View Full Version : Mommy's birfday!!!

09-22-2003, 01:48 PM
Hi ebberybuddy!!!

Dis is da first time I used a puter, so I hope eberyting turns out ok.
Yesterday was my mommy's birfday, and it was so fun!! I got to go for a walk downtown wif mommy and daddy, den we played a lot, den we had to wear silly hats, and den--we got to eat cake!!!

I luv dis birfday ting!!!!

Here are some pictures of my brothers and sister and I in our hats (daddy is in the background in some of dem, just ignore him)

ummmm--mommy sez dat imagestation is being a pain right now, so we'll have to wait to share the pictures.

I wuv my new family so much. My sister Abbey is so much fun--we love to run around the yard and make holes--mommy yells at us for doing that though, so I stop, because I only want to make her happy. My brudder Riley sure is silly--he loves to jump around, run around, and play all the time--he is fun!! And my brudder Kito is the boss-he makes sure I know that every day--he is ok too. I love to kiss all of my new brothers and my sister, and especially mommy!!!

Sorry I couldn't get the pictures to work, mom sez we can try again later!!

Nice to meet all of you pet talk peeple!!!

Mom sayz der is a very handsome rottweiler on here named Angus--I wonder if he would be my boyfriend???


09-22-2003, 02:25 PM
Happy Birthday Emily~!!!:D

Hope you hve a great day...... That was soo sweet of Jada to type that up. Can't wait to see the pix~!! Jada your a sweetie n' gald your getting along with everyone~!!

Angus n' Jada......;) :p

Aspen and Misty
09-22-2003, 02:31 PM
happy birthday Emily!!!!!!

Good girl jada ::slips her a biscut::


09-22-2003, 02:40 PM
Happy belated Birthday, Emily!!! So sorry I missed it originally!! :o Hope you had a wonderful day!!! :D

09-22-2003, 02:54 PM
Sorry I missed your very special day Emily! Sounds like you had fun and I'm waiting to see pictures.

09-22-2003, 03:59 PM
Sounds like you had a realy fun time with your Mommy onher Birthday Jada. I bet sure is glad you were there to share it with her! And it soundslike you are loving your sister and brothers!! How much fun you must be having!!!

Happy Birthday Emily!!!

09-22-2003, 04:39 PM
Thanks for the happy birfday update, Jada!! I'm sure your mommy loved the walk and cake and all the festivities. But I'll bet this birthday was extra, extra special now that you're a member of the family!! I'm so glad to hear you're having such fun with your new fursiblings!!:D Cant wait for the pics!!:)

09-22-2003, 04:46 PM
Happy birthday! Tell your mom to go to boomspeed.com You pay not very much at all a month and I've never had a problem. Been using it for a few years now. We want pics!

09-22-2003, 04:48 PM
Happy belated Birthday, Emily! Can't wait to see the pictures!

Jada, you sound adorable!! So glad to hear that you are fitting in so nicely with your brudders.

p.s. Did I tell you that I can't wait to see the pictures??? ;) :p

09-22-2003, 06:11 PM
Happy Birthday Emily!!!

09-22-2003, 07:26 PM
Ok, we have pictures!!!!!




and Kito:

and the rest are here: http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=4289056289&p=4211412979&idx=24

No pictures of the cake eating though, or I wouldn't have any hands left to type this:eek:

09-22-2003, 07:29 PM
Hee, hee!!!:D Emily, your kids are adorable!!::) And your hubby too!:) Now we need some of Mom and the kids!! Off to check out the album!

09-22-2003, 08:12 PM
Glad you had a great Day Emily!
Thanks for the update sweet Jada!!!!
Abbey doesn't look happy to be wearing her hat!!!!
And since its Mommy's birthday where are HER pics?! ;)

09-22-2003, 08:27 PM
Looks like you had a Wonderful Birthday with your Family!!!!
The pics are great!!!
Loved the album!!!!!

09-22-2003, 08:34 PM
Great Pictures!!! Your furkids are all so cool!!

09-22-2003, 10:51 PM
Happy Birthday Emily! Your pups wear hats so well!