View Full Version : A day in the life of a shelter volunteer

09-21-2003, 12:36 PM
For those of you (please keep in mind I am NOT pointing fingers at anyone) who don't think they should spay/neuter their cat, here's a day in the life of a shelter volunteer.

Get up at 8 a.m. after working on my feet 5 1/2 hours the night before till 11 p.m. Walk into the nursery of a shelter to clean cages, empty litterboxes, feed kittens (and 2 puppies whose barks could shatter glass).

There is a dead, stiff kitten (the product of an irresponsible pet owner who also felt it wasn't necessary to fix their cat) who died sometime during the night ALONE, cause of death unknown.

After cleaning most of the cages, I come upon a litter, one littermate is laying on his side, so weak, he couldn't even cry for help. Blood and stool were oozing out of his rectum.

I called out to the vet tech who got the authorization to put poor Fernando down. I held him in my arms promising I would be there with him when he went to the Rainbow Bridge, and would see him soon.

Because he was so weak, we couldn't find a vein. So the drug had to be administered through his stomach, which made his journey a little longer.

Both the vet tech and I were crying as he left us. Courtney's words to me were "I hate playing God".

Back to the nursery...where I kept on doing what I was put there to do. After all was quiet, I began working with 3 feral kittens. So terrified of humans that they hissed and spit while I tried to pet them, reassuring them that I was there for them. I managed to get one kitten purring. The other one will take some time. Again, all because some irresponsible pet owner who didn't take the time or money to fix their cat.

I'll end my story now because I'm too emotional and upset. I'm not bashing anyone here. I'm just trying to make a point about spaying/neutering your pets. If only people would do that one thing, the shelters wouldn't be so full and volunteers like us wouldn't be subjected to such depressing, horrible circumstances.

RIP Fernando. I am so sorry Little Unknown Kitten that you had to die alone in the middle of the night. I will see you both at the Rainbow Bridge.


From a devastated shelter volunteer

Aspen and Misty
09-21-2003, 12:45 PM
You should change the title to

A day in the life of A hero, cause thats what you are to all these inocent animals ::hugs::

Thank you, your stronger then most and see things most couldn't handle.


09-21-2003, 12:47 PM
I agree with Aspen and Misty. Your a hero to those animals. :) It's just so simple...why can't people just fix their pets?! It upsets me too. :( *hugs*

R.I.P little Fernando. You didn't deserve any of this...have fun at RB.

09-21-2003, 02:39 PM
what ash said, you are a hero!

09-21-2003, 03:46 PM
I agree, you are truly a hero.
I could never do it.
I wish everyone would just get the message.
:( :( :(

RIP Fernando and little kitty.

09-21-2003, 08:16 PM
this really brought tears to my eyes :( Bless you for having the strenth to go back every day!

09-21-2003, 08:22 PM
I don't know how you do it. You must have a very big heart. I have enough trouble just going to animal control to get the dogs for rescue transport. Every time I go, I wish I could take each and every single animal home and keep them safe. If it weren't for the happy reason I was there, I'd leave in tears every time.

09-22-2003, 08:18 AM
Donna, what you are is not a "shelter volunteer", but a friend to the voiceless. I am so happy that there are people like you out there who can give of their time, freely, to help these beautiful kittens and cats, whatever their destination is. :( Keep on preaching that message to whoever will listen. I am with you 100%.

09-22-2003, 11:27 AM
Bless you Donna for being there for the babies. RIP Fernando and know that in your brief life, you were loved.

09-22-2003, 11:44 AM
Thank God for people like you.

09-22-2003, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by lovemyshiba

I wish everyone would just get the message.


Moosmom, I am glad there are people out there like you to love and care for other people's "waste"...it is not a cat problem, nor it ever was...it is a problem caused by humans...and that's why it is so frustrating...

Often I am confronted with sentences like "Humans are more intelligent than animals"...so if they are, why don't they act that way!?

The only way is educating and this was a wonderful way to do so!!!

RIP little Fernando...

09-22-2003, 02:08 PM
it is not a cat problem, nor it ever was...it is a problem caused by humans...and that's why it is so frustrating...


You are SO right. Not only is it so frustrating, it's very heartbreaking to see so many animals in cages. Animals DO get depressed. I want to put a bumper stick on my car with images of cats and dogs that says "We are NOT disposable!!!"

I'm picking up another foster tonight. Her name is Shadow, soon to be changed, who has medium, silky black fur with golden eyes. She's spayed, very petite, dropped off at the shelter with her babies. Her babies got adopted but she's been there for almost 6 months! She's got the most wonderful disposition and she's coming home with me. So I'll have 9 cats...


09-22-2003, 03:15 PM
*hugs* to Donna.

You're so brave to do what you do.

Pics of Shadow please! :)

09-22-2003, 04:34 PM
I agree with everything said above. I'm so glad that we have people like you for the animals. I know that I'm going to work in a shelter someday.

IMO, people who don't neuter or spay should not be allowed to own a pet. With the exception of breeders of course;)

09-22-2003, 06:01 PM
I went to the shelter tonight after work. I went into see her and found out she's not spayed. I told Karen that I needed her to be fixed. I don't want to take the chance of her going into heat with my 3 boys (everyone in my house has been fixed).

Anyway, I thought about it more on the way home and have decided to adopt her. It won't be for a while, till I can scrape up the money for the spaying. But she's a very sweet cat who deserves a good home, and I think she'll fit in.

I'll let you know when things are finalized. At least I'll be able to spend time with her on the weekends. If she does get adopted in the meantime, that's great too.