View Full Version : Shai's Surgery

03-19-2001, 02:44 PM
Shaianne is doing great with her gastrointestinal problem. Today I took her to the vet for a check on a warty growth on her right front elbow and they decided she has to have surgery!!! She is going in on Thurs to have it removed. She has to spend the night at the vets!!! I was hoping they would just say oh its ok!!! just ugly!!! But she is picking at it and if she does get to it we will have a mess so its best this way!

03-19-2001, 03:22 PM
Hi Shaianne and mom! Oh! Gotta get your warty growth removed! Poor girl. Don't worry, everything will be just fine. People get these kinds of things removed all the time! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif Did the vet say what it was? Shai will probably feel a little less self consious once it's removed too http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif
Actually, while we're on the topic of greyhounds, is she a retired racer? What's your experience with adopting a retired racer? What kinds of problems have you encountered? What was your and her adjustment period like? Since I'm in that research mode for deciding on what kind of dog to adopt, it's great to get ideas and pointers from people who own them. I definitely want to do some kind of rescue, and I've been looking at the retired greyhound (there's a rescue right in the same town that I moved to! Unfortunately they haven't been too responsive to me), GSD, Terv, American Eskimo and of course there's always the muttly puppies! It's so hard to decide! My husband's and my life are a little crazy right now and we're not home too much with our work and commute(it's a nightmare), so we're still waiting to bring a dog into the family. But that's ok, because it's giving me Plenty of time to do my research. I bought a couple of books on the greyhound, but would like insight from an owner such as yourself http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

03-19-2001, 05:42 PM
Poor Shai! And just when you think you have everything under control! I know the thought of any kind of surgery is so scary. I hope Shai will be up on all 4's soon, well and healing. Warts are icky! I had one removed once too. Better it "be gone" than have her picking at it, getting infected etc. She sounds like such a sweet girl. Like all greyhounds I have met. Such sensitive souls. Please give her a soft kiss and a hug and tell her Cody and Star send their love for a very quick recovery! Love to Shai http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

03-19-2001, 09:32 PM
Poor Shai! I'm glad her gastro problems are under control. Now a wart! It's probably the best thing, especially if she's picking at it. I'm sure she'll be fine. Keep us posted!

03-19-2001, 09:50 PM
Thanks for all your thoughts. The vet just thought it was a wart and since she is picking/biting it it should be removed.

Wolflady, here are the answer to some of your questions.
Shai is not literally a retired racer, she never raced on the dog tracks, but in our area of Ohio there is a big coon dog trials (Kenton National) every Sept and they breed greyhounds with coonhounds to get the look of a hounddog and speed of a greyhound. Shai was never bred, but rescued running around the woods after the trials were over. Last year the count I heard one week after the trials they had picked up 40 abandoned dogs and there probably almost that many more to pick up. The ones that aren't picked up become wild and breed with coyotes and therefore that county has a BAD coyote/coydog problem.
If the dogs aren't fast enough they just leave them, not just hounds either all kinds of dogs.
I moved from Hardin Co to Wyandot Co almost 2 years ago and decided I wanted a dog, I went to the Humane Soc and she just stole my heart. As soon as she come up to me she laid her head on my shoulder. She had been brought over to Wyandot Co Humane Soc by the Hardin Co dog warden (at that time Hardin Co didn't have a humane soc but they do now).
Immedietly after taking her home she began following me around. I took her to my parents that evening and she immedietly bonded with my dad.(GRANPA!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif) Even after just a few hours when I would walk out the door to get something she would whine and pace.
She suffered from separation anxiety, I put her in the garage and she tore up the door, curtains, so I put her in the bathroom, the first night was ok, the 2nd night, I left the radio on (MY BAD) and she tore the trim off the door, and the heater off the wall!! So into the crate she went, I regretted doing it but she does 100% better after that, at first she didn't like it, now I just say get in your bed and in she goes. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif
Its always a struggle when she gets loose, I have come to my wits end a couple times, and the people on this board are super, and very understanding. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif
At first I was worried about how she would be around kids, I have a very active nephew, and their dog Scooby does super with him. Shai adores Jake and as soon as Josh is up and running around I am sure she will adore him too. She follows Jake door to door b/c she know eventually he will open the door and she can escape!!! He has done that 2-3 times!!!
She loves kids.
I went looking for a small dog, can you believe that? But I love her with all my heart and wouldn't trade her for the world.
If you have any other questions, feel free I am no expert, but I have read some books also.

