View Full Version : Boxers....

09-20-2003, 03:24 PM
I am planning to get a boxer, I have heard that they are very good tempered and very trainable, but I also heard that females are better family pets than males, can anyone who owns or are used to boxers let me know some characteristics of boxers so I can think it threw fully! Thanks, if anyone has any suggestions or info you can email me at [email protected] or IM me on AOL at doglover9501! Thanks

09-20-2003, 10:02 PM
My dad has a boxer. He is one of the best dogs I have ever met. He is super good with kids and very obedient.

09-20-2003, 10:47 PM
I had Boxes sense I was 1, 40+ years, and I have 3 right now. 2 females and 1 male. I'm not sure about females being any better then males as family pets. My male is the best one of the group, all love. The 2 females get a tude now and again, but still sweethearts. Both male and female are good.

As far as I'm concerned Boxer are the best, even thought I love my other guys just as much, my Boxers are my pride and joy.

They make great pets, very loyal, loving and smart, sometimes to smart for their own good. They will do anything to please their owners. Great with kids also. As for being "very trainable" yes and no. Boxers always have a little bit of puppy in them, even at an older age, so they can get bored easily and that does make training interesting at times. When training them, don't let them get distracted by other things, people, toys, other pets etc. Also as with all dogs give them some loving during the training, Boxer want so much to please their owner so just showing them that seems to make them want to do more to please you.

I had several Boxer that where trained through the army as attacked dogs. So yes they are trainable. Then I have my one male, now, that flunked out. But he did get some good things out of it, I just can't get him to stop jumping on people and giving hugs and kisses.

You should also know that because Boxers alway has some puppy in them that they will need a lot of entertaining. I would not recommend a Boxer to someone who's not going to be around alot to interact with them, they will get bored and find their own entertainment. :eek: A big yard always help and toys.

The only thing I can say is if you get a Boxer, you'll have a friend for life, who would die for you if need be. Ever Boxer I've ever had has been the most loving, loyal dogs I've ever owned. And they will keep you well entertained with their puppy ways. They are always doing something to bring a smile to my face.

Hope this helps some in deciding if a Boxer is right for you.

09-21-2003, 08:21 AM
Thanks so much, Im thinking of going for the male lol I have heard 3-4 things about males being more loveable and all, just the boxer books I read said differently, thanks all!