View Full Version : I don't get some peaple.......

09-14-2003, 11:58 AM
Some peaple think that pitbulls are so meen Because all these peaple do dog fights with them,but its not there fault there like that!It's the jerks that make them do that!:mad: :mad: :( They are just trained to do that!So some peaple think that they are all like that and don't want to adopt one.

The other night I saw this Pitbull in this car.I had to walk by it to get to where I was going.Well my mom said to be careful because it was a pitbull.

I just don't get it!They are so nice!It's just so terrible how all of these Pitbulls that were used to fight have to be put down when they could have had such good life!:( In some city's you can't own one if you are 16 or under!:mad:

These jerks that make this happend just don't understand that a dog is just like a person.They all have feelings,they all need food and water to survive,they all need love,and they all deserve to live.:( :(

This is for all of the Pitbulls who's lifes were lost because of greedy peaple out there who just don't care.

09-14-2003, 12:36 PM
Ohhhh I wish more people would think like you! There was a gorgeous pitty baby I walked the other day for the spca. He was wonderful. I've met many many "mean" dogs who would rather lick you to death than bite you to death.

I really want a pittie but I'm afraid that if I do get one, life would be too difficult. I know that pits and other "vicious breeds" aren't allowed to an offleash park. If I do get a pittie, it'll probably be a pittieX so I can just say it's a mutt rather than a pitX.

09-14-2003, 12:41 PM
It frustrates me too. When Rosco was alive, I realized how prejudice people were. Even when he was a little tiny pup, no one would complain if Dusty was off leash, but they'd flip out about Rosco. I noticed alot of people would cross the street if they saw me walking with Rosco. Rosco did wind up aggressive but I think his parvo did that, not because he was pit.

09-14-2003, 03:24 PM
I always tell strangers that Max has rotty & pitt in him, because I don't care what they think. But so far it hasn't stopped anyone from disliking him, they seem to like him more. But Smiths Falls has alot of rotties & pitties in it. their the "in" dog. & as far as I know, not one inncident has happened, involving a mauling. A Bitting yes, but all dogs can do that. My old town just didn't care, if it had fur & 4 legs, it was loved no matter what.

09-14-2003, 04:54 PM
I really hate the bad rep. Pit Bulls have. I have NEVER met one mean Pit Bull in my life. They're my favorite breed.

Simba is part Pit. I was talking to one of my teachers about him and she asked his breeds. I told her German Shepherd and Pit Bull mix. She said "EW".................I about lost it. I asked her why she had said ew, She said "because ...pit bulls are mean". I told her how UNEDUCATED that comment was. Just another person who watches too much TV and doesn't even have experience with the breed.

I just wish some people went with their OWN opinions. Made their own judgements on the dog from experience, Instead of listening to some new reporter that was just handed a piece of paper to read off of.

Dogs are only how you train them to be. If you beat them and abuse them, damn right they're oging to want to rip your head off. If you love them and care of them, they will do anything you want them to.

09-14-2003, 06:33 PM
It's not the breed, it's the idots that take them. I cannot stand breed discriminination! It really makes me mad :o

09-14-2003, 07:09 PM
kingrattus, you are so lucky to live in a pet friendly town!

09-14-2003, 08:21 PM
Sure its pet frendly, but its also a drug filled town. It was Canada's worst town to live in for about 10-20 yrs. It had the highest crime rate in all of canada & it was almost a dead town. the population was only 9,000. Sad eh? But its cleaned up with this new younger mayor, its off the worst list & it looks like a town again. Luckly its remained a pet friendly town. during the simmer time, there r soooooooo many dogs every where. Max & I use to love going for walks & meeting new dogs & hid doggie friends.

M.a.m.a.s. Gurl 07
09-14-2003, 08:53 PM
That really stinks and the saddest part is that even fighting pits from what i've heard arevery loving & people oriented.They are very sweet & i myself have owned & raise them.I have yet to come across a mean pit . I know that it is not the breed but WHAT PEOPLE DO WITH THE BREED THAT GIVES THEM A BAD REP. AND I HATE IT!:mad: I wish i could change the eyes of the world:(

09-14-2003, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I really hate the bad rep. Pit Bulls have. I have NEVER met one mean Pit Bull in my life. They're my favorite breed.

