View Full Version : Catching a stray?

09-18-2003, 12:08 PM
Just wondering if anyone has any advice on how to get a stray dog to the nearest shelter. :rolleyes:

I feel so helpless when I see this pretty dog roaming around near the college campus where I work. She's been around several days, and there have been other strays on campus in the past. I called univ. police and they told me they've tried to catch her but they can't. The local dog warden is aware of the situation and they were going to try to set up traps but either haven't yet, or couldn't get her anyway.

Meanwhile I saw the dog near my building yesterday and approached her. I think she is a she anyway. Hard to tell. ;) She barked at me but did not try to jump on me or bite me. I tried speaking to her in soothing tones. Then she ran away again. I brought some biscuits and treats with me today hoping I can gain her trust, and keep her around long enough until I call the shelter, which is just a couple of blocks away.

In the meantime I feel so bad that this poor doggie has no one to feed or take care of her. :( And there's not much anything can do for her. I just hope animal control can find her and get her into a good home maybe.

09-18-2003, 05:33 PM
Winning her trust will take time, and in the mean time see if you can find a no kill shelter or rescue that would be willing to take her. Treats are always good. You might bring a bowl and feed her too. Good luck and let us know.

09-18-2003, 06:51 PM
It will just take time!!
My Buddy was a stray in the woods, and it took the APL 2 weeks to catch him!!!
If they didn't keep on trying..... I wouldn't have his big goofy butt with me today!!!!:D

09-19-2003, 07:07 AM
PitC-- You have a Buddy too? So do I. ;) Though that is the name he came with. We adopted him as an adult so someone else gave him that name.

I did not see the stray yesterday. Maybe the dog warden was able to get her. I hate to think of her out there today. There is heavy rain and winds from our getting some of the effects of Isabel. :(

09-22-2003, 09:41 AM
Well she's still out there! :( Animal control either has not tried to catch her or they have failed. In any case the dog seems to be in reasonably good health. I think a lot of people are feeding her. It's been 5 or 6 days now since I first saw her.

I did my good deed on Sat. by coming up here to check on her. ;) When I saw she was still around I bought some liver treats and a bottle of water to give her. She seemed grateful for both. At one point I told her to "sit" before giving her a snack and she did. So someone trained her at one point. She still won't let me pet her though.

I am wondering if I should call my vet and see if he knows of some rescue organization that would move faster than the local dog warden. Or I even thought of calling the local newspaper to see if they would want to run a story about this stray who seems to be turning into a permanent fixture around here. :) I'm actually going to miss her when she's gone, I think.

09-22-2003, 09:51 AM
I would do whatever it takes to get some publicity and help. Starting with your vet is a good idea.

Good luck!!!! :)

09-22-2003, 10:13 AM
I am wondering if I should somehow coax this doggie into my car and drive her to the shelter! ;) It's just a couple of blocks away. But I don't think she would let me touch her. Only time I can get close is when I'm feeding her the liver snacks.

She is so cute. I see that others have given her food but I wondered if she needed water too, so I bought a bottle for her and just filled up a plastic cup. I suppose I should buy one of those portable/collapsible water dishes. Of course if my Buddy knew I was doing all this for a stranger dog be would be jealous.

09-22-2003, 12:44 PM
Keep in mind that if your shelter is anything like most animal controls in the country the dog will be put down if you take her there. I would try to find a home for her yourself and then see if you can't get her. If nothing else you could try and trap her when you find a safe place for her.

09-22-2003, 02:31 PM
>Keep in mind that if your shelter is anything like most animal >controls in the country the dog will be put down if you take her >there.

I hadn't thought much about that. :( I sort of assumed the first priority of places like that was to get the animals adopted. Now I feel guilty. :confused:

I tried calling a "no kill" shelter in the area but they are closed today. :( I will try tomorrow and hope maybe they can come and get her.

09-22-2003, 02:57 PM
Well, because they take in so many, they end up euthanizing more than they adopt. I would try and contact as many people as possible. See if any of your friends would want her. I would take her, but we are maxed. Perhaps someone on Pet Talk could take her.....HINT HINT!! ;)

09-24-2003, 08:03 AM
She's still out there. Cute as ever. :D I took a pic of her with my digital camera and will post it when I get home, if I have a chance.

