View Full Version : Prayers needed for one dog, a (hopefully) good ending for two others....

09-18-2003, 06:14 PM
Well, I got to work yesterday and one of the groomers was upset and crying...Her aunt's lab, Raider, is missing. He's a VERY handsome 2 year old yellow lab. The groomer took him to work pretty often for baths and such, so I'd met him a few times. The night before she was driving up the canyon with him in the back of her truck. She had him tied into it. I guess somewhere between the canyon and a neighboring city he broke the tether and jumped out. She didn't see it happen...

When she noticed he was missing she looked all over, even came back with her dog and rode on a bike looking for him. I'm so scared for the poor guy. The worst parts are the road is at least 45 mph so if he jumped out while it was going, he could be hurt pretty badly (if not killed), and also, he was wearing a prong collar...if that got stuck on something...:( He had on a regular collar and tags too. We're just hoping somebody will find him and call. They've called all of the shelters, groomers, vets, in the area as well as animal control, forrest service, etc. as well as put flyers with his picture all over.

Yet another reason why I'd never let my dog ride in the back of a truck.....please keep Raider in your prayers. :(

And here's the other part of the story. I stopped by the gas station Melissa works at on my way home work to put up a flyer. I had Nebo with me, as it was his day to get a good brushing, etc. So Melissa and I were just out by my car talking, when we saw two dogs. There was a large chocolate lab and a large malamute mix headed up a very busy road.

I had Melissa stay with Nebo and I ran up and chased them a way calling them. Eventually the lab turned around and came running to me...when the malamute realized his buddy was missing he came too. I took them both back to my car and, luckily, I had two slip-leads in my car...and also, luckily, both dogs had tags (belonged to the same person).

I went inside and called, but nobody answered. This gas station happens to be the police hang-out. I gathered up some courage and bugged the 5 police officers inside to help me out. They were a bit disgruntled and annoyed that I had interrupted their break, but one of them called animal control.

The animal control guy arrived and looked a bit shocked. He said, "These are the dogs that I've been chasing for two days! I followed them for hours around the Cemetary and also the Jr. High!!" I think it bothered him a little that I just called them and they came to me. :p

So it's a (hopefully) happy ending to their story...providing their owner claims them and he wasn't just letting them run loose. There was an address on the tags at least. They were pretty dirty, but appeared well cared for...

09-18-2003, 06:22 PM
My prayers are with Raider!!! I pray he gets home safe!!
I don't like dogs in the back of trucks either! It is SOOO easy for them to get hurt!

And way to go for you helping those pups!! I'm sure there happy to be home that's to you!!!!!

09-18-2003, 06:44 PM
Poor Raider. I would NEVER let my dog ride in the back of a pickup like that. I hope he's alright. I would be worried sick,
And those two other dogs were very smart to run from the mean old animal control guy.

09-18-2003, 06:45 PM
Oh my!! Just reading the first half of your post gave me the shakes, Amy. I will certainly be praying for that poor labbie, and for his owner, as well.

A few years ago, a dog jumped out of the truck that was ahead of me. It is the most HORRIFYING thing. I had nightmares for weeks, and even just reading your post took me right back to that day. I just hope and pray that he is OK somewhere.

I think it's funny that the police couldn't get the pups to come to him, and they came running up to you. Good dogs! ;)

09-18-2003, 06:47 PM
Oh no. Poor Raider. :( This is no time to cast blame as I'm sure the family of Raider is heartbroken.:( But riding in the back of pick ups is so dangerous. Raider, please find your way home sweet Labbie:( I'm so happy the other Labbie and Malamute were found! What a great job you did retuning them to safety! I always keep a few slip leads in my car too, just in case! Prayers that Labbie boy Raider will be home soon.

09-18-2003, 06:47 PM
Oh, I sure hope Raider can be found.

Good for you helping those two dogs, guess dogs know who like them, and who's just doing their job;)

09-18-2003, 07:13 PM
I hpe Raider is fine/safe and will be re-united with
his owners.

09-18-2003, 07:28 PM
Poor doggy! I hope he is ok. Keep us updated.

My dad's dog ran away last year, my dad found him up the street so he just put him in the back of the truck since they were going a short distance. Joe jumped out when my dad was going only 15 mph and he got pretty thrashed. He's a boxer, so he got skinned up pretty bad and injured his foot. Luckily he is ok now.

09-18-2003, 07:44 PM
Oh poor Raider! How sad for him and his family. I hope everything turns out ok. :( :( :(

On that lighter note though, good job catching those two pups! I HATE to see dogs running loose and I see it a lot here in Redneckville. :mad:

09-18-2003, 11:10 PM
Thanks for the good-wishes guys...I'm hoping your prayers will help. I'll be talking to the groomer tomorrow so I'll let you know if they've found him or not. I'm so worried. :(

I wish I could have just taken the other two home and not messed with animal control, but I couldn't exactly get those huge dogs in my car with Nebo...nor could I have found the address. :o At least it's better then being hit by a car. I hope their owner claims them, they were SO sweeeeet!

09-19-2003, 08:57 AM
My thoughts and prayers that Raider is found.

And Good Job on catching those pups!! :D

09-19-2003, 07:26 PM
GREAT NEWS!! Raider is home!! :D

They got a phone call last night...a guy found him running around at a golf course in the area. I guess the man had 2 yellow labs himself, so he thought it may be one of his and stopped. All I have to say is, that is one LUCKY dog...he only has a few minor cuts and scrapes! I was amazed that he didn't get any broken bones or hurt worse. I'm just glad a nice, caring person found him. The guy wouldn't accept any money as a reward, so they bought him a bunch of great dog toys and treats from Petco and are mailing it to him.

I saw Raider today, he sure looked tired, but in otherwise good spirits! :) They're taking him to the vet to be microchipped and checked out.

09-19-2003, 07:29 PM
That's totally amazing! I thought for sure you'd post that he was found dead. Truly a miracle! :D :D

Thanks for the update, I've thought about him several times and have been checking this thread to see if he was found.

09-19-2003, 07:51 PM
Here's a really good suggestion on finding an address if you're not sure:

Just call the local pizza delivery place and ask them. They know all the local areas and have always helped me out when I explain why I'm asking. :)

I did this when I found two chocolate labs tied together running down my street and had them back home (to a very happy mommy!) within an hour!

09-19-2003, 08:30 PM
What a relief!!!!!:) I've been so worried about him! What a lucky, lucky pup! His Mom must be in heaven! And three cheers for his rescuer! What a sweet guy!!

09-19-2003, 08:44 PM
Wow!! That is GREAT news! That lady must be so relieved and happy to be reunited with her baby.

Thanks for the update!

09-20-2003, 07:40 AM
WOO HOO!!!! Radiers home!!!

Glad to hear!

09-20-2003, 09:01 AM
I'm so glad to hear Raider was found & by such a nice person!