Simba is part Pit. I was talking to one of my teachers about him and she asked his breeds. I told her German Shepherd and Pit Bull mix. She said "EW".................I about lost it. I asked her why she had said ew, She said "because ...pit bulls are mean". I told her how UNEDUCATED that comment was. Just another person who watches too much TV and doesn't even have experience with the breed.

I just wish some people went with their OWN opinions. Made their own judgements on the dog from experience, Instead of listening to some new reporter that was just handed a piece of paper to read off of.

Dogs are only how you train them to be. If you beat them and abuse them, damn right they're oging to want to rip your head off. If you love them and care of them, they will do anything you want them to.

I can't believe she said that!!!!!!!!!!:mad: I would have lost it totally! I probably would have gotten suspended.:o:rolleyes::eek: I would have told her how good of a dog Simba was, and how much smarter he is than her to say such a thing! I LOOOOOOOOOVE Pitt Bulls, and my Dad had one when he was younger, his name was Gus, and my dad says only good things about him. I want a Pit Bull too, I know I will get one when I can...

09-15-2003, 04:02 AM
I completely understand what you mean. I hate the stupid people who just think pits are mean because they have watched too much tv and never actually met one. And also Kay, I commend you for not outright calling that teacher a moron, I probably would have. You handled it very well.

There are a lot of pits who come to the dog park, but for the most part, many of the owners are responsible and have a good handle on their dogs.

Like yesterday, we took Bailey and Guinness for an hour to play. They had a good time. Then a guy came in with a long haired GSD puppy, cute little ball of fluff. Now, I normally worry about Bailey and puppies, not because she is half pit, but because she has in the past been WAY too happy to play with them and she didn't realize she is bigger than them. She went up to the puppy and I went over to "referee", but she did great. She just sniffed the puppy, gave it a kiss and walked away.

And of all the dogs there, it was not any of the pit bulls giving the pup a problem, it was a huge black standard poodle. He was biting the pup, knocking it around, and making it scream. He wasn't playing with it, he was bullying it, there's a difference. GSD's poor owner didn't know what to do, he didn't want to hurt the poodle or anything. And the lazy a$$ owners weren't doing anything to stop him. Only after he was bullying it to the point I wanted to yank him off was when they would yell from their lawn chairs, "Dakota...no". F%^king irresponsible yuppies, not training their poodle. The pit owners there are way more responsible than them.

I ended up protecting the puppy from the poodle, cause she ran under my chair and I stared down that poodle with the "Glare that can Melt Rock". He left it alone after that. Poor little GSD, she was shaking.

09-15-2003, 07:13 AM
urgh that makes me soo mad.

according to somone at our dog club "so called pitt bulls" are not alowed to train at our club:confused: how are the dogs supposed to socialise and become accepted members of the community if they cannot be trained and socialised in a controlled setting.

ohh another thing when clover was a youngster (about 9-12 months old) a girl i know met a american/english staffy X whos owner had heard about clovers breeding (rott x heeler) and thought we could make some money out of the pups (i told him what i thought quick smart:mad: ) what a moron. i saw the guy the other day and "jed" the dog is still intact and is still getting set up with bitches:(

good on you kay, some supposedly educated people dont know a hell of alot. simba is beautiful>

sevens the poor GSD pup, glad you saved/protected her as the owners of the poodle wernt doing a thing about it.
that is where the saying "there are no bad dogs, just bad owners" come in.

09-15-2003, 09:17 AM
Good to see there's much love for those precious pitties on the board. I own one/am owned by one and get mixed reactions constantly.
Some people get off the sidewalk, others run over to pet him.
I think a lot of the times when you see a pit behaving well and another breed being not so good (like the poodle example) it's because pit bull owners know what kind of dog they have and they try extra hard to be responsible.

Also, whoever made the point about even fighting, abused dogs still being people friendly - that's the pit bull to a T!
Any unwarrented human agression is a totally undesireable trait. Could you imagine handlers who fought their dogs using "man eaters?" No way! They had to get in the pit and pull dogs apart... Not to mention they must bathe the other handler's dog before the fight...

So let's have 3 cheers for one of the best breeds around.
Yay Pitties! :)


P.S. Smokey says "Thanks for the support, folks! *lick*"

09-15-2003, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by isis
In some city's you can't own one if you are 16 or under!:mad:

Yes and they do this for a REALLY good reason! It's to stop the animal abuse and fighting of these dogs. I don't think any young child should be allowed to walk the streets alone with their dogs because most likely they will not be able to control it if something should happen. This goes for ALL dogs!

