View Full Version : Cubby went to the vet today!

09-23-2003, 04:41 PM
Well Cubby had to go to the vet this afternoon. To make sure that the first vet nuetred him correctly. It turns out they did. So now the put Cubby on some medication of which he will have to stay on for the rest of his life. After speaking to the vet and explaining what Cubby is doing. Trying to hump my husband and I and all of his toys. They said Cubby has a problem with playing. He wants to play but he humps instead. So they gave me 15 pills witch needs to be cut in half. And givin to him once a day. The medication is called Ovaban. If this works I will have to refill it every month. Of course he is worth it. :D I will just be happy when he gets back to playing instead of getting aggressive, and humping us all the time. Cubby hates taking his meds. My husband and I had to hold him down tonight just to give it to him. Lol

09-23-2003, 04:51 PM
Gosh, Is that 15 pills a day :eek:

Well I am pleased his behaviour is correctable.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-23-2003, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by PayItForward
Gosh, Is that 15 pills a day :eek:

15 pills a day would definitely be a :eek: :eek:

But I think she means she got 15 pills for the month, then cut in half that makes 30 pills, one a day for a month, then she would have to get them refilled.

Sorry to hear Cubby's having problems, but hopefully the meds will work and he'll get back to his normal playing.

There are many suggestions here for pilling because if it's not easy now, it's not going to get any better as he learns what to expect. Have you tried hiding the pill in a treat or wrap it in some cheese or lunch meat? This is much the preferable way to give a kitty a pill, but most times they get too smart and eat the treat but spit the pill out. Another suggestion is to put Cubby in an old sweatshirt sleeve so just his head pokes out. That way he can't use his legs or claws to prevent the pill from going in. Others have suggested the pill shooter thing. I personally haven't tried that one yet, but have considered it on many occassions.

Good luck and here's hoping Cubby's back to his old self real soon. :)

09-23-2003, 06:21 PM
See the attached. That's how I give Max any meds he needs. I call it the burrito wrap. Wow, pills for the rest of his life. I wouldn't have thought that, but if it does the trick you gotta do it. It's OK Cubby. We still wuv you vewwwy much.

09-23-2003, 11:14 PM
I'm glad to hear that Cubby doesn't need to be neutered again but I'm sorry to hear that he has a playing behavioral problem and has to take meds for the rest of his life. I sure hope that they help him become a more normal happy cat. Good luck and please keep us updated.

09-24-2003, 12:03 AM
I asked the vet if I could wrap his pill in lunch meat and he said no. It isn't a chewable pill. :( So I have to force it down him. After hubby and I got his mouth open I put the pill right in, then Cubby got up and left. I think he was mad at us. But now he just wants some attention. Which is fine with me. He isn't really one to want to be petted and loved and held and so on. So I am taking advantage of it as much as I can right now.

Sorry for the confusion. It's a half a pill a day. I will have to try to make a Cubby burrito tomorrow.

But now I have noticed that Hubby gets a very good laugh at Cubby. At the vets office I came out of the room and hubby asked what was going on (hubby thinks by sitting outside of the room it makes him the good cat parent, but it doesn't work. Lol) and I told him that he had to take meds and hubby looked at me and said 'we have a cat thats mental now' I couldn't help but laugh. It was funny just the way he said it.


09-24-2003, 07:08 AM
Hi, although the Ovaban is not a chewable tablet it is crushable. When I give Emily pills I first crush them with a mortar and pestle (the kidn used for fresh herbs) and mix it in with some wet food. Usually it goes down like a charm and I don't have any problems (unless it has a bitter taste to it). But it might be worth a try.

10-20-2003, 01:16 AM
Hope Cubby does well on his meds. As for giving pills - I make a similar burrito with a towel for my sweet Dominique who has to take daily meds for asthma and an enlarged heart. I am a big believer in the pill popper thing - it works great as it makes fast work of pill time and it's all over before her fur (read ego!) is too ruffled ;) also I'm sure she's swallowed them as she is a master of spitting out meds after all this time!! Good luck!

10-20-2003, 01:41 AM
I always used the pill popper on Leroy. He had pills for 18 months. Never had a problem with him. Tried it on Kelcee and she HATED it. Just being restricted was her big thing. Good luck. :)