I gave her some more water this morning, and some liver treats. I think later today I will call the city councilman from this ward and ask if he can do anything to get the shelter to act faster. The dog has been out there at least 8 days now.

She seems to trust me more but she still won't let me touch her, much less get into my car. Since I've been giving her some food, I hope she does not feel the need to roam as much. I'd hate to see her wander into the street. :( But my boss saw her crossing the street yesterday and the dog actually seems to know enough to wait for the traffic! Amazing.

I keep referring to her just as "the dog." Maybe I ought to give her a name soon. ;)

09-24-2003, 05:42 PM
Give her a name and you'll take her home!! lol Good luck. I wish I could take her, but, alas, I can't.

Dixie Belle
09-24-2003, 07:34 PM
Hey, I know what you are going through. We had a stray hunting dog that came up to our house twice for food, but we never could get her to stay. We have no idea what has happened to her, it's been weeks since she stopped by last. And then there is another stray down the road a few miles that we have been trying to catch, but he runs before we can get out of the car good. We know the little thing is starving, and we are taking food, but we don't know who's getting it. It is so heartbreaking.

09-24-2003, 08:06 PM
OK, here is her picture, I hope. I will try to attach it to this message. Let me know if it works.

09-24-2003, 08:22 PM
Someone must be missing her! She’s so beautiful! She actually does look well cared for, so I would think that someone might actually be looking for a lost pet. Unless, of course she was dumped there.

09-24-2003, 08:46 PM
She is adorable!! I hope you find someone to take her before the dog warden gets his hands on her!

09-24-2003, 09:21 PM
Isn't she cute? Any guesses on what breed or mix she might be?

I expect to be off from work tomorrow so now I will be worried about her. :rolleyes: We'll see what happens Friday.

If she is still there next week I will have to notify the campus newspaperstaff and see if they want to run her picture in the hope that someone can catch her, and take her to a good home.

09-24-2003, 10:17 PM
Awww, I shouldn't have looked at her picture. She made my heart ache! I hope you are able to catch her! Keep us posted.

09-24-2003, 10:21 PM
I do feel kind of attached to her. I'm going to miss her when she's gone. :(

Fortunately I have my Buddy. :D

09-26-2003, 07:41 AM
When I was giving the doggie some treats before work this morning a lady came by and asked how long I had been feeding "him." I said i think she is a "her." ;) In any case, I'm not sure if this lady works here or what but she said she hopes to catch the dog so she can take her home! I think that is good news. Someone wants to adopt her. But no one can get their hands on the dog. She is just too skittish. :rolleyes:

The lady I spoke with said the shelter told her they have been trying to catch the dog for a year! Hard to believe. I have only seen the doggie around here for the last 10 days or so.

Is it possible a vet would prescribe a tranquilizer or something to get the dog to sleep so someone could take her? Seems awful for her to have to live outdoors in all kinds of weather for the rest of her life.

09-26-2003, 12:28 PM
Have you tried to borrow a dog trap from a rescue group?

If you can find one, tie the door open for a day or two and put her food in the far end. She'll eat and leave. Then you can untie the door, she'll go in to eat and the trap will close. No pain, no bites, no noose.


09-26-2003, 12:32 PM
Mary, you read my mind. Our Animal Control and SPCA have traps that they will loan out. That's what I would try.

09-26-2003, 01:25 PM
I just watched a show about catching a stray on Animal Planet. They tried for over 2 years to catch a stray GSD, then they got some people to come out with a tranquilizer gun and catch her.

The dog is so pretty - and she has such a sweet expression. I hope you catch her and she finds a home.

09-27-2003, 01:35 AM
Campus police said the dog warden told them they would set up traps, but they apparently have not done so yet. I guess I could call the Humane Society again and see if I could take their traps, if they have them. But they also told me this was a job for the dog warden. :( I just can't believe it's taking so long for them to act.

If I were able to catch her now there would be a bit of a dilemma: If I bring her to the shelter I'm afraid she may not last long. But I don't know the name or phone number of this lady who said she would like to adopt her. :confused: Otherwise I would be glad to let the lady have her.

