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09-18-2003, 07:15 PM
We technically have Teddy potty trained now. He is 10 months old. But he still marks territory. :mad: For instance, he'll go into the big dogs crates and dribble in there, or if the cat is lying on the couch, he'll lift his leg on the couch. I don't want to leave him contained the rest of his life, but this is so frustrating! What do I do!?

09-18-2003, 07:38 PM
Is he neutered???

09-18-2003, 08:57 PM
No, he isn't. We have had rescue dogs all of our lives. There has been so many dogs in my lifetime that were so awesome I wanted to clone them. I decided that for once, I would get a dog from a breeder and breed him one time. I am not experienced, but my dog trainer has Teddy's intended wife. She knows what she is doing. I'm already SO tempted to just scratch the idea and neuter him, but my husband doesn't want to. He says it defeats the whole purpose of us not rescuing, and we should be patient.

09-18-2003, 10:05 PM
well thats why is is marking his territory, he will do it intull he is neutered.

09-18-2003, 11:00 PM
well thats why is is marking his territory, he will do it intull he is neutered

That's correct. Marking is a basic instinct/learned behavior combo for all male dogs .... and many females. Removal of the sex hormones, via neutering or spaying, will remove the sexual/hormonal reasons for marking.

However ... be forewarned! ... the longer you wait to neuter your dog, the far greater the chance that he will continue to mark for the rest of his life, even after he is neutered. That is because, even though the hormones are gone, the HABIT if formed. He has been lifting his leg and marking for years, so he continues to do so forever.

I have five male dogs, all of them neutered. The ones that were neutered at 2 to 4 years old (all were rescues) mark everywhere. They truly disgust and infuriate me at times.

09-18-2003, 11:17 PM
Now you probably know how we all feel about breeding dogs so I won't go on about that. If you must keep him intact, I'd try nipping this bud now rather than waiting until it's a nasty habit. If he always marks a certain object, make sure you're always with him when he's with the object. That way, you can be there to give a stern "no".

09-18-2003, 11:21 PM
I would like to add that my god mother has a dachshund that isnt neutered because she is thinking about breeding and he will mark his territory often around her house, which isnt good, considering they have two lil twin babies that will soon be crawling around. Get your dog neutered befor he gets into a habbit of marking his territory around your house. It is the smart thing to do.

09-18-2003, 11:25 PM
I know this sounds mean, but I can't stand to be around unaltered males! They are so gross! I don't mean to offend anyone, but the marking and all is nasty.

Teddy will continue this until he's fixed. I suggest you do the deed and not worry about breeding. Teddy will be a better pet and healthier the sooner you do it.

09-18-2003, 11:31 PM
We didn't have Reggie or Smokey neutered until they were older...and they've always marked in the house, Smokey was especially bad. Actually we have to keep a diaper on him constantly now because he'll just lift whenever, but I think that's more to do with incontinence.

It's always awful taking them for walks, because of the constant leg-lifting. It's gross. I had Nebo neutered at 4 months, and it's really curbed all of those things. He even still squats most of the time, and doesn't mark his territory. When he pees, he does it because he has to go, not because he feels the need to mark every friggin tree.

I could never have a dog that wasn't neutered...

Honestly, breeding is your choice of course, but, as others have said, the earlier you get him neutered, the more likely it will curb this habit.

09-19-2003, 04:10 AM
My two GSD's arent neutered ( because their ex police dogs, and where to old when i got them to neuter them), They dont mark as they were kenneled, (not now though).
But i realy do hated un-neutered dogs that arnt for breeding porposes or the owner dosnt want to because "its his manhood",
My uncle has two uneutered Cockers, they stink, untrained, piss and shit everywhere (excuse the language) and there is no reason for them not to be neutered, those cockers have put me right off that breed purly because there disobedient!
Spay and neuter!!!!!!

09-19-2003, 05:05 AM
However ... be forewarned! ... the longer you wait to neuter your dog, the far greater the chance that he will continue to mark for the rest of his life, even after he is neutered. That is because, even though the hormones are gone, the HABIT if formed.

I know this sounds mean, but I can't stand to be around unaltered males! They are so gross!
I AGREE 100% and it is not only the marking, it is the excess "sexual" energy, the constant licking (and not the kissing type, the DISGUSTING type).....etc.

Do what you must, but if this dog is not in the top 98 % of his breed (i breed standard) then he need not father puppies.

09-19-2003, 09:23 PM
I've decided to neuter him. Even though it would be cute and exciting to see his puppies, it isn't worth it to me. I have to much guilt over breeding anyways. I told my husband, and he's not happy about it. He's begging me to give Teddy until his 1st birthday which is Nov. 4th. I'm going to tell my dog trainer to talk to Mike for me. She'll tell him that males tend to mark forever, and he'll listen to her.

09-19-2003, 10:24 PM
:)Glad you made the right choice.

09-19-2003, 10:46 PM
Glad you're deciding to neuter him! You'll be glad you did. :)

09-19-2003, 10:52 PM
It's that, or kill him! lol.

09-20-2003, 03:23 PM
hi tonya!

I think neutering him is a real good idea, but just wanted to
mention that it's not necessarily a cure all for marking
behavior. Murph was neutered at 6 months old and
he lives to mark. He does pretty good in the house,
but there will be things that happen to trigger it from time
to time, like another dog visiting the house. Outside
though, he's pretty uncontrollable. On walks he'd lift
his leg on every tree and shrub and weed we pass,
if I let him.

I also have a friend who has a female JRT, that was spayed
before 6 months old and she marks things too.

So just keep in mind you may also have to tackle this
issue with training too.


09-20-2003, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by delceys_maddogs
My two GSD's arent neutered ( because their ex police dogs, and where to old when i got them to neuter them), They dont mark as they were kenneled, (not now though).
But i realy do hated un-neutered dogs that arnt for breeding porposes or the owner dosnt want to because "its his manhood",
My uncle has two uneutered Cockers, they stink, untrained, piss and shit everywhere (excuse the language) and there is no reason for them not to be neutered, those cockers have put me right off that breed purly because there disobedient!
Spay and neuter!!!!!!

sorry to bust the bubble BUT, you CAN always get a dog neutered no matter how old they are, inless they are in high risk of going into shock when under the knife.

09-20-2003, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
sorry to bust the bubble BUT, you CAN always get a dog neutered no matter how old they are, inless they are in high risk of going into shock when under the knife.

That's true....Reggie was 9 when he was neutered, and Smokey was at least 12 when he was. It was hard to find a vet to do it though, most vets won't do it past 6 years old.

09-21-2003, 12:43 AM
Good for you for neutering him.
Rocky was neutered at 5.5 months.
He does "not" mark in the house,
but he will mark outside.
(I am perfectly content with him marking outside
as long as he doesn't do it in the house.) :)