View Full Version : Found home

09-23-2003, 10:08 PM
I know it is probably because I am attached to them and just emotional, but my dad called and he found a home for one of the kittens I have been taking care of. Someone he works with.
The problem is: it is someone who will have her as indoor/outdoor cat.
The thought of them being outdoors concerns me....traffic, weather, cruel people. I know allot of people here have indoor/outdoor cats without a problem....am I being silly because this concerns me?

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-24-2003, 01:36 AM
I suppose it depends on the circumstances....
- urban or rural area (although both have their dangers!)
- does the person already have other cats which are indoor/outdoor?
- if he has no other cats, is there an opportunity to "educate" him? Many people who are not cat owners are not even aware that some cats are "indoors only"

09-24-2003, 07:16 AM
ALl the cats I knew growing up were indoor/outdoor kitties. It depends on the nieghborhood, really, as for how safe it will be.

09-24-2003, 07:43 AM
I personally would not feel comfortable with it at all. I don't really think that any area is safe. Seems to always be cars, predators, or both. But that is just MY OPINION! I'm not criticizing anyone with indoor/putdppr cats.

09-24-2003, 07:50 AM
Thanks for the feedback. I am not sure if the person has other cats, animals or family. My dad says the location is not very built up with the respect to housing and traffic...farm like.

But, I admit I question if my dad is completely honest...he knows how attached I can be to animals and I think he may tell me what he thinks I want to hear and may sugarcoat details.
I guess I need to do my homework and find out for sure if my dad is trying to spare me or if this guy really wants to provide a good home.