~~"You do not own a dog, the dog owns you."~~

03-19-2001, 10:51 PM
Last year the count I heard one week after the trials they had picked up 40 abandoned dogs and there probably almost that many more to pick up. The ones that aren't picked up become wild and breed with coyotes and therefore that county has a BAD coyote/coydog problem.
If the dogs aren't fast enough they just leave them, not just hounds either all kinds of dogs.

That's horrible! And they continue to let this happen, year after year? Can't something be done about this? A petition to ban this event or maybe have them policed better to prevent so many dogs from being abandoned? Coonhounds are popular here but I have never heard of anything like this happening. That is completely outrageous! I am so glad your were able to rescue your Shai. I feel so bad about the other dogs. These are not pets. These are possessions used to win trophies for their owners. Sometimes I wish to get a pet were like adopting a child. You should have to go through counseling, have your home inspected and have determined your reason for adopting a pet. There would probably a lot less abondoned pets in the world. Shai is a lucky one to find such a caring Mom.

[This message has been edited by Genia (edited March 19, 2001).]

03-20-2001, 08:36 AM
I will be thinking of Shai on Thursday. Hope the surgery goes well. I know the toughest part will be leaving her there overnight, but won't she be glad to be home on Friday??
Good luck and keep us posted.

03-20-2001, 08:52 AM
One of my previous dogs, Bailey, had many warts removed in her lifetime. She always came through fine. The Vet said hers were caused by virus and her immune system just wasn't fighting off the virus appropriately. One thing you might want to consider as long as she has to go under anesthetic is to see if she needs to have her teeth cleaned and do it at the same time.

03-20-2001, 09:38 AM
Good luck to Shai! My Killian has warts and fatty tumors. Some have been removed and others are left. The tumors are always removed. It's an immune system problem also.

***Save a life, ADOPT***

03-20-2001, 11:44 AM
Thanks for the info. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif It so sad how people use animals for profit and (in my opinion) negative entertainment. I never even thought about places having coon dog trials. It's ashame that people can't take responsibility for the dogs they bring into this world. They just dump them like a piece of garbage expecting them to survive. I agree with Genia. What a terrible thing to be allowed to happen year after year! I'm so glad that you found Shai. She sounds like a doll. Greyhounds just seem like such gentle souls. Hugs and kisses to Shai, we'll all be thinking about her on Thurs! Let us know how it goes http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

03-20-2001, 12:19 PM
My thoughts are with you on Thursday when you have to take Shai to the doctor. It's tough taking them for surgery, even if it's minor. About 2 years ago Graham had a mole on his eyelid that was starting to grow a bit. The vet suggested I have it removed while it's still small enough so that it wont cause much scaring. I was nervous and I called the vet so many times that day to check on my baby that I think they were getting irritated http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif He was OK, there were no problems, but it's still scary. I am sorry that she has to stay overnight. That's probablly the hardest part. Just bring in a sweatshirt or something that you have worn already so Shai will feel a bit comforted having your aroma in her cage on her night without mommy. I'll say a prayer that everything goes perfect.

karen israel
03-21-2001, 01:12 PM
Don't worry Shais mom, I'm sure all will be OK! The worse part is leaving her overnight. I will be thinking of you too and of course you both will be in my prayers! Don't forget to call the vet 1000 times! Let us know ASAP! Meantime, lots of kisses and hugs to you all!! Love, Karen

03-22-2001, 05:12 PM
Good thinking Karen!! Gotta keep those vet's on there toes! Please let us know how Shai is doing. Hopefully she is resting quietly in her little cagey thingy there at the vet's and having a pleasant snooze and is in no pain and the nasty wart is gone. Please let us know how things went. You are both in my prayers. Love you Shai from Star and Cody.

