AM
Yuri, you are absolutely stunning - and such perfect markings you have! How lucky you were to find a companion who will spoil you rotten. :) You can come and mop my kitchen floor any time! :D

09-25-2003, 08:51 AM
Wow! He’s really gorgeous! What a nice, fluffy tail and I love his little tufts on his back feet, too! We call those “slippers” in our family. :D

smokey the elder
09-27-2003, 07:56 AM
What pretty white-tipped paws! I love the floor mopping game. Cat curling?:D

09-27-2003, 10:48 AM
Wow he such a beautiful cat! Even if he didn't have any awards he would still look like a winner to me, I love his markings.

09-27-2003, 12:45 PM
Aw, Yuri is an absolutely gorgeous cat!! And so fluffy!!

09-28-2003, 11:40 AM
Yuri, what a handsome fella! So glad you found a home to give you all the attention a champion deserves!

And I like your toe tufties!

And I want one of those "Birman attachments" for my sweeper :)

09-28-2003, 11:44 AM
If that's not a face-full-o-tude, I don't know what is! Great kitty!

09-28-2003, 05:23 PM

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: