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09-20-2003, 08:51 PM
Are you going out this year for Halloween? I AM! im going to be a dead cheerleader!:D you can buy fake gashes and cuts at the store:) What are you going to be.?

09-20-2003, 08:56 PM
I dunno if my mom will let me... she's says I'm too old for T-O-T-ing. *cries*

09-20-2003, 08:58 PM
really! she wont let you! aww Im thinking of dressing up the dogs and taking them with me. Taffy will probably be a bunny and honey can be a ... hmm i need more time to think about that:)

09-20-2003, 09:02 PM
Oh she said maybe! I need to get Abbers a costume! :D:D:D:D:D:D

09-20-2003, 09:14 PM
I have two costumes because I'm having a kid party from 5-8 and an adult party after hours. My husband and I are marines for the kid party. I am a sleazy Mrs. Claus and he is Santa for the adult party.

Last year, I was Dorthy, Jaden was the lion, and my husband was the scarecrow.

09-20-2003, 09:42 PM
Nothing. Just myself. I don't like Halloween. I think its silly, dressing up wierd and going around begging for candy. :o To be honest, its the most annoying day of my life. I hate the 10 billion *ding dongs* at the door. :o *I always pretend I'm not at home.* :p

No offense to anyone, but that's just me. :o Halloween isn't a day I celebrate. I don't believe in it, nor do I believe in wearing silly costumes or dressing up animals in silly costumes. :eek: I don't think they like it and it makes me feel sorry for them. :o I think it annoys them. :p

09-20-2003, 09:50 PM
If your dog puts up with it, why not? I say anyway.. lol

09-20-2003, 09:52 PM
I agree with pcb, we dont do the halloween thing. Last year I just handed out candy and I will prolly do it again. And ussualy me and my parents go out and they buy me stuff.

09-20-2003, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
Nothing. Just myself. I don't like Halloween. I think its silly, dressing up wierd and going around begging for candy. :o To be honest, its the most annoying day of my life. I hate the 10 billion *ding dongs* at the door. :o *I always pretend I'm not at home.* :p

No offense to anyone, but that's just me. :o Halloween isn't a day I celebrate. I don't believe in it, nor do I believe in wearing silly costumes or dressing up animals in silly costumes. :eek: I don't think they like it and it makes me feel sorry for them. :o I think it annoys them. :p

I don't think it's a day to believe in anything, just to go out and have some fun and get some candy! Always make sure to get your candy checked! You wouldn't believe some of the stuff I used to get! :eek: Peanuts, some wiht no shells, candy canes, open chip bags...honestly now :rolleyes: As for the ringing..we hardly get any. It's so quiet lately...but this year it's on a Friday I believe, so we'll see...

I wanted to dress Mickey up but my mom won't let me. I think I'll just put some stuff on from around the house. Anyways, my mom doesn't let me trick or treat, she thinks it's silly for a 16 year old to go around getting candy that could be given to a 3 year old. I don't really mind.

Once my cousin said this girl came to her house, not dressed up and just with a pillow case and she was like, "hi give me some candy". She just closed the door in her face. :p

09-20-2003, 09:54 PM
I've always hated trick or treating. Even when I was little, I'd go around the block and beg my mom to take me home. I'm just darn tootin' lazy. :D However, I love candy and I want to go trick or treating this year. So much for my diet. :rolleyes: My mom thinks that no one is going to give a 16 year old candy. :o

I'd like to be dead. They have nice looking gashes at Value Village lol. but if not, I don't know what I'll be. Whatever gets me candy! :p

09-20-2003, 10:00 PM
I don't trick or treat...(obviously, I'm ancient.) But I LOVE halloween. I start thinking about my costume like around May. lol. This year, I'm having a huge bash. I can't wait. We go all out on our yard. We have graves and moving people, and scarecrows, you name it. I'll show you guys pictures this year. Same goes for Xmas, we go all out.

09-20-2003, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
I don't trick or treat...(obviously, I'm ancient.) But I LOVE halloween. I start thinking about my costume like around May. lol. This year, I'm having a huge bash. I can't wait. We go all out on our yard. We have graves and moving people, and scarecrows, you name it. I'll show you guys pictures this year. Same goes for Xmas, we go all out.

You should see our house on holidays! My mom goes all out with the decorations. I love it but we are the only ones on the block! :eek:

09-20-2003, 10:42 PM
I don't go trick or treating anymore. I haven't since I was 10. :p But, I take my sister around and bring Daisy. I'm looking for a halloween costume for her. :D

09-20-2003, 11:06 PM
I turn off all the lights and I won't answer the door, because I don't have a roomate. I might hand out candy if Nathan is here with me, though. But I refuse to give candy to anyone who looks older than about 13. It's a little kids event, in my mind. Big kids who go trick or treating are just greedy. Big kids should plan a party with their friends, not go out asking for candy. I used to like Halloween, but since I became diabetic it makes me depressed, because I can't really participate :( So I don't bother getting dressed up at all.

09-20-2003, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
nor do I believe in wearing silly costumes or dressing up animals in silly costumes. :eek: I don't think they like it and it makes me feel sorry for them. :o I think it annoys them. :p

Haven't you posted pictures of your birds wearing Barbie clothes before?

09-20-2003, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by Nomilynn
But I refuse to give candy to anyone who looks older than about 13. It's a little kids event, in my mind. Big kids who go trick or treating are just greedy.
Hehe, I have to admit that I'm a very greedy person. :p Mwahaha, candy...mmmm...

09-20-2003, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
No offense to anyone, but that's just me. :o Halloween isn't a day I celebrate. I don't believe in it, nor do I believe in wearing silly costumes or dressing up animals in silly costumes. :eek: I don't think they like it and it makes me feel sorry for them. :o I think it annoys them. :p

Then you certainly don't know my Daisy. :p She *LOVES* getting dressed up. She loves all the attention she gets, and loves to show off. :)

09-20-2003, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
Hehe, I have to admit that I'm a very greedy person. :p Mwahaha, candy...mmmm...

Hehe.. the worst was once I saw a guy who graduated high school a year before me out trick or treating. THAT is just wrong. I was out with Nathan, taking his nephew out trick or treating!

09-20-2003, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by Nomilynn
Hehe.. the worst was once I saw a guy who graduated high school a year before me out trick or treating. THAT is just wrong. I was out with Nathan, taking his nephew out trick or treating!
Wow, that is late to be out trick or treating!

I haven't gone out trick or treating since I was 11, so I'm going through withdrawal. This shall be my last time. :p

09-20-2003, 11:56 PM
I haven't dressed up for Halloween in ....ages....must have been since grade school.

I, do, however *ehem* torture :rolleyes: Nebo and Lady dressing and we take them trick-or-treating to a few houses we know. They get treats, so I really think they enjoy it. There's also a Halloween Party at Petsmart and at the dog park so we'll be going to those too. Yes, I am fully aware of how loser-ish it is that the only Halloween parties a 19 year old is going to are dog parties. :o

09-21-2003, 12:05 AM
Well, I'm a loser too then, Amy! :D

Tom & Kat (tomkatzid) just told me about a "Dog-O-Ween" dog costume party at an off leash park. I will definitely be going there! :D My boyfriend & I went to a Halloween dance at my college last year... it kinda sucked :p I probably won't dress up this year.

09-21-2003, 12:20 AM
I still have my pumpkin costume if my mom lets me go... LMAO! I'm READY! I love trick or treating, cuz my bro doesn't share when he gets home, if he even goes! Half the time he doesn't want to, believe it or not! I wanna go really bad... mmmm..... CandY!!!!!

09-21-2003, 12:33 AM
Originally posted by Nomilynn
Haven't you posted pictures of your birds wearing Barbie clothes before?

Yeah, come to think of it, I remember seeing them in sweaters once.... and I think the other had on a tie made out of paper.

09-21-2003, 12:38 AM
I'm planning on dressing up as P!nk! I'm getting a wig, not dying my hair! And I'm having a theatre friend of mine do the crazy makeup.

Halloween is HUGE in Madison. But sadly it gets sort of violent, like breaking store windows/rioting.....so I won't stay out late!!! :(


P.S. Doggie not included... :(

09-21-2003, 01:22 AM
Not sure.

More than likely, nothing. I normally just take some of my ocusins around to trick or treat. I don't really like to bring the dogs because it's not safe enough out around that time.

And about what PCB about dressing dogs up -- My two LOVE it.

09-21-2003, 01:41 AM
I think I'm going to stay home for a majority of the night. I may go around 2 blocks or so to get enough candy to last me a few days because that's all I ever eat anyways. Then, I'll stay home w/the pups and hand out candy. It'll be a good time to socialize both with other people and practicing our sit/stay command.

09-21-2003, 02:42 AM
Originally posted by Nomilynn
Haven't you posted pictures of your birds wearing Barbie clothes before?

LOL! No, not barbie clothes, but doll clothes. Barbie clothes would never fit. :p I only put it on them for 1 second, JUST for a picture, and then take it off. I've seen dogs wearing halloween costumes on halloween, and they have it on for hours and the ones I saw looked VERY annoyed and upset. I felt sorry for them. I think its fun to dress up pets for a picture, but I think many don't like to be dressed for long periods of time. That's cool how some of your dogs actually enjoy it! :eek: Perhaps they're immune to the torture. ;) LOL Just kidding. :p

I still think Halloween's a silly day. I mean, it just doesn't make sense to me. I also find it dangerous, to have little kids going around knocking on the doors of just about ANYONE. How do they know they're knocking on a good person's house, or a dangerous person?

Several years ago, one of our friend's friend opened the door of his house on Halloween for trick-or-treaters in costumes. As they were handing out the candy, the people ran in the house and robbed their whole house, after tying the whole family in the bathroom. :eek::( Ever since then, I have *hated* Halloween. I never liked it, and never participated in it, because I found it silly, but now I really hate it. We live in a safe area where such things are very uncommon, but its sad that such things happen on Halloween. Sad and scary.

Either way, I find it silly to have ghosts and goblins and spider webs and SPIDERS hanging around your house, and wearing all sorts of wierd things and going out. I mean, I just don't find any sense in it, and I don't find how scary things that people hate and dread can suddenly become fun on one day. Maybe its just me, but I don't like the whole idea of Halloween to begin with. For those of you who love it, enjoy your day, and eat all the candies you wish for! :p :D

09-21-2003, 03:53 AM
I am going to be a witch !! :D, Tikeya is going to be a fairy pricess!!

09-21-2003, 09:20 AM
I agree with PCB, I'm not too crazy about Halloween. But I LOOOOOVE Christmas:D :D :D When everyone's into the Christmas spirit and all, lol, its really fun for me:p :D
But, for Halloween I don't know what I'll do. I want to stay home and hand out candy, but my friend also wants me to host a party with her. Which I don't really want to do, and I really don't think anyone's going to the party, they have other plans.
ok, back to what I'm going to be....I might be something scary.and put LOTS of makeup on my face, lol. But the only reason why I'm dressing up is for school. If we don't dress up as anything, we're not allowed to go to the "dance-a-thon"

09-21-2003, 09:38 AM
Maybe cause I have black (mostly, he he) cats, but, I do like some Halloween decorations. I agree, it is for the children, but in college, my boyfriend and I did go out one year, and were immediately spotted as 'posters' (why does that look wrong?).

Now, I sit outside on my little porch, and chat with the neighbors, and hand out 'good' candy (no candy corns from this house). I always enjoy the polite friendly kids, and it makes me think their is still hope for manners in this world! I sit out front to keep the doorbell from ringing all night long..the cats hate it. I don't think I will dress Binx up this year...unless it is as a mini-pony!

09-21-2003, 09:54 AM
But I refuse to give candy to anyone who looks older than about 13.

I was one of those poor kids that was like 5'7" since 9 years old, I was 5'10" by 12. I always got turned down during trick or treating. :(

09-21-2003, 12:12 PM
One of the great advantages of being short is...I'll be able to trick or treat (provided I wear a mask) for as many years as I want. Lol..I'm nearly 16 and still at 5'0.

09-21-2003, 07:55 PM
im very short lets just say im almost 5 feet.:) Last year a woman asked me where my mommy was.:( I said IM 12 then walked away! And my moto for halloween is

:DGo have FUN and get some CANDY!:D
and it is free isent it.:p :)
And im probably going to bring Coneroy(my almost cone) with me!:D:D:D

09-21-2003, 08:51 PM
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Halloween!!! We're having a Halloween/Kelly's Birthday Party on October 25th and our guests HAVE to wear costumes. :) ***WOLFLADY, did you get your invite???***

I'm going as "Cat Woman" and David is going to be "Batman". We found his costume to rent and its totally amazing! And we're still looking for mine.

I really can't wait!!! YIPPEE!!! :D

PCB...Halloween is about make believe and having a day where you can be whatever you want to be. Children want to be Superman, Wonder Woman, Belle, The Little Mermaid, a cat, a bird, whatever...Halloween comes around and they CAN!!! Its all about fun...the spooky stuff a whole other story and not everyone celebrates that part of Halloween. (As far as children knocking on strange people's doors, that's what parents are for. ;)

Yay!! Halloween!!!!

09-21-2003, 09:11 PM
i love going trick or treating, but at the age of 24, i dont think anyone will give me candy. so i'll take my younger brother and sister around the complex and eat some of their candy as were walking:)

09-21-2003, 11:38 PM
I dress up for work when it's allowed anything is better then having to wear the stupid chapters uniform. I'm thinking this year I'll go as a crazy person who likes to walk around the store muttering under their breath "I like pointy things"...oh wait I already do that.

As for the candy I just eat the stuff that we have at home, we don't have a lot of kids come to the house so we always have some left over.

09-22-2003, 08:19 AM
Ive been thinking of dressing up like Marylin Manson for Halloween.Also,there are some people in my neighborhood who like to go around smashing jack o lanterns and egging houses.this year,its pay back time.im gonna hide in my bushes and scare them.oh yea that sounds fun.hehe

09-22-2003, 10:56 AM
As far as being to old to trick or treat....my freinds and I went trick or treating up until we were 18. We had a blast. Everyone was out and about in our neighborhood...mostly because a few blocks over we have a huge block party every year.

Now I buy candy and pray that lots of kiddies will come to my door for it or else I'll eat it all. The most I'll dress up is putting either a witch hat on or cat ears. The last time Joey and I went to a Halloween party we did the whole Saturday Night Fever thing. Raided our parents closets for typical 70s disco clothes and out we went.

09-22-2003, 04:35 PM
I'll probably be a vampress again. I don't trick or treat (haven't for a looooooooooooooooooooooong while) but I do dress up to hand out candy. Of course last year I did more scaring and eating the candy than handing out.

My parents bought me a coffin (cardboard) and we put it out in the yard like a week ahead so all the kids thought it was empty. On Halloween I got all dressed up in my "pirate" shirt and leather pants and boots and laid in the coffin leaving the lid cracked just a bit. When the kids walk up to Dustin (he had the candy) I'd jump out and scare the pee outta them. :D

09-22-2003, 04:45 PM
I LOVE halloween, I have decorations up, inside and out!!!
I turned 28 today, it's not like I go trick-or-treating, but it's stll fun to dress up once a year!
I think Sierra is going to be a Princess, and Buddy is going to be a clown!!
They are not going to keep the costumes on for very long at all, so I'll make sure to get pictures real fast once they are on them both!!!

