View Full Version : I'm the proud new foster mommy to!

Aspen and Misty
09-16-2003, 04:17 PM
A 4 month old Black Lab. I named Her Breeze. I am fostering her for Paws With a Cause ( http://www.pawswithacause.org/dogs/foster/default.asp )a organization who raises service dogs (ex. Hearing dogs) she will be aloud to go to Grocery Stores, resturaunts and she will be aloud to spend a couple of days in school with me. I have wanted to do this for 2 years and we have been going through the process for the past 4 months or so. We got a call last Thursday saying our puppy was being sent into PA on Monday and that we could have her on Tuesday (today) so for the past few days weve been running around getting everything we need. She is so preciouse! :D I put a coller on her today and she doesn't seem to like it, lol, always itching, she'll get used to it though :D . Her and Novie are doing wonderfully!!! I am so proud of them both. Nova loves having her around, they played for the past 2 hours. LOL. Such sweeties! She wont' leave my side which I'm not used to as Nova doesn't follow me to much.

Sorry for the poor pictures, if you can rember how hard it is to get a puppy to hold still, LOL, it's also impossible to get her to leave my side for more then one minute! LOL

Hey PT! Look at my sweet face!


Chewing on her leash, LOL





She's not big at all, only comes up a little taller then Nova's tummy. I'll try to get a picture later of the two of them!

Ash :D

09-16-2003, 05:37 PM
Oh Ash, Breeze is adorable!!

Good luck with your fostering!! That sounds like fun!

09-16-2003, 05:39 PM
Ahhhhh, you should be SO proud of yourself!!! And I'm SO jealous!:) Oh, what fun you're going to have! And what an awesome responsiblity!! Breeze is beautiful!!! And in your caring hands, I just know her "training" is going to be a "breeze...";) I hope to hear daily updates! You must be SO excited!!! Me too!:D I wish you and Breeze all the best!! Keep those pics coming!:)

P.S...At our house, we call this..."Shark eyes..":D


09-16-2003, 05:51 PM
Good job, Ash.

09-16-2003, 06:09 PM
Awh, I want to kiss that big nose, what a sweetheart!

09-16-2003, 06:34 PM
Breeze is so cute! Congrats on your new foster!

Aspen and Misty
09-16-2003, 06:36 PM
thanx everyone!! :D

I forgot to mention I will only have this lil Cutie for a short 9 months :( I am super duper exited though. Can you imagine recieving a mischeviouse puppy who chews on everything slobbers on any one and is shy and then turn her into a confident, well trained, outgoing dog? It's going to amazing and although handing her back to paws will be diffcult my reward will come on graduation day when I get to go to Michgan and see Breeze again and get to meet her forever partner. I can't even imagine the joy that the people who recieve these dogs must feel. I am just gratful I get to be a part in it. And I am so exited to be able to give someone there freedom again in the form of the best joy on earth, a puppy.

Here are some more pics of her




09-16-2003, 06:50 PM
I remember a recent documentary on TV about a program /group very similar to the one you are working with. They followed a family during the nearly one year period of "training." The dog was primarily the responsibility of the young daughter. By the time graduation day came around, I was in tears! What you are doing is a very selfless thing. I'm sure you're going to fall in love with Breeze these next 9 months and it will be hard to let go. But I know you'll be so proud that you've given someone in need such a wonderful gift of love!:)

09-16-2003, 07:36 PM
You are so lucky! I have seen some shows on Animal Planet about the service dogs and the graduation days are bittersweet. I would hate to lose her after having her and getting attached but knowing it's for such a good cause makes it a lot easier.

09-16-2003, 07:37 PM
I just love those big beautiful eyes of hers!

I bet you'll have a terrific time training her, good luck!

09-16-2003, 08:12 PM
Congratulations on the new foster pup! You are so lucky! That's great that Nova and Breeze get along, and I can't wait to see a pic of both of them together! Breeze looks like such a sweetie, and I am happy to hear that everthing is going well! Keep us updated!


