View Full Version : Question about Dog's being off leash and attacking each other

Aspen and Misty
09-19-2003, 09:00 AM
If there are 2 dogs, both off leash. One attacks the other dog. Do you think the owner of the dog who was attacked should be aloud to sue the owner of the dog who attacked her dog?? The owner of the dog who attacked did NOT know his dog would attack the other dog because his dog has never attacked or acted agressivly towards anything or anyone.

In a way I say Yes but in a way I say No. I mean it's kinda her fault for having her dog off leash but yes cause the man shouldn't of had his dog off leash.

I dunno?

Whats your opnion?


09-19-2003, 12:39 PM
In my opinion, the person whos dog was attacked was demonstrating that he thinks it's OK for dogs to be off leash. Therefore, he doesn't have any right to sue the other owner for having his dog off leash, even if the dog did attack.

On the other hand, if the dog had a previous history of attacking other animals, then its owner should have taken extra care and not allowed the dog off leash. So I guess I think it depends on the circumstances.

Since in this circumstance the dog did not have a previous histsory, I don't think she should win a lawsuit.:D


Judge Stacey (heheheheheheheh)

09-19-2003, 09:01 PM
I aggree 100% with stacwase.

Aspen and Misty
09-19-2003, 09:11 PM
Thank you! :D

LOL I saw this on Animal Planet that Court show.

Thank you Judge Stacy!


09-20-2003, 02:46 AM
a person should always have their dog on a leash if that dog isnt well scocialized with other dogs. I know for a fact that When I take Tikeya to the dog beach I make sure she is on the leash untill she has been properly introduced to all the dogs at the beach, I would never let her off the leash without knowing she gets along with them first.

09-20-2003, 10:56 AM
Probly not sue but they can pay for the dog to be fixed up, I think. My mom friends dog was on a leash when she was walking her and a bigger dog came busting though his screen door and atacked her dog. It was so sad, but the lady who owned the dog had to pay for my moms friends dog to be fixed up. She lived.

09-20-2003, 12:02 PM
Yes, I think the dog that attacked the other dog should pay for the damages. I don't think it matters if the dog has NOT had a history with attacking other dogs. Like, lets say Daisy attacked a dog, (:p) and caused the owner vet bills. Should I not be responsible to pay for it? My dog attacked the other dog.
I think it also depends on where it took place, at a dog park where dogs are ALLOWED to be off leash could have a different ruling then lets say a park, where they can't or it is the owners choice to have their dogs offleash.

JMHO. ;)