View Full Version : Banner for website..

09-18-2003, 04:23 PM
i want a banner for my web site so0o0o bad.. i dont have one but i want one..

First: Currently i have the name "Purrs and barks galore" but does anyone have an idea on what i can change it to?

Second: I need a banner that you can put like as a welcome and just a banner

Such as ______________ the name there.. and then more.. lol but i want to do a banner exchange and stuff like that..

Can anyone make me one? Please? Thanks!!

--Amber-- :)

09-18-2003, 04:30 PM
I'm confused...like just a banner that says "purrs and barks" or do you want it to be like 'welcome to purrs and barks[ and pics of Cami and Cali..?

Sorry I don't get it..:p

09-18-2003, 04:43 PM
LOL!! its okay!!

i want one that says welcome to ________

and one that i can give out for banner exchange.. like pictures of dogs and the title of whatever im gonna name my website.. get it?

09-18-2003, 05:05 PM
Ooohh I get it...;)

Well I COULD make you one if you like. I need to re-do your buttons anyways (I'll try to make them smaller this time. Maybe I can fix up the text so it looks good...bah we'll see)

I just have a few things to do TONIGHT but I'm available this weekend. LOL. Whatever, if you want me to make them (or someone else, I really don't mind) just PM me or lemme know here. :)

09-18-2003, 05:17 PM
i feel bad to ask you again! your so busy!! lol sure if you arent *too* busy! i would LOVE for you to make me one!! :) and i like my buttons (that you made..) Okay they can be smaller and stuff but i still am in love with them!! LOL!! but it would be good if they were smaller so i can have more pages! LOL!! thanks a bunch liana! if you cant dont worry about it!! :)

09-18-2003, 05:19 PM
If you tell me exactly what you want I could make you one:D

09-18-2003, 05:28 PM
LIKE YOUR SIGGY!! thats too cute!! aww!!

First i need some suggestions on what the name will be? Anyone give me sugggestions? Well i want a welcome page banner and then one that says some of my other pages.. but i dont want to be like.... thats too much.. you know? i will feel bad if i gave you that many to do.. LOL.. i would probably be able to change the text and stuff if you didnt want to do all of them.. theres 5 pages but still.. lol your signature is too cute! But i loved the banner you did for your website.. for angus and huney.. i saw it on one of my other websites.. because someone told me to do a little excjange banner thing and i saw your there! i loved it! anyway do you have any kind of suggestion i could use for a name? but for like the first page i just want it to be like pictures of pets.. like a bird, rat, hampster dog or cat.. you know like pettalks logo thing at the top.. i want it to say the name and then the pets at the side.. ah im asking to much! im sorry!! i can try and do it on my own.. if you dont wanna!! tell me if im being a hassle!! sorry... :o

BTW liana i would still like for you to do it for me if you could!! i want alot!! lol :p

09-18-2003, 05:33 PM
You said so much there;)

So you want a welcome page banner & a banner to exchange, but I'm not sure if I understand what else you want.

How about you PM me & we can talk about it:)

09-18-2003, 05:50 PM
LOL It's alright, Anna can do it. ;) I have a siggy and banners to make for the ears contest! (I forgot about that thing :o :o :o)

Name suggestions? How about Pet Dander..teehee I like it :p

09-21-2003, 10:00 AM
lol um...... no.. lol what else?? purrs and barks galore is gonna stay lol

09-21-2003, 10:28 AM
How about Paws and Claws?