View Full Version : Harley killed a possum

My Peanuts
09-22-2003, 03:43 PM
We have had Harley since August 1st and he has been interested in animals, like my birds, but he has never been too aggressive with them. In the past two weeks he killed a mouse by the outside garage cans, got into a fight with a big possum, got sprayed by a skunk on Thursday and on Friday he killed a possum. I don't like the fact that he does this, but in another way I'm glad he can hold his own with the wildlife. I also feel like Sylvia will be protected. I was always worried about my Shih Tzu, Angie, getting hurt by an animal. Sylvia is somewhat like Angie, but like I said I don't worry about animal attacks anymore. The thing is Harley is so nice to humans and Sylvia, but my mom is worried about him now cause of his recent behavior. I'm only worried that he will get hurt, but he hasn't so far. Does anyone else have problems with repeated attacks like this?

09-22-2003, 04:22 PM
I hope Logan sees this!! Her girls have had many a night stalking the evil possum!!:eek: My Cody and Star both have chased and caught mice, rats and squirrels!!:( Star my Lab not so much anymore (she was bad when she was a puppy!) But my Husky/Shep Cody will chase squirrels right up a tree! Once, a year or so ago, they had a skunk cornered and got sprayed badly! Luckily the skunk escaped into the woodpile! Some dogs just have a stronger prey drive than others. Harley's a Terrier and their job was once to chase and catch critters. I know raccoons can put up a fierce fight and can injure a cat or dog badly. Now, although I have a fully fenced in backyard, my girls only go out at night on a leash, just in case! I live in a very wooded area that with critters all around. My husband often says that I shouldn't be surprised they do this when I have a whole basket filled with stuffed, squeaking squirrels, hedgehogs, frogs and such!

09-23-2003, 07:04 AM
yup that is normal JRT behaviour, harly is doing what he was bred to do and is doing a fine job at it. you could use his instincts to your advantage and do somthing like lure coursing or JRT racing *the lil dogs love it*
try not to worry too much, but you could always keep a close eye on harley when he is outside "hunting"

my rotti X has a fairly high prey drive and will chase rabbits and hares at the park, she has only caught and killed once *i was amazed* the rabbit was sick so clover was realy doing it a favour *it would have had a long painful death*

but then again clover was playing with a pomerainian at the park tonight *i was a lil worried* but she was fine and had fun running around playing chasey.

our chihuahua also loves to hunt bird and he can get pretty close before they fly off then he sprints off after them and gives a good chase lol *very cute to watch*

09-23-2003, 07:20 AM
Boy do I know about those critters in the yard!!! Harley, your pals Honey and Lilly are very proud of you and your great hunting ability! I think, all total, mine have gotten three over the years, but one of those lived to tell the story. There have been numerous other living things that they have caught, including snakes, big rats, etc. Most of the possum hunting has been done from the base of a tree where my dogs would turn into "coon hounds" and bark at them for hours on end!!! :)

But when I read that Harley had gotten a possum, it made me think of my friend's JRT (RB) who killed a possum bigger than he was! :eek: Possums can be very vicious when provoked. I'm glad Harley is ok.

09-23-2003, 12:15 PM
Your dog just has a high prey drive. It doesn't mean that he will harm anybody. I have a husky who has a high prey drive also. So far he has killed a skunk, two ducks, numerous bunnies, birds and mice. The one that was the hardest to take was the little stray kitty that came in our yard. I don't think there's anything you can do to prevent it. Just keep an eye on him at night. I wouldn't want Harley to get hurt.

09-23-2003, 02:34 PM
You just let him kill it? That is so sad and dissapointing. I love possums and have rehabbed a lot of them. Poor poor possum. Is it possible you can just relocate the next one instead of letting your dog kill it? I would never let me dog kill anything without my trying to stop it. :( :( :(

09-23-2003, 02:57 PM
Well, Cass, to be fair, we don't know that she even saw it happen! In our case, we didn't see it happen until it was over. :( I hated it for the possums that our Honey killed, but I have to admit I was relieved that she wasn't hurt by them too.

09-23-2003, 02:59 PM
Yes that's true, she may not have been there. I just love and adore possums. They are not as mean as people think they are. I just feel so bad that it had to die. :( I have worked with so many wild possums and they were sweet natured but still agressive. But can you imagine a huge animal 5 times bigger than you are comming at you? You would have to defend yourself for fear of your life. It's just sad is all. I just love all animals.