[This message has been edited by tatsxxx11 (edited March 22, 2001).]

03-22-2001, 10:33 PM
I called the vet before closing time and they didn't get to work her in today, so she is on for tomorrow and my poor baby doll has to spend another night! She is gonna think I left her there and that she was a bad girl
http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif
They said if every thing goes well I can pick her up Sat morning!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

03-23-2001, 08:14 AM
Oh No!! Poor baby. But don't worry, she know her mom loves her! Same best wishes for today!! Hope Sat. comes quickly and all will be fine!

03-23-2001, 08:48 AM
Drat the luck. Did they explain any further than that, like they had emergencies or something? Just seems rather strange.

03-23-2001, 12:00 PM
I agree with Rachel. That does seem strange, not to mention extra fees for an extra night in the clinic! Poor Shai!! Saturday morning will be here soon and Shai can come home! Our thoughts are with you and Shai. Let us know how she is!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

03-23-2001, 12:25 PM
That is so disappointing when you expect to have it over with, but I'm sure Shai is looking forward to going home on Saturday and in the meantime all our good wishes are with you for a speedy recovery. Please let us know how Shai is doing!

03-23-2001, 07:33 PM
Hope Shai is doing well. Keep us posted.

Daisy's Mom
03-24-2001, 10:11 AM
Daisy here. I gotta have some Sir Jury look at me too, Shai. Tell me what it is when you get home! Wherever you are now, I hope you are okay and I hope everything turns out great for ya. Mom says the same.

03-24-2001, 05:30 PM
Hi Shai! I hope you are home and well and safe and warm with your mom. Please let us know you're OK!!! I'll bet you were the best little patient. Kisses sweet Shai.

03-24-2001, 09:15 PM
Here is the latest:
I don't know whether they gave me the wrong info on the wrong dog or if they fit her in afterwards, but they called me at 9am Friday and said I could come and get her. So I did.
She acted just fine very excited to be home, now she won't leave the incision alone.
Now here is the SCARE she gave me today:
I wake up with her running around the house I got up and tried to follow her around and she tried to get away from me. She actually jumped the baby gate I keep up all the time, she has never done that before ever. When I finally got to her she was on her side on the floor have a seizure. I tried my best to comfort her and calm her down and when she stood up she could barely stand.
I confess I did not call the vet immediatly, but I talked to my best friends husband who is graduating from vet school this spring. And he said since it is 2 days post surgery it probably has nothing to do with the anesthia,but is probably signs of idiopathic epilepsy. He told me that what I was going to do is exactly what I should do. Keep an eye on her the rest of the weekend and call the vet on Mon. She is around 4 years old (the humane soc has no record of her birth) and Adam said that some dogs acquire idiopathic epilepsy b/n the ages of 5-7. And the treatment is relatively managable $25-30 a month. Of course all sorts of things ran thru my mind, since I work in the human medical profession. Brain tumor was the first one!! She recovered almost immedietly. Eating and drinking and is active and got excited when she went to granpa's. You can't tell anything happened to her this morning.
I will keep you posted and we both appreciate your thoughts and prayers that have been with us in the last few days.
Staci and Shaianne

03-24-2001, 09:25 PM
Oh my goodness Staci! What a scare! Please let us know what the vet says. Poor Shai! We'll keep you and her in our prayers.

03-24-2001, 09:55 PM
Staci, that is frightening. I remember Kaycee having a seizure one time, and I about lost it. Thank goodness, good friends took Helen for me, and I was at the emergency clinic for hours. I know it was reassuring to have a knowledgeable friend to call.
Please keep us posted. I'm so glad to hear that Shai is doing better.

03-24-2001, 10:30 PM
How terrifying! I hope everything is better now. Keep us posted.

03-25-2001, 09:42 AM
I'm still not comfortable with the "we can't get to her today" story and then she had the surgery and she can be picked up. I would just file this as a little red flag about your vet's office. Maybe I'm just paranoid after reading Rottie's post about Vet giving the wrong dog a lethal injection.

