View Full Version : Found out why the evil neighbor is evil!

09-21-2003, 11:14 AM
I thought I'd put this on a different thread so that you guys didn't miss this:

Her husband came up to me yesterday and said "You know, I am sorry about all of this stuff that has been going on...you see, Cleta (the evil neighbor) was attacked by a husky as a child, and she's been indifferent towards huskies ever since."

09-21-2003, 11:34 AM
Aww poor woman that must have been a terrifed momement for her. But, even though she was attacked by a husky that doesnt mean she can do evil stuff to your doggy. She needs to respect your property and family meaning (the dogs).

09-21-2003, 12:04 PM
well, at least you know why now..but it's still no reason to pick on you guys.

Aspen and Misty
09-21-2003, 12:11 PM
Maybe you should tell him a little about your dogs, give him pictures, things like that. You could alwasy print things off of the interent about the wonderful breed tell him your dogs are wonderful pets.


09-21-2003, 12:17 PM
The thing is...they have to know my dogs are good! They see us walking them all the time, they see them chained out front while we're working outside...everyone else in the neighborhood (including small children and pets) stop and say hello to them. I get comments all the time on how great my dogs are...If the whole neighborhood knows and loves my dogs, my next door neighbor has to know they are decent dogs. She is apparently just terrified of huskies so much that she's trying drive them away. I'm sorry she got attacked by a husky, but that is still no excuse. I'm still ticked at her!

09-21-2003, 05:26 PM

09-21-2003, 06:53 PM
This new information helps you to begin to understand why she is the way she is but her past experience is really no excuse for her current behavior. I'm sorry that your whole neighborhood can see how well behaved your dogs are yet your neighbor cannot see it at all. :(

09-26-2003, 09:54 AM
I don't buy into all that "past experiences" BS. If all that were true, I'd be using dogs for target practice right now. She needs to suck it up and stop making excuses - and you can tell her that stacwase from Pet Talk said so (hehe).:D

09-26-2003, 10:40 AM
My sister was bit by her friends dog when she was little and while she is to this day nervous around strange dogs, as long as she knows the dog, she's fine around it.

If I had been bit by a dog, maybe I'd be nervous around them, but I wouldn't go out of my way to make a neighbor with a dog miserable.


That just shows she's that moronic.... at least in MY opinion.

09-26-2003, 11:39 AM
i was bitten by a bulldog and a husky when i was little but i dont hold a grudge against any breed. My cousin was chased down and bitten by a chihuaha on a beach and doesnt like any chihuaha now. Some people hold grudges for whatever reason- mostly because theyre niave i think. And even though the evil neighbor apologized and explained herself a little doesnt make it right what she did. But its more than most people would do in that situation. So good luck maybe things will get better

09-26-2003, 11:54 AM
She may just be not mentally well, and so has trouble "just getting over it." At least you know part of the story, and that all you and your dogs can do is be exemplary members of your respective species and leave it at that!

09-26-2003, 01:18 PM
Karen - Wow, you have a great attitude!