In Detroit it is a felony for a child under the age of 17 to walk a dog, because most of these Children and the ones fighting the dogs! My friend runs a pit rescue here in Eugene along with SARA, an animal rescue organization. I have seen this all too many times. Whenever I visit Los Angeles there are dog fights on almost every corner and stray pitbulls running lose around the town.

As far as them euthanizing the animals, most of these dogs are dogs that have fought and are trained to attack both humans and other dogs, and are not safe to have on the streets anymore. I would rather have the dog humanely euthanized than fall back into the hands of a dogfighter and die in angony over puncture wounds that weren't treated etc.

09-15-2003, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by manda99

Also, whoever made the point about even fighting, abused dogs still being people friendly - that's the pit bull to a T!
Any unwarrented human agression is a totally undesireable trait. Could you imagine handlers who fought their dogs using "man eaters?" No way! They had to get in the pit and pull dogs apart... Not to mention they must bathe the other handler's dog before the fight...

With their hands? NO, they use sticks for that. :rolleyes: And yes of course they are going to be sweet to their owners, but any ordinary human can waltz by and be attacked, because most of these dogs are kept in homes run by drug users, and used as guard dogs trained to attack people so that they can protect their house from drug trafficing etc. :rolleyes:

And before someone goes and throws words that I didn't say into my mouth, I never said I hate pits or that all pits are bad. I think pitbulls are a great breed........IF raised by a responsible owner. It's the same for every dog. When I was a trainer at CrossRoads, a lady there ran a pit rescue, and most of the dogs were very sweet to humans. In fact, my friend got attacked by a Golden Retriever there. So that only shows any breed has the potential of being dangerous.

I was bit by a pitbull once in my face, and he grabbed onto my nose and lip. If he really wanted to he could have mauled me, but he gave a little nip letting me know that he didn't want my face so close to his. I was bathing him.

Another thing you have to consider though is this, most of the dogs that faught have agression towards other dogs! Do you think it is safe to put these dogs back on the street to face being caught and faught again, or worse, getting off leash and killing someone elses pet? I would feel sad for any dog owner that had to be extremely careful any time they walked their dogs outdoors. What if the dog got offleash and bit another dog, or in frustration took it out on someone who "got in the way"?

09-15-2003, 06:02 PM
Love pits!!!!!

Bull is a pit/lab mix and is the best dog outta the 3. My landlord is very anti-pit but doesn't have a single problem with Bull. I let him meet Bull before I told him what he was. :o
Bull has turn my future father-in-law and aunt's opinions of pits. Now Daddy Dave just loves on Bull. Aunt Mary even took in two abused pits : Jessie, small black 5 month old, who still has the scars from the cigerett burns on her and Butch, tan 10 month old who's previous owners tried to cut his throat :eek: luckily the only thing he came out of that with was a scar.

09-15-2003, 08:08 PM
Um, yes, I know they used breaking sticks, but how do you think they get them in the dog's mouths? Their hands are right there.

Moving on... and back to the point... I heart pit bulls.


09-15-2003, 08:12 PM
Yes and those hands belong to the owners or people they know and are familiar with. Do you really think anyone could just go and break up a dog fight? :rolleyes:

09-15-2003, 08:21 PM
What's with the rolling eyes?

09-15-2003, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
What's with the rolling eyes?

The smilies are there for a reason, to be used. If they annoy you so much perhaps you can request that they be removed. The rolling eyes, was exactly that, rolling my eyes for a very uneducated comment!

09-15-2003, 08:33 PM
Check your PM's, since this isn't the subject at hand. :)

09-15-2003, 08:41 PM
I responded. :)

09-16-2003, 09:04 AM
We went up to Petsmart one day,and they were doing this thing where they took the dogs from the shelter and walked the around for people to adopt them.There was this Pitbull and he was so sweet!His name was Pyro.I just wanted to take him home!

He was pretty Young to,and he was in a shelter!along with this other very sweet dog that I also wish I could take,but she ,thankfully,found a home.:) I don't think that Pyro did!All these people were talking about how nice and how sweet his face looked.Oh I wish I had tookin pics of him.:( I bet he found a home though!:)

09-16-2003, 09:07 AM
Originally posted by Andie
Love pits!!!!!

