View Full Version : Gone for a week

08-14-2001, 07:42 PM
Hi guys, I've been so busy lately packing up my stuff so I haven't been able to catch up as much as I would like to. I'm moving tomorrow and will be gone for about a week until I can get my cable modem transferred to the new apartment. Hope everyone is doing great and I'll talk to you all soon! :)

08-14-2001, 07:57 PM
Good luck with the move. :)

08-14-2001, 08:09 PM
Good luck, Aly!

Hope to see you back soon!!

08-14-2001, 08:10 PM
Good luck. Talk to you soon :D

08-14-2001, 08:47 PM
Good luck Aly in your new apartment, We will miss you, and hurry back. Hugs for Lolly, Reece and the kitty kat. :) :) :)

08-14-2001, 08:57 PM
Good luck aly!!

I might not be posting very much either :( cause
school has just started and i`m gonna have alot of homework!!

08-14-2001, 10:54 PM
Aly, good luck with the move! I am moving too on Friday so I may be gone for a couple of days too.

08-14-2001, 11:04 PM
Good luck Aly and Leslie. We'll miss you! Hurry and unpack that 'puter. You'll have a lot of catching up to do!

08-15-2001, 10:01 AM
Good luck Leslie and we will miss you, hurry back.

Dog lover5678
08-15-2001, 11:15 AM
Goodluck Cu guys soon


08-15-2001, 11:50 AM
Good luck to you guys moving this week. ;)

[ August 15, 2001: Message edited by: sammi ]

Daisy's Mom
08-15-2001, 07:05 PM
Aly and Lesie, I wish you both luck moving. We will certainly miss you both, so hurry back!

08-16-2001, 04:48 AM
Good luck with your moves. I really don't envy you, only the thought of moving makes me shudder :D

08-16-2001, 07:23 AM
Missing you already, Aly! Hope everything is going smoothly and that all 4 of you will love the new apartment! :D


08-16-2001, 05:03 PM
Hurry back Aly! Logan's right...We miss you already! Hugs to the kids and good luck in the new apt! Love, Sandra

08-16-2001, 09:40 PM
Aly, I hope your move goes smooth and you are back online soon. You are an important part of this forum :)

I'll see you all on Wednesday when I am back at work. I won't be online at my new apartment for 2 weeks or so until we get our DSL hooked up, but I'll be back at work on Wednesday so I can catch up then :) I know you may not even know I am gone, but trust me, I'll really miss you all. I really love you guys, and I feel like I have true friends on DOTD. My puter's getting unhooked tonight because we are getting movers in the early A.M. tomorrow morn so this will be my last chance to post. I will actually enjoy going back to work so I can log on and chat again with my friends here :)

08-16-2001, 10:13 PM
Leslie, we DO miss you!!! Hurry back!

Daisy's Mom
08-16-2001, 10:47 PM
Leslie, you crazy girl, of course we will miss you! I miss you already ;) Hurry back! And good luck with your move!

08-22-2001, 04:29 PM
Hi guys. I really missed you all so much. I am so exhausted right now, I could just fall down. My computer at home won't be online until Friday so I'm using a friend's. I need to go take care of some things and finish scrubbing down the old apartment but I plan on coming back this evening and catching up on as much as I possibly can. Can't wait to talk to you all and hear from everyone again!

Oh, my dad is leaving to go back to London today :( But he did mention something to me about he'd buy me a plane ticket if there were ever any computer conventions or dog shows I wanted to go to. I told him a little about Pet Talk and how there might someday be a reunion and he said I should go! YAY!

08-22-2001, 04:43 PM
Welcome back, we missed you too. We are anxious to hear about the new apartment and how dear little Reece and Lolly are holding up with all the confusion of moving. I assume Shiloh has been through this before and maybe is the brave soul among the bunch. Anyway, take your time getting back in the swing here, because we know that you still have lots to do.

08-22-2001, 05:28 PM
Welcome back and hugs to the fur babies. Hurry and get your PC set up.