09-27-2003, 09:55 AM
I've never really dealt with stray dogs that are skittish, so I'm far from an expert...but just a thought. Wouldn't trapping her cause her to trust humans even less? If you used some type of relaxant or tranquilizer from the vet, she wouldn't remember what happened, so she would be less likely to mistrust humans. What do you all think?

09-29-2003, 11:15 AM
... I hope. I was stunned to see a female student playing with the dog today. Apparently this young woman has gained the doggie's trust, and hopes to take her to a no-kill shelter tomorrow. :) I just hope the dog makes it another 24 hours. The last I saw of her she had run into the street again. :eek:

The student said police told her the dog probably had been abused and abandoned. :mad: She doesn't like men, but let this woman touch her and play with her. I just hope the dog trusts her enough and allows herself to be taken to the shelter. If someone adopts her, the doggie will be a good pet. This young woman has named her "Daisy." Let's hope for the best.

09-29-2003, 11:31 AM
Good luck to Daisy. I hope this girl can catch her and get her to a safe place. Perhaps that woman that you talked to will appear and you can tell her and SHE can take poor Daisy. She really is adorable. Mike agreed that trapping her wouldn't be the best choice because if it failed you would never get her. Wish the girl luck for me. Does she already have a place for her to go?

09-29-2003, 12:09 PM
mugsy-- This student wants to take the dog to Animal Haven in North Haven, CT. They are a no-kill shelter. I hope she can get her there.

I checked out the Dogtown website. I wish I could adopt all those dogs. ;) Their Colin bears a striking resemblance to my handsome Buddy. It's like they are long lost brothers. :cool:

09-29-2003, 01:23 PM
BB- good luck to the other girl! Thanks for keeping us updated, we really care!

09-30-2003, 11:01 AM
OK, looks like "Daisy" is on her way to Animal Haven. :) I'm going to miss her, but I am pleased and relieved she won't be living outside anymore. The young woman who befriended her yesterday was there today, as promised. She got a collar on the dog, and took her to her car.

The dog apparently has bad gums, and fleas. They will clean her up and take care of her at the shelter. Then hopefully they will find her a good home.

It was good to see that a lot of people brought the dog food, tried to play with her, and help her out. Wish I could have taken her but it just wasn't an option. She should be OK now though. :D

09-30-2003, 11:06 AM
Great news!

09-30-2003, 11:41 AM

That's such great news. Did you get to pet her at all? Was she really scared? Are you going to visit her at Animal Haven? That's so great that they will take her. So many no kill facilities are always full to the brim. She's a lucky girl. Let us know when you know more.

09-30-2003, 12:12 PM
Oh yes, would you believe she did let me touch her just today? She likes to do "give me your paw," so when I asked her that, she gave it to me. :) Then she let me pet her.

I tried to give her some final treats before she went away but she didn't want any. I guess she was full as so many people were giving her food. ;)

I don't know how the no-kill places can operate when they must be inundated sometimes. ;( I assume this Animal Haven must have plenty of room. I will check their website soon and see if Daisy shows up there.


09-30-2003, 01:10 PM
So, Tom, are going to go and visit her? I would love to meet her, but, she is a bit of a drive for just a visit. Thank you so much for doing so much to get her placed.

Cinder & Smoke
09-30-2003, 01:25 PM
Is this where Daisy's headed...?

The Animal Haven :) (http://www.theanimalhaven.com/index.htm)

Looks like a NICE Shelter!

09-30-2003, 01:39 PM
Bless her heart, after being on her own for so long, I hope she finds the loving home she deserves! Thank you for all your efforts on her behalf!!!! Good luck, Daisy!!! :D

10-01-2003, 08:58 AM
Cinder-- Yes, Animal Haven in North Haven is the place. I must send them a contribution.

I didn't even think about going to visit her, but I guess I could do that. I would feel bad going to this place and not being able to take any doggies home with me though. :(

It was odd not seeing "Daisy" outside the library when I showed up for work today. I do miss her but feel much better about the fact that she is indoors and being well cared for.

I wish I had thought to ask the student who took her off campus for her name. I would have let the public affairs office know of the good deed this young woman did. I hope to see her again and ask her how Daisy behaved when she got to the shelter.

10-01-2003, 08:43 PM
Thanks for the update!!! Keep them coming!!

10-01-2003, 09:40 PM
I am so happy to hear that! Congratulations, Daisy!