View Full Version : fear factor

09-22-2003, 07:35 PM
i HATE fear factor.

they abuse the animals and toture them.

i am boycotting it.

it's really cruel.

do you guys watch it?

or am i just being silly?:confused:

09-22-2003, 07:43 PM
I have never watched it, never plan on watching it and if they torture animals I'm glad I haven't and won't!

09-22-2003, 07:56 PM
I do watch fear factor, well some of it, because most of the time it is so revolting I have to turn away.

I particularly found last weeks show upsetting, grinding live worms and cockroaches in a blender grossed me out, I am no fan of insects or cockroaches, but nevertheless this seems cruel to me and totally not necessary.

I actually would like to complain about it, but have no idea where to, so if any one has ideas let me know , I will be one of the first to send an email.

I suppose by rights I should not watch it on principal, but the rest of the show I enjoy.

It is catching on in NZ , people are giving their kids fear factor birthday parties, now in this case it was harmless and no animals, insects were used, but still you have to wonder to what extreme some silly people will go.

There is always that danger and that concerns me.

We have a similar programme screening in NZ now, made here, but it is only for ten thousand and the stunts are just as dangerous if not more, but there is no gross eating stuff or insects or animals used.

I think the show is even better because of that.

09-22-2003, 07:56 PM
I hate it also. I used to watch it until I saw the episode with the dead rats :( :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :( :( :(

09-22-2003, 09:08 PM
I dont get the point of that show. It should be called gross factor not fear factor.

09-22-2003, 11:08 PM
I just finished watching a two hour special. I don't have anything against the show when they don't involve animals (which isn't too often). I don't mind seeing people holding their breath or clinging onto something for dear life but it's the parts that have animals being eaten/tortured I have a problem with.

09-23-2003, 09:00 AM
i agree. i used to watch it because i like the ones where they had

to walk on a ledge 150ft above ground and stuff like that. but

then they got out of control woth the animals. one time they took

the people to a duck farm where there where these cute baby

ducks waddling around. then they told them that they had to eat

an egg that was half way matured....adn anther time they rode

up on horses and spent ime with the horses then had to eat

horse rectum. makes you wonder where they get their buffelo

balls or their pig brains eyes noses legs, or their dead rats.but i

dont fell like i should have to go though and try one that doesnt

abuse animals.

09-23-2003, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by babolaypo65
I dont get the point of that show. It should be called gross factor not fear factor.

My thoughts exactly. I've never watched because I don't see how they things gross is the same as scary. The stunts are very frightening. Then they throw in the sickening stuff. Stupid.

09-23-2003, 10:13 AM
I absolutely have no desire to watch, so I never have. Given what some of you have described, I'm glad I chose not to! That is sick stuff! :mad:

I'll stick to 7th Heaven on Monday nights!!! :)

09-23-2003, 10:25 AM
I watch 7th Heaven too....:)

09-23-2003, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by Logan
I absolutely have no desire to watch, so I never have. Given what some of you have described, I'm glad I chose not to! That is sick stuff! :mad:

I'll stick to 7th Heaven on Monday nights!!! :)

LOL I'm not a 'reality show' fan either. I used to watch The Real World on MTV, but haven't in years.

I remember a couple of years ago the big thing was game shows and now you don't see any of those. And way before that it was trash talk shows and they've virtually disappeared, too. ;)

09-24-2003, 05:49 PM
*raises hand* I watch 7th Heaven too!:D I don't like Fear Factor, but I have watched a couple episodes, and yes they are disgusting, and I saw the one about them eating the duckling eggs, that was horrible!:mad: I agree they do abuse animals.:mad:

09-24-2003, 06:55 PM
I used to watch Real World too. I think the last one I watched all the way through was Seattle. The last one I enjoyed was San Francisco.
Now its just too slutty for my taste.

Originally posted by micki76
LOL I'm not a 'reality show' fan either. I used to watch The Real World on MTV, but haven't in years.

I remember a couple of years ago the big thing was game shows and now you don't see any of those. And way before that it was trash talk shows and they've virtually disappeared, too. ;)

10-01-2003, 10:31 PM
I have just finished watching the three hr special and then the finale one hour the next day of fear factor, again they had the cockroaches and worms blended, yuck I did not enjoy that one bit, but the rest of the show was not bad.

The best part was a real nice guy from south africa, won, both my daughter and I thought he was a hunk, but so sweet in nature, and he was going to use the money he won to help send his parent's and sister to wait for it NEW ZEALAND.

I imagine they want to immigrate, things are not great there, from what I hear, rather scarey.

Let's hope he come's as well, he was cute in his own special kinda way.

10-02-2003, 08:45 AM
did he win?

i like the parts of the show where they are not eating animals or cutting them up or bathing in dead rats, but i dont want to waatch part of the show then "cover my eyes" if something i dont like is on. i'd rater just not watch it at all

10-02-2003, 02:10 PM
Yes mark did win, could not have gone to a more deserving person, he was a real sweetie, a gentlemen.

I say I watch it, but like you I only see so much, the rest of the time I have my eyes covered as well, its so gross.

Yes I have to wonder where they get all those dead mice or rats, there are so many, do they just buy a whole lot and kill them, if so that would make me real mad.

If I could find an email address I would complain or at least ask these questions, as I mentioned before we have a very similar programme in NZ called GOING STRAIGHT, and as far as I know, NO animals dead or alive are used, so why can't FEAR FACTOR be the same, the show would be just as good IMO.