08-22-2001, 06:12 PM
Hi Aly, you know we all missed you and our little sweeties, Reece, Shiloh and Lolly.
It is so much work to move I guess that's why we have been in this house for 40 years, can't think of moving all the stuff we have accumulated. Glad you got to visit with your Dad that was nice. Give the babies a hug from Daisy and Perry and me.

08-22-2001, 07:17 PM
Aly welcome back! We have missed you! How did Reece, Lolly and Shiloh do with the move? You must be worn out. I agree totally with Jackie on this one. I don't even want to think of moving! I have 20 years' worth of stuff and my head would spin if I had to sort it all out and pack it all up! Don't overdo things Aly. We don't want you to be too tired to log onto Pet Talk! :D

08-22-2001, 07:40 PM
Good to hear from you. Rest up, unpack and get that 'puter up and runnin'! We miss ya!!

Daisy's Mom
08-22-2001, 08:07 PM
Aly we missed you so much! I'm so glad you have access to a computer now. I hope the rest of your moving process goes smoothly, and that sweet little Reece, Lolly, and Shiloh are doing okay!

08-22-2001, 09:18 PM
Yay! Aly, glad to see you (almost) back in the swing of things! lol

I agree...hurry and set-up the 'puter!

08-23-2001, 07:56 AM
Hi Aly and everyone!!!

I am back too :) I was actually at work yesterday so I could have posted, but I was so busy catching up with my workload after missing several days, that I did not have time to post. When my hubby and I moved into our apartment a few years ago, before we were married, we did the whole move in the smallest sized U-Haul truck they had. Now, since we have been married, we have aquired SO much stuff that we hired "Two Men & A Truck" and we are still not completely moved out of our old apartment! It is SO true that you aquire more stuff after being married!!!

On the upnote, I think Graham is thrilled to be an "only child" again. He never liked Cassie, and he was pretty tired of Ritz's puppy antics. He seems to love that he gets his own place and he does not have to share his love with any other dogs or cats :) Our new temporary (1 year at most) townhouse/apartment is nice. We paid just $15 more per month to be right on a lake so the view out of the balcony is beautiful! Graham loves all of the water and the open landscape. I am still watching for signs of depression, but sofar he has not shown any signs of it.

I missed you all alot. I sure am addicted to DOTD! First thing I did when I got back to work was go to DOTD, catch up on the dogs, cats & pets that I missed, and then read and cought up on all of the postings. I started doing my work after my necessary DOTD fix :)

08-23-2001, 08:19 AM
Leslie...Somewhere along the line I missed something. Where is Cassie now? :confused:

08-23-2001, 08:44 AM
Leslie, forgive me for answering Pam's question for you. :) Graham and Cassie were staying at Leslie's mom's house while Leslie and her husband were living in the apartment. They were living nearby so got to spend lots of time together. Now that Leslie is in the townhouse, Graham can live with them and Cassie is so fond of Leslie's mom and visa versa, that she is going to stay there with Ritz Bitz.

Welcome back, Leslie. The view of the lake sounds wonderful. Is there a place that Graham can take a dip? Share all the news that you can when you have time. Ha

08-23-2001, 08:55 AM
Thanks for the update Rachel. I thought I was on top of things. Leslie, if your mom ever tires of Cassie or Ritz just let me know! They would be welcome to move in here! ;)

08-23-2001, 09:42 AM
:) Thanks Rachel :) Yes Graham, Cassie & Ritz Bitz were roomies for a short amount of time while we were in the apartment searching for a house. Graham was never happy with that arrangment. Graham has been swimming quite a bit, but not as often as he would like, because the water is full of frogs so it's really muddy and it's a pain to have to wash him every time he comes in the house. I have been limiting him to one swim a day, instead of 50, like he would prefer. It's still alot more then he was ever able to swim before, being in a city home all of his life.