09-16-2003, 08:21 PM
Awesome Ash!! What a great gift to give. I admire you so for what you're doing! :)

Aspen and Misty
09-16-2003, 08:27 PM
Thanx everyone! Nova was acting a lil wierd tonight so I thought that maybe she needed a brake. So I took her to the pet store. She got to pick out a bone and was so sexited when she saw her fav worker, Shella, was there. All the people who work at the pet store came over to say hi to her and she saw them all. Everyone gave her biscuits and babied her becasue they knew she was dealing with a new baby sister. I think she enjoyed it and it kinda helped remind her of the place she has in our heart.

LOl, talk about always keeping me on my toes. I've had to stop 5 times while writing this to pull something out of her mouth, a sock, some paper, my camra, the tv remote, LOL. She is so weired and so diffrent from Nova. She definitly wll be interesting to watch growing up and I will keep you guys up-dated every step of the way. I'm going to be makein an online diary of the thigns we go through. I will post the link in my sig. I will be then at the ned of the 9 months printing out this diary and a writen diary for the person who will be gettting Her and tehy will also be getting a baby book full of pictures, stories, some of the people she has touched, some photo's I wanted to send along with her, some events we went to (pet talk meetings!!) thigns like that. I know that I wish I could have s little piece of Nova's puppy hood, just oine photo or just one story would be fine, just ot know how she grew up or what she looked like or some of the weird things she did. I hope the person will treasure these gifts I give her (or him).


09-16-2003, 08:31 PM
She's beautiful, Ash! :D:)

Aspen and Misty
09-16-2003, 09:40 PM
Well, we just had a fight brake out. Not sure what over but Nova attacked Breeze :( Beside breeze's eye was bleeding a lil but it seems to be ok, we cleaned it. Not sure what happened? They seemed to be getting along, they played nicly ,no bickering, no tug of war, no fighting over toys (???) or anything like that and it wasn't like there was food? Were hopeing it was a one time I'm the Alpha dog deal, or else well have to contact Cindy, our Paws representive and tell her what happened and see what she thinks. I was told, by Cindy, that we should get Breeze spayed ASAP so that Nova doesn't feel threatened, to put it in simple terms. So we are calling our vet tomrrow and makeing an apointment for Breeze to be spayed.

Now, for the fun part! Pics :D

Thirsty girl (she loves to "Swim" in her water dish)

With her bun bun


Ash :D

09-16-2003, 10:39 PM
Oh, Ash, Breeze is beautiful!!!!
What beautiful eyes she has--and the puppy breath!!!! I can smell it from here!!!
What a wonderful program you are involved in--I just know that the person who recieves her will love all of the extra special things you are going to do!!!

Good luck!!!

09-17-2003, 06:55 AM
Oh no, a scuffle. I sure hope that it was a one time thing too.

All the wonderful things you will be doing for this girl, your just awesome!

She is so beautiful and soooo shiny!

09-17-2003, 08:34 AM
Congratulations on your new mission!

Sorry to hear about the fight. When I first got Max, he bit Jake. I thought it was just a little cut over his eye, but he had some pretty serious puncture wounds on his head which weren't immediately obvious. It was a one-time deal though. Hopefully it will be for you, too.

Aspen and Misty
09-17-2003, 02:31 PM
Thanx everyone :D were about to head out on our first walk together, I hope all goes well, lol.

Last night I slept on the floor outside of her crate to give her a lilt security. She slept right up against the bars of the cage. I snuke into bed around 2 and sh didn't make a noise at all. She is so sweet :D

I'm going to try to teach her sit today, she just gets so exited about treats that iut's almsot impossible to get her focased.


09-17-2003, 02:34 PM
Ohh Ash...... thats sounds soo fun~!! I might......one day.......get into that~!! Thats neat that you get to take her to school for a few days n' resturants......but how would that be O.K?? Do you have a card telling the people that you are suppose to do this for training reasons??
She is a big cutie~!! Loved the pix~!!

Thanx for sharing~!:D

Aspen and Misty
09-17-2003, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by GSDgurl
Ohh Ash...... thats sounds soo fun~!! I might......one day.......get into that~!! Thats neat that you get to take her to school for a few days n' resturants......but how would that be O.K?? Do you have a card telling the people that you are suppose to do this for training reasons??
She is a big cutie~!! Loved the pix~!!

Thanx for sharing~!:D

i will have to call ahead of time for public places, like restuarats, teh library things like that.

Breeze also has a blue coat that she will be wearign that will identify her to everyone as a paws training dog. When we receve the coat I will take pics of her wearing it.


