View Full Version : extreme makeovers

09-19-2003, 12:45 PM
what is up with THAT program?

Slap a coat of paint on the old barn.

It's still an old barn.

09-19-2003, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
Slap a coat of paint on the old barn.

It's still an old barn.
Ahhhh, but it looks new:D

09-19-2003, 01:03 PM
I never watch any of the makeover or decorating shows. I do admit to watching Nigella and Jamie sometimes.

Although you almost had one the other night.......(I'm having a real hard time letting this one go.....I'm trying)

09-19-2003, 02:24 PM
Oh, I don't think that is so, "slap a coat of paint..."....some times these things have extreme impact on people. I saw one where the person had a significantly different look from most of us, and to hear her talk about her 'new' look was pretty emotional.

Some people develop from the inside out, others from the outside in...so, if it is a major deal to them, doesn't cost anything to me, and improves their lives? More power to them.

PJ's Mom
09-19-2003, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by slick
I never watch any of the makeover or decorating shows.

I don't either...with the exception of a Trading Spaces sometimes. :p

If I was going to have that kind of thing done to me, I wouldn't want the whole world watching. :eek:

09-19-2003, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
More power to them.


And I hope they call a qualified electrician to
do the work......

But why not look at the foundation, walls or roof and work on that instead?? Something tells me that an old barn that is structually safe is better than an old dangerous barn with a new coat of shellac on it.

I may be wrong?!?!?!

I read about a study where it stated that an astounding percentage (30%) of people who had PS committed suicide (the study was also done in Sweden....)

And I really didn't mean, "slap a coat of paint on"...

Tape any exposed areas you do not want to paint.

After loading the brush wiping off any excess paint on the lip of the can.

Using up and down strokes, evenly cover the surface, always paint in the same direction and
cut the edges where previous paint has been applied.

Your old barn is painted!


09-19-2003, 03:16 PM
I've never seen the show with the plastic surgery and the extreme makeovers, but I'm developing a habit for a new TLC program that does make-overs on fashion disasters. Usually just everyday people that have gotten themselves into a rut when it comes to selecting clothes.

What I like is that they don't make the people look like movie stars, they just help them find the right type of clothes and hair for their bodies and the people do look better. (and they get a $5000 wardrobe that they get to keep:)

09-19-2003, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

Slap a coat of paint on the old barn.

It's still an old barn.

Oh please someone slap a paint on this old barn. :D

I might still be a old barn......but I'll be a good looking old barn and even old barns want to look their best.

09-19-2003, 05:27 PM
I made a mistake.....

The statistic was a plastic surgeon patient was 3 times more likely to commit suicide than a person who had not.

(i knew there was a '3' in there someplace-Mea culpa!)

I am not against PS.

I know women who have had surgery for being too big-
they had back problems, buying clothes etc...

I have see some "Joan Rivers scary" people.....a smile is a real chore for them....

Pam Anderson is an example of 'expanding the limits' of good taste.......

I have also known a few gals that have had surgery to enhance their 'self esteem'...Nothing wrong with that, but, one gal INSISTED on bringing some pictures into the office to show me her improvement...

I politely declined and took some lumps for being too 'sensitive'.

Another gal would prop herself up with her forearms or on the edge of the counters....at that point, with sexual harassment laws and all, you HAVE to excuse yourself from the area!!

I felt like John Candy in "Summer Rental"- He runs into a neighbor
woman who asked him, "what do you think of these???" just as her husband walks into the room....

I like the female form, women should be proud of what they strut-
but at what cost to themselves?

09-19-2003, 05:38 PM
The whole idea of plastic surgery scares me. Granted, I'm not the best looking egg in the case, but I would never sign up for an appearance change. I prefer to be me. I don't wear makeup, don't colour my hair and don't have enough patience for contact lenses.

I also know of some people who have had it done and I must admit they look great and their self-esteem has soared. In fact, my 70 yr old neighbour just had a breast-reduction and she recovered in a week. (OK, guys I'm not starting another controversy on breasts again so let's stick to the subject at hand.)