Bull has turn my future father-in-law and aunt's opinions of pits. Now Daddy Dave just loves on Bull. Aunt Mary even took in two abused pits : Jessie, small black 5 month old, who still has the scars from the cigerett burns on her and Butch, tan 10 month old who's previous owners tried to cut his throat :eek: luckily the only thing he came out of that with was a scar.

Oh,thats great!:) I'm glad that they survived!:) I don't see how anyone could do such a thing!:mad:

09-16-2003, 03:15 PM
OK, those hands belong to people they trust... then what about pre-fight when they wash the other person's dog?

Please, don't call me uneducated because you have a misconstrued notion of the pit bull's temperment.

I have no more comments on this.

09-16-2003, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by manda99
OK, those hands belong to people they trust... then what about pre-fight when they wash the other person's dog?

Please, don't call me uneducated because you have a misconstrued notion of the pit bull's temperment.

I have no more comments on this.

I could care less if someone else washed them, not all fighting dogs are that way. Period. Most are unsafe towards humans and other pets after they have been fought, that is the simple truth. Yes I am sure many could be great pets, but I do not agree with them being placed and having a chance of ending up back on the streets. It is something I feel strongly about! If you didn't read I said I am involved with pit bull rescue and help my friend Kait rescue these dogs. We may be fostering one of the bullies from SARA, a non profit organization that helps rescue pit bulls and other hard to place type dogs. I have seen several ex fighting dogs with excellent temperaments, and I have seen the tragedies as well. One that I know of is a pit who was baited with rabbits, cats, and puppies. That dog was adopted, having no problems, but once in the new owners home went after her cat, killing him instantly by breaking his neck, left her two rabbits in pieces, and then tried to go for her. This was a dog who passed all the adoption tests.

Most of these dogs were starved, therefor they have food agression as well. *I* was almost attacked but I got out of the kennel just in time, when I was going to take the bowl away, like we do after each feeding time, because the dog was food agressive. That was what we did at Crossroads, we trained mostly agressive dogs, which was my job ( I was most often the guinea pig, which was scary), but we also did socialization, potty and crate training puppies, clicker training, agility etc.

So again, I have a LOT of experience with pitbulls, even though I have never owned one myself. I have had neighbors who fought their dogs, a matter of fact there is a man a few houses down the street from my mothers in Whittier, that reguarly fights his dogs. His dogs wander the street and have already mutilated several dogs, cats, and birds. He was trained to do this. We and several other neighbors have contacted the local Humane Society but they will not do anything about it. The Downey Humane Society is one of the worst places a dog could go, and I would never wish it in the world to any dog I know. I would rather my dog be hit by a car, then end up in the Downey pound.

But then, I have also seen the sweet side of these dogs. Agressive pit bulls were few and far between while working at Crossroads, however almost all of them were dog agressive, even though they were never fought. I cannot recall how many times the pitbulls got out and fought at that place, which is one of the reasons I quit, because their kennel sucked, although they were great trainers. Some I refused to have anything to do with because they were inhumane to the pets, and some even went as far as almost killing a labrador, who they put a shock collar on.

Most responsible breeders of pitbulls even state on their website that most of the time these dogs will show agression towards other dogs.

I have worked with SEVERAL pit bulls as a trainer at Crossroads, my neighbors next door had a very beautiful sweet girl pit who was fabulous, my old roomate had a pit which I lived with for a year, and he got along great with other pets etc and people.

BUT, we are talking about fighting dogs, NOT family pets! There is a difference. I know how the pit bull terrier breed is, they are loving family dogs just like any other dog can be, and I like them a heck of a lot more than most of the other breeds out there, which is why I plan to get one in the future when Dylan is older, and we have the time and money and patience to work with one and properly raise the dog. So again, like I have repeated several times, I never said I have ANYTHING wrong with the breed! I LOVE pits, if bred responsibly and raised by a caring owner they make fabulous pets.

NOW, lets just agree to dissagree on fighting dogs, but agree that pitbulls are a wonderful breed and can make awesome pets when raised in the right home, by a caring owner, and socialized with both humans and other pets at a young age, like ALL dogs! If we must talk about this more there is a handy feature on Pet Talk, called a Private Message, PM, which came in really handy for Kayann and I.

Now with that being said, I think your dog is very cute and a real looker! And of course who could resist an Orangey!:D