09-23-2003, 03:02 PM
You have a good heart, Cass, and I recognized that immediately in you. Thank you for caring about all animals the way you do. :)

09-23-2003, 03:08 PM
Thank you. :)

I am glad the pup was ok too.

My Peanuts
09-23-2003, 03:11 PM
I didn't see it. My dad, fiancé, and friend were outside and Harley was in the back of the yard behind the pool. They didn't see it or hear anything, and then Harley brought the possum up to the front of the yard where they were. Then they called me outside. It looked like the possum died fast because there was no noise. I love all animals too, which is why his first attempt at the larger possum was unsuccessful. I was outside and screamed at Harley and the possum until the possum left. I would NEVER intentionally let Harley or Sylvia hurt any animals. :(

09-23-2003, 03:14 PM
That's great! Are you sure it was dead? They like to act like they are dead a lot when they aren't. :p Your dog is very cute BTW. Is he all white with black eyes? He's very beautiful.

Dan wants a JRT but I breed rats, so I do not think that would be a good combination.

My Peanuts
09-23-2003, 03:18 PM
I don't want to get graphic, but he was defiantly dead. :( Harley is a JR mix and he is mostly white with brown spots on his ears and dark brown eyes. He has the most sincere eyes. His skin is all spotty, but his fur is just white. When he gets wet he looks like a Dalmatian because you can see all his skin spots.

09-23-2003, 03:19 PM
Simba almost got a possum once, but, I would NEVER want him to get one of those things in his mouth! :eek:

I think my dad may have killed it because it wouldn't get out of our yard. I don't remember though. :p

It scared me half to death!:eek:

Desert Arabian
09-23-2003, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by My Peanuts
We have had Harley since August 1st and he has been interested in animals, like my birds, but he has never been too aggressive with them. In the past two weeks he killed a mouse by the outside garage cans, got into a fight with a big possum, got sprayed by a skunk on Thursday and on Friday he killed a possum. I don't like the fact that he does this, but in another way I'm glad he can hold his own with the wildlife. I also feel like Sylvia will be protected. I was always worried about my Shih Tzu, Angie, getting hurt by an animal. Sylvia is somewhat like Angie, but like I said I don't worry about animal attacks anymore. The thing is Harley is so nice to humans and Sylvia, but my mom is worried about him now cause of his recent behavior. I'm only worried that he will get hurt, but he hasn't so far. Does anyone else have problems with repeated attacks like this?

:eek: :eek: . Poor lil' possum! :( That's the nature of JRT's though.

My dad's friend has a female Black Labrador named Sadie who has the highest pray drive I have ever seen. One time when I was at his house Sadie & Jake (Bloodhound/Coonhound) killed a female groundhog (she was protecting her babies from them) before Jim could get the dogs away and save it. Sadie also killed some of his barn kittens, phesants, baby quails, and a peacock. :(

My Peanuts
09-23-2003, 05:30 PM
He did it again, but this time it wasn't a possum. I just got home from work and my dad said Harley killed a mouse in the garage. :eek:

09-23-2003, 08:47 PM
Well at least u don't need a cat...

Max has never killed anything. He caught a bird on our fence, he spit it out & gently stepped on it & licked it a few time & it was churpping, so max let it go & watched it fly away. He did attack a raccoon, he chased it to the bottom of a tree & jumpped on it, he was protecting me & my friend, because it was getting too close & we were cornered by trees & fire, so I called for dad & when he opened the camper top halk Max looked out while we were getting really scared & Max jumped out & the chase was on... but he came back right away & the coon was ok, we checked on it, it was young & didn't fear humans.

My Peanuts
09-23-2003, 08:51 PM
Wow Max sounds like super-dog! You are very lucky :)

09-23-2003, 08:58 PM
Thanks :) he's my super dog hehehe... hes a very good dog, & smart too.

09-24-2003, 08:07 AM
once again natural JRT behaviour you wont get it out of him, it is COMPLETLY normal for harley to hunt.

if you want to stop him hunting only let him outside completly supervised or on lead only, or just let him do what comes naturally.