In regard to the seizure, I wouldn't be too quick to medicate. My Bailey had one at age six and never did have another one and as I worked at home was pretty much with her all the time. Whereas my friends dog had one and they put her on meds right away.

I know all this had to be an ordeal.

03-25-2001, 07:35 PM
Thanks everyone, I was afraid I was a bad mom for not calling right away. Now I feel like a bad mom b/c I can't keep her from licking the stitches!!!6 of one half dozen the other.
Rachel, they were only going to try to work her in that day. B/n the spays and neuters They wanted me to bring her early so they could work her in. The cost of the stay was actually the same price as the visit we had in Jan when they gave me 3 perscriptions for the GI problem. I was very surprised. I was expecting 2-3X the price. I knew full well that when I took her there that day she may not get in, and I didn't call at closing time I called a little before, so maybe they had time to fit her in since it wasn't much of a surgery.

03-25-2001, 08:34 PM
Hi Shais Mom, glad the surgery is over, but you must have been so worried when she had that seizure. Hopefully she is on the road to recovery. If she has stitches could they put one of those megaphone things around her neck so she couldn't reach them or would it make a difference? Give Shai a hug and kiss from Daisy and Perry.

karen israel
03-26-2001, 12:26 PM
Well, Staci! You certainly had a trying, stressful weekend! I hope you and Shai are feeling better! I can totally appreciate your concern when the vet didn't operate on Shai the same day. Cody had surgery scheduled for 9a but it was 4p when the vet called from the operating room to advise me of the situation since I called 1000 times. My main concern was that he was never crated (worked for us) and that I know they didn't take him out to potty cause he would just fuss and never go back in. Anyway, poor Shai may need an Elizabethian collar. The vet may lend you one, give 'em a call. I hope the seizure was the one and only. Maybe it was the excitement, the trauma, the anesesia (sp)???? I'm so glad you had someone to call!!! Whew! Please keep us advised how she is doing..she's one of the family to us so we're all concerned and saying lots of prayers! Love, Karen

03-26-2001, 12:42 PM
Staci, Thanks for clearing that up for me. That answers all of my concerns in regard to what was going on at the Vet's. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

03-26-2001, 01:40 PM
Staci, what a scary ordeal! I know how frightening it is to see a pet have a seizure! My friend's dog has epilepsy, and one of our cats had a horrible seizure that sent him to the rainbow bridge when I was in high school. We don't know what it was or what caused it, and it was the only time it happened! We felt so bad that we couldn't have helped him. I hope it isn't anything serious!! Could it be an after affect of anesthesia?? I know greyhounds are extra sensitive to anesthesia and vets need to be experienced with greyhounds to treat them. You and Shai are in our prayers. Let us know how ya'll are doing!

Daisy's Mom
03-26-2001, 05:11 PM
I hope Shai is feeling all better! My best friend's old Brittany Spaniel Moe has had two siezures and is now on medication for it. He's doing fine. I hope Shai doesn't have any more siezures. Send her kisses from Daisy and me!

03-26-2001, 09:57 PM
Hi All!!! The location of Shai's incision, I don't think a collar would work.
This is what the vet said today about the seizure:
Purebred dogs from 6mos to 5years are prone to epilepsy. He told me to mark down on the calender the day she had the seizure, and the critical time to watch her is within 3 weeks to 9 months. If she has another one within 3 weeks then I need to take her in and she will have to be put on anti-culvasant drugs. But if she doesn't have one for 9 months then she probably doesn't need the meds daily.
At first he said the surgery and the seizure were not related, but then he said that it could have been the trauma of the surgery, anesthia etc that may have just triggered it.
If she does have epilepsy, it can be easily monitered with meds and isn't the worst thing in the world.
Please know that I took great care in choosing a vet, when I got Shaianne I made certain that they had treated greyhounds, they said they have several greyhound clients. I knew they were sensitive to anesethia and food dye and flea meds. I felt that they were the best in available and have the utmost confidence in them http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. She should get her stitches out Friday I may not be able to keep you posted Wed/Thurs due to work, but definately will post you by Fri http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

