View Full Version : Oh I'm going to cry :(

09-15-2003, 08:37 PM
I was looking over at Mickey's breeders' page and she was showing pictures of the families with their new dogs and I was about to cry. They look so happy and the pups are so small and sweet. I remember when we picked Mickey up...I wish I could do over the day just to experience the happiness I went through when I held my new baby in my arms. He's almost a year old. I love him and all now but I miss by little ball of fluff. His little baby hiccups, the way he could slide under the chair to get through, the way he would walk in the snow and would just disappear into it if he walked in the deep side...

I guess this post really had no point..sorry...

09-15-2003, 08:41 PM
Oh! I know how you feel.

I miss Nala being so tiny. She seriously went from the runt of the litter to a HORSE within two weeks or so.

I love her all the same but I miss having that tiny noodle in my arms instead of this HUGE noodle.

(We call her a noodle because she's just so..... noodlish! Lmao. She has such a long floppy body and so much extra skin. :p )

09-15-2003, 08:47 PM
I too, know how you feel! I had a fuzzy one too! I miss how he used to be so little, and would snuggle with Otis. He used to always sleep, and he was just so cute, and I just had to say awwwwww everytime I saw him. He sure grew up fast, but I love him just as much. {{Hugs}}

09-15-2003, 08:56 PM
Awww...yeah I know how you feel. Looking at Nebo's puppy pics kills me. He was so small. *sigh*

09-15-2003, 09:33 PM
Oh I *so* know how you feel. :(

I was just looking back to see what the first picture I posted on pettalk was (Kayann's thread in general). My Bubs was so little back then. :( And we were in dog class tonight and there is a 6 month old yellow lab that reminds me of Malone so much when he was like that. He has changed so much and I didn't even realize half of it.

09-15-2003, 09:41 PM
lol, Jo was the cutest little pup, she was so tiny! I rapped her up in a blanket once when she was a pup and carried her around. I miss it! I wish I could have seen baby Zeke, I bet he was adorable too!

09-15-2003, 10:02 PM
I wish I had known Duke when he was tiny. I'll bet he was cute. Just be glad yours is only one year old. Just think how much fun you've yet to have. I just wish I could take some of Duke's years for him.

09-16-2003, 08:07 AM
I remember the day we brought Max home. sigh. I'll never forget his monstrous head with his huge drooly tonge, dripping slobber all over our shoulders the entire way home. And the light odor of skunk, and the horrified looks on my childrens' faces when I brought him in the door. sniffsniff - those were the days. Heheheheheheheh

09-16-2003, 02:46 PM
I'm glad I'm not alone.

LOL stacwase :D

They really do grow up too fast. :( I guess it is good because we have so many years with them but still. They'll never be that small again.

09-16-2003, 03:32 PM
Oooh Timber was just a tiny ball of fluff. :( I wish I could have that back, I would start training her all over again from the beginning, and then she'd be easier to handle now.

And I wish Leather was still a puppy...she's getting old. I don't think she's going to make it another two years. :( She was adorable, she was so fat at first, and then she was sooo skinny. She was so tall and she was all black and white with stripes.

I love it when they get huge, but I still miss those puppy days..

09-16-2003, 04:18 PM
I feel the same way, but with my other dog we dont have, Brodie. I remember picking him out of the litter of 3 and when we got home I took him in the yard to run around and then hold him like a baby when he slept. Taking him outside in the morning to night so he could potty. gosh, the years pass so quikly. But we dont have Brodie anymore. He ran away and we could never find him again. It's sad. I wish they would be babys forever.

09-16-2003, 04:27 PM
Oh, Liana, you're having puppy pangs!! We all go through them periodically! Or more often...:D I remember the hiccups!!!:eek: Star was my first ever puppy and I was clueless re: the hiccup thing and babies! But, I also remember the incredible stress of being a puppy mom, worrying about what she had in her mouth every second, worrying that she might choke, fall off the bed, eat an electrical cord....then I read about THE FEAR WEEK! :eek: One wrong step and I would ruin her for life!:D I worried I might warp her little brain, even though I read EVERY puppy book I could lay my hands on! I loved her as a puppy but I love her even more now because she's grown into my best friend...along with Cody of course! Remember the puppy days and love every day of adulthood! All us moms go through this:)

09-16-2003, 05:28 PM
I feel the same way as you guys!!! I remember last summer when we got Blueberry:) I was SO happy. I've waited for years to get a dog or a cat. I miss those days when he used to fall asleep just anywhere. He usually slept on me, I just wish he was that little again!

09-16-2003, 07:38 PM
Expecially now that Angus has turned 12. We just don't have enough time with our wonderful animals. I wish they would live to be 100!

09-16-2003, 07:43 PM
I know how you feel. :( Daisy is one and a half and Molly is 2 and a half. I remember when we first brought Daisy home...she was just a tiny fluffball. :D Molly was 5 months old when we got her...I bet she was just the cutest collie pup though. ;) How I wish they could be puppies again...:(

09-16-2003, 11:19 PM
ooh Liana..sounds like it's time to talk the folks into letting you get another puppy! Won't THAT go over well??? :eek: Ya know, there's not a day goes by that I don't think about or look at Cody's puppy pics. I remember them so well!! In a blink of an eye, he went from a fuzzball klutz into a big galoot who decided to sit on my lap AFTER he got big! :rolleyes: I took pics every week for 1 year and it was unbelievable. I'd see a difference every morning, esp; in his facial structure. Like Sandra said, cherish the memories. LOL, Sandra, at your mothering worries..me too! Always wondering if I traumatized him in any way..followed his every move to keep him safe, examined poop for foreign objects!!!! My training technique still stinks, despite my best intentions with Logan, but I feel more relaxed now, like having the experience with a 2nd human child. It's ok for her to sneeze or snort or upchuck grass or have an itch!!! Sorry to have gone on and on down memory lane, but I'm totally with you, Liana. It makes me feel happy/sad. I would have given 10 yrs of my own life if Cody survived another few years. :(

09-17-2003, 08:40 AM
Neither of mine were small when I got them!!
Sierra was already 5 months old, and Buddy was already 1 year old and 80lbs!!!

Maybe one day I'll get a widdle widdle puppy!!!

09-17-2003, 09:57 AM
I totally know what you mean .... I miss Tikeya when she was a lil baby too. she was so sweet... I wish I had takin more pics... :(:( ..

09-17-2003, 02:49 PM
Sandra and Karen, I know exactly how you feel! :eek: I read up everywhere on how to raise a pup and watched him like a hawk the first few months. It's a lot of work too. I remember he used to climb into our laps to fall asleep. My dad said we shouldn't allow him to do this because he might expect to always sleep on us but now I miss it. Sometimes he'd pin us down just to sleep on our laps. :D

Yeah TM you're right. There was a time I took a million pics and then I stopped. There's like this gap now between my pics of him. He was small then the next minute he was huge. I wish I had taken more pictures. :(

09-17-2003, 03:05 PM
There's not a lack of picture taking here. :o

09-18-2003, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
There's not a lack of picture taking here. :o

Teehee ;)