Aspen and Misty
09-17-2003, 05:36 PM
UPDATE: We haev been working slowly with Breeze as she is a shy puppy and in a new place. I took her for 2 walks by herself yesterday trying to get her to trust me while in the outside world. We only went down the street and back but incountered MANY things, dogs, children, fire hydrents, trees, people, cars, etc, etc. everytime we came to something new she would back up and hide behind me or try to run away. I would then sit down on the ground, call "Breeze, Puppy puppy puppy" and she would come running and then I would touch the thing she was afread of and if she watched my hand I would say good girl! Breeze Good Girl!!! Well today I took her for a walk with Nova and they did great. Nova walked in front of me pulling me down the street and then Breeze walked behind me with me encouraging her down the street, lol. We must have been a funny threesom! :D Well I took Breeze for another walk today cause she would nto stop picking things up with her mouth. Her leash, the remote, shoes, socks, paper, anything she could get to she would pick up. So I finally took her for a walk and guess what!!! She walked in-front of me!!!!! When she became un-sure about a situation (a bunch of loud kids) or something (a tree or pool) she would stand infront of my legs and stare at it. I would bend down and whisper go on and she normally would go and see what it was! I am so proud of her. She is starting to trust me which is good cause when we go to the Grocery store and there are little kids nocking cans off the shelves and screaming teenagers she's going to need trust in me to know I wouldn't put her in a situation that would harm her.

I got really mad on our walk today though. Ok, something you need to know, Breeze is COMPLELY black from her toe nails to her nose everything is black eccept her eyes which are a golden color. Well, I was walking towards a group of kids who were on the corner. They were on one side and Breeze was on the other side of me. Tehy were asking one of the little girls if she was afried of dogs so I said "O don't worry she is very very very friednly and loves kids" well as we got closer to them one of them goes Ewww, look at her and got this really disguisted look on her face and road off. The rest of them laughed and followed her :(

I thought it was so rude of them to say that! I think Breeze is so pretty!

Ash :(

09-17-2003, 09:20 PM
AWWWW!!!! She reminds me sooooo much of my Jessie!!! :) I miss the day when she was that little and young. She has the same facial expressions too!!!

09-18-2003, 08:51 AM
What a cutie!! Best of luck in training her! :D

09-18-2003, 09:12 AM
What a wonderful thing you are doing by getting Breeze on her way to be a service dog! Of course it will be hard to let her go after nine months, but, as you said, the satisfaction of knowing that you have done something to help a person with a disability will be your best reward.
She's a beauty!!!

Dakota's Mommy
09-18-2003, 10:43 AM
What a cutie!!!!!!!

09-18-2003, 01:39 PM
What a wonderful thing you're doing, Ash! :) Breeze is adorable! Please keep us posted on how things are going with her and make sure to take LOTS of photos! :D

M.a.m.a.s. Gurl 07
09-18-2003, 07:08 PM
It looks like u had fun with the pics , i know hwo that goes ! Good luck with Breeze!! She's so cute!

12-29-2003, 01:41 PM
Im new at this but i just want to say congrats on your new pup!:) I train service dogs 2!:D I have always wanted a dog, and finally i got one. She is the best dog ever.[in my opinion cause i know lots of you guys out their think your own dog is.:) ]Her name is Joy. I got her at the age of 7 weeks and i have had her for about 2 and a half years. I tought her how to turn on lights and all this cool stuff. And then the dreaded day, we would find out if we wouldl keep her or give her up. WE GOT TO KEEP HER! the only sad thing is that she has hip displasia in one of her back hips.:( We got Joy from Pawsabilities. It's a great organization up here in Montana. The ups are born on a farm and get to explore till their hearts content. I got to take Joy to school and she would lay under my desk like a alittle angel.I just want you to know how happy I am for you. Their will be rough times and fun times, but i hope you will always remember that even if you have to give breeze up she will always love you and remember you.

If anyone who raises service dogs would like to email me you can and we can discuss stuff!

[[email protected]]
I hope you have a great time raising Breeze!

Your friend Gldnluvr52

I will put up picks of Joy in a couple of days. First I have to figure out how to do it. If anyone knows how will you please reply!!!!!!!

Your friend :)