Cassie and Ritz are doing well without Graham, but they both really loved him. I am sure they miss him, but they will get over it with each others' company. Every time I go to my mothers' house I bring Graham, so they can keep in touch with each other :)

I forgot to mention that when I took Graham from my mom's house, she was so very sad. She knew that the day would come that Graham would have to leave, and she accepted that fact, but she was still heart-broken to see her "grand dog" leave. I love my mom so much, I could not have taken 2 dogs from her. That is not something I would wish upon my worst enemy, let alone my beloved mother. I decided to leave Cassie with my mom mainly due to the fact that 1) Cassie has already been "moved around" enough in her life and 2) I would not take 2 precious dogs from my sweet mom, leaving her with lonley little Ritz.

[ August 23, 2001: Message edited by: AdoreMyDogs ]

08-23-2001, 10:17 AM
Welcome back both of you. I'm pleased you survived your move ;)

08-23-2001, 11:11 AM
Welcome back, Aly. Looking forward to the time when you can be back on a full-time basis instead of a part-time basis.
Leslie, welcome back to you too. How honorable of you to leave one of your own behind to make your mother happy. Proud of you.

08-23-2001, 12:54 PM
Welcome back Aly and Lesli!!! I for one don't know what it's like to live in one place for more than 5 years! That is our record for being in one house while I was growing up. After I went out on my own I have kept the tradition alive and right now I am up to 3 years and 3 months in the same house and I cannot wait to get the heck outta there! Moving stinks but on the other hand I love settling in to new places. I aquire quite a few things but I am no pack-rat so moving also means throwing a bunch of crap out! I love it.... unloading the clutter.

Aly I hope you get your computer set up soon! We totally miss you! And Lesli, give Graham and big hug and kiss for me... I am sure he is ecstatic about being the only doggie around.

08-23-2001, 04:06 PM
Hi everyone, I was trying to get back on the computer last night to catch up but I fell asleep at 7pm and didn't wake up until 16 hours later!!!!!! :eek: That's the most I've ever slept in my whole life. Even though my parents and sister helped me move, and I didn't have to do a whole lot of carrying, all my energy got zapped out. I also had to sleep on the floor of my empty apartment for a week and never got any good sleep there. The new apartment let me move my stuff in but wouldnt let me move in until yesterday.

This has been the smoothest move Shiloh has been through. I knew exactly what to do with her. Moving usually upsets her so much, but it went very well yesterday. When I took her in the car, I wrapped her in a sweater and held her and she felt a lot more secure. Then I took her up to the new apartment and put her in a big box in my closet. She moved out of the box and under the bed right away. I made a trail of clothes that I had slept in from under the bed to the living room and kitchen. It really worked! She only stayed under the bed for about two hours, then she came out and followed the trail of clothes, sniffing new things and jumping back on to a piece of my clothing when she felt unsafe. In our previous moves, she has sat in the closet for days, refusing to eat or go to the bathroom. Within hours this time, she was eating, drinking, and used the litter box too!

The dogs did pretty good with the move. Yesterday they were feeling a bit insecure and their seperation anxiety was a bit worse than normal, but Reece was still running around playing with toys and wrestling with Shiloh. OH! I forgot to tell you guys that Reece plays with toys now! He used to only want a toy if Harley had it and even then he'd never actually play with it. But now he plays with his toys nonstop. I think he wasn't sure how to or something.

I have taken some funny pictures during the move and will put them all together and show them to you guys asap :)

I move around so much too, I just can't wait to settle down somewhere (preferably on a ranch in the country!).

Cable guy is coming tomorrow sometime and then my computer will be online! I will catch up on all the messages then.

Welcome back Leslie!

Daisy's Mom
08-23-2001, 10:33 PM
Welcome back Leslie! I really missed you! I'm glad Graham is happy, and that your mother got to keep sweet little Cassie girl!

Aly, I'm so happy the move went smoothly for your fur babies. Wow, that's a lot of sleep! LOL my record is 14 hours one day when I was sick :)