09-22-2003, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy

PCB...Halloween is about make believe and having a day where you can be whatever you want to be. Children want to be Superman, Wonder Woman, Belle, The Little Mermaid, a cat, a bird, whatever...Halloween comes around and they CAN!!! Its all about fun...the spooky stuff a whole other story and not everyone celebrates that part of Halloween. (As far as children knocking on strange people's doors, that's what parents are for. ;)

Yay!! Halloween!!!!

Amen, Kelly!

I see it as a time for fun and I don't really read much further into it than that. Like Naomi, I'm diabetic and can't have candy anymore so its a little depressing. But I do still love the holiday. I love kids and I love to see them having fun - under parental supervision! I love the feel of any holiday because just about everyone is in a good mood.

Just because Halloween brings out the worst in a small amount of people isn't a reason to hate the whole holiday. Christmas also brings out the worst in some people (robberies ... think Home Alone :p ) but that isn't a reason to hate Christmas.

I'm not going to dress up, but my dogs will be wearing costumes to pass out candy to the kids. And no, that is NOT torture!!!! When they get sick of their costumes, they take them off themselves.

09-22-2003, 07:52 PM
No costume for me, but Chester’s got a “scary” Halloween sweatshirt to wear to Aly’s shelter for the Halloween event! :D :D

09-28-2003, 07:02 PM
hehe..lol I know this is an old thread but now I need some suggestions.. I dont wanna be a dead cheerleader anymore for Halloween...What should I be...?????

10-08-2003, 06:17 PM
I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!!! jfkldhfksl;hfkldhfs Its my favourite holiday!!! Im gonna be a pirate this year. lol Havent ever dressed up the kitties before.. lol I doubt they'd be down with that. hahaha Im having a party at my house with some friends. I like to hand out the candy though. And WHAT!??! TURN PEOPLE DOWN?? Nooo! Unfair! lol

10-10-2003, 06:08 PM
Ok. Here at work I just found out the theme is.......

The Spice Girls meet The Village People.......

It's up to us what we interpret this to be. It could be one of the two groups, or perhaps an offspring.........

This one's going to be a tough one. Any helpful suggestions appreciated.

10-10-2003, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by RazzandKitty
i love going trick or treating, but at the age of 24, i dont think anyone will give me candy. so i'll take my younger brother and sister around the complex and eat some of their candy as were walking:)

NOO!! my candy!! you arent walking with me then! :p :p Cami is gonna come with us in her princess hat..

I dont think im really gonna dress up.. i mean im not gonna go and buy one or anything ill probably just be like.. a hillbilly! :D :D LOL

pcb- WHAT?!?! your turning down candy?! lol no im kidding.. i think its fun! i love going around and getting FREE candy.. most of the candy is closed and stuff but we avoid the dark weird looking housed.. even though most of the houses are supposed to look dark weird and scary but.. lol whatever.. anyway i love it!! lol its fun.. and cami is gonna dress up.. she likes it! shes a pretty princess!! :p

10-11-2003, 10:08 AM
aww! Taffy is going to be a bunny and honey is going to be a...I need a lil time to think:D

10-11-2003, 11:25 AM
When we lived in a more congested neighborhood (where I went through 7 bags of candy at least each year) I would question any "older-looking" kids. If you're taller than me (I'm 5' 6") (or look older than 14 or so) then I'm gonna ask qeustions, and only let you take 1 piece of candy (little kids I let take 2 or three). And most older teenagers are kinda embarrassed-looking anyway, so they give themselves away.

I always dress up - for work subtley, and to hand out candy, I go more all-out! I create masks that hook onto my glasses - otherwise I can't wear masks AND see the costumes.

Miss Hoppy will be dressed as a cute little brown bunny, as always!:)