I'm in agreement with any makeover if it makes him or her feel better. That's right, I said "him" because I was watching TLC one day and they said that more and more men are getting liposuction.

Me? I'm sticking with what God gave me and trying to improve on it my own way.

09-19-2003, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by Fox-Gal
Oh please someone slap a paint on this old barn. :D

I might still be a old barn......but I'll be a good looking old barn and even old barns want to look their best.

Best ask the farmer first.

He may just like his barn just the way it is!

09-19-2003, 06:15 PM
A co-worker of mine was just speaking to me about this show. She said she had a friend who had a nose job (rhino....whatever) and apparently this friend just had a local and was awake through the whole thing and could hear the cracking of bones.....

Gives me the heebie-jeebies.:eek: :eek:
(but I hear there's meds for that as well...)

09-19-2003, 10:52 PM
I feel a bit loser-ish, but I LOVE that show. Except when they show the bloody bandages, and botox injectoins....yuck.....

09-20-2003, 12:13 AM
I actually enjoyed watching extreme make-overs, some of them were indeed remarkable, and the one thing I liked it wasn't some bimbo wanting to have big boobs,or look prettier etc etc, most of the candidates in MHO needed the plastic surgery, and I could not blame them for feeling it was necessary.

It almost made me want some myself, but hey I am way to chicken to go under the knife for something that is not really necessary, little alone something that is.

Sure this old barn could do with some tidying up here and there, but I am going to try and grow old gracefully, hopefully, FAT CHANCE but heres hoping. lol:) :D

09-20-2003, 01:06 AM
I also enjoy watching "Extreme Makeover." I even enjoy watching "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy." I love to see how they're able to improve a person's looks and self esteem at the end of the show. I also love seeing happy endings. :)

09-20-2003, 02:00 AM

09-21-2003, 06:26 PM
Richard...have you actually SEEN that show???

At first I thought the idea was pretty shallow, but they pick truly deserving people.

With all the other negative, pointless crap on TV, its refreshing to see something positive come out of all the $$ being thrown around in the entertainment business.

I for one, LOVE that show. I sit there crying happy tears for the people who's lives have changed for the better.

09-21-2003, 10:31 PM
HERE HERE noahsmommy, I AGREE with you 100 per cent.

09-22-2003, 10:55 AM
I remember watching that show last year. I was sitting there with my five year old daughter. After the show ended, I was talking to her about it. I remember saying that I didn't know if I would have anything done and that I was happy with what God gave me. He made me this way for a reason. My little girl looked at me and sai, Well, mom, you need a nose job. And you have two chins. And then she put her little hand on my upper leg and said, and you could stand to loose some of this. (I was pregnant at the time and had a bit of extra weight on me.) I have to tell you, I love the brutal honesty of kids. :D

09-22-2003, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Richard...have you actually SEEN that show???

of course!

i saw the preview...

I was a little bothered about the unveiling....

It was like, HEY LOOK, I spent two months getting
surgery!!!!!!! too much too soon!

09-22-2003, 02:45 PM
Its one thing to have a bunch of surgery to look gorgeous...but most of those people have some things they are very self-conscious about. They deserve to feel good, espcially in a society that is so judging.

09-22-2003, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Its one thing to have a bunch of surgery to look gorgeous...but most of those people have some things they are very self-conscious about. They deserve to feel good, espcially in a society that is so judging.

So what's my excuse????:)

09-22-2003, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
So what's my excuse????:)
You're leaving yourself wide open with this comment :D :D I'm tempted, but will leave it alone for now.

09-22-2003, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by slick
You're leaving yourself wide open with this comment :D :D

I'm not scared!!! lol....

I just have a problem with the amount of surgery,
and the 'prostituttion' of these people....

It's like a car show....

You bring out the NEW CAMARO-it has it's roots in the past- but it's the new model year!!!!!

Your NEW CAMARO, turn into your new car in two months and 'your car' in six......in a year and a have you want to trade it in cause it's your old car.......

I'm speaking as a man here......we always want
NEXT YEARS model........and when we get tired of that?