03-30-2001, 05:51 PM
Hi everyone!!
Shaianne got her stitches out today!! I don't know what army held her but it only took about 5-10-min!! She won't even let me put peroxide on her leg!!!
Thank god she hasn't had a seizure again but I have to keep an eye on her for up to 9 months!!
Thank you everyone for your thoughts!!
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03-30-2001, 06:00 PM
WONDERFUL NEWS!!! What a good, brave Shai! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif Please give the patient a gold star and a big kiss on her boo-boo! You must feel soooo relieved!

03-30-2001, 08:46 PM
That is great news Shaianne is doing so well. I'm sure she is so happy to be home with her family. Give her an extra treat and lots of love.

03-30-2001, 09:30 PM

03-31-2001, 12:05 AM
Good girl, Shai! Just relax and let Mommy take care of you. We'll be hoping and praying she doesn't have another seizure!

04-12-2001, 05:13 PM
Shaianne had another grand mal seizure this morning. I called the vet as soon as they were open and they wanted to see her right away this afternoon. So I took her to the vet and they drew some blood (my poor brave baby girl) and I talked to the vet for quite awhile. She put her on phenobarbital 1/2 pill twice a day. She said if her blood works look good, then they will determine that it is epilepsy. She said and I quote "I don't even want to say this but if the anti-seizure meds don't work we will have to look into the fact that it could be a brain tumor." Which was one of my first thoughts when she had the first one. (I work in the human medical field.) The Dr and I and my lab tech friend who went along for moral support http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif agreed that if it was a tumor she would have neurological changes, weight loss, loss of thirst and appetite, and reduced activity level. Which she has none everything else is normal.
Just wanted to update everyone, and thanks again for the prayers and support. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

04-12-2001, 05:35 PM
Oh, I hope everything is alright with Shai!! We'll be thinking about you guys. Let us know what happens with the blood work...

04-12-2001, 05:45 PM
Oh, no! How scary! I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Good luck!

04-12-2001, 06:05 PM
Bless you heart, and Shais.
I hope everything will be ok. We'll give you some extra prayers tonight.

04-12-2001, 06:44 PM
Shais, Just keep thinking positive, that's important, Hopefully everything will turn out well. Will be in our prayers.

04-12-2001, 09:04 PM
Hope everything goes okay. Will think about you tonight.

04-13-2001, 05:40 AM
My prayers are with you and Shai. I can't believe how much you both have had to endure lately. You are such a wonderful furmom. Please hug Shai and know that everyone here is thinking of you and praying for you. Much love. Sandra, Star and Cody

04-13-2001, 06:48 AM
Oh you poor thing...what an awful thing to hear http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif I hope she is feeling better and I hope you are too http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif It's very scary and I hope she gets better http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif I am so sorry. I will say a prayer that she does not have anything as serious as that vet suggested.

04-13-2001, 10:13 AM
Of course this is what we all were hoping would not happen, but don't despair. Please know that we care very much that Shai gets better and that you can relax again. Thank for keeping us informed on what has transpired. Everyone's furkids are like our little nieces and nephews.

04-16-2001, 03:29 PM
Was wondering and worrying about Shai and her seizures? How is she doing? Please let us know, and please hug her for me. Sandra

04-16-2001, 10:09 PM
Thanks, Shai has not had a seizure since Thurs morning. Was the 2nd grand mal that I know of that she has had. She is taking a half of a phenobartbital pill twice a day.
Other than that she is doing fine, she is active, happy, looks just beautuful, and SPOILED ROTTEN. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif Oh wait, no just "WELL LOVED" Went to Pet Supplies Plus today and spent almost $40 dollars cause I feel so sorry for her, of course she has no clue that's why she just knows to check out the bags when mom gets home.
If she has another seizure she will be upped to a pill a day and go from there. Thanks for asking and I will keep you posted.

~~"You do not own a dog, the dog owns you."~~