View Full Version : Bad News for the squirrel

09-13-2003, 04:16 PM
Well, today a baby squirrel was in our garage today.. Later on we found his mother dead beside our house. Later on we got some squirrel formula and a tiny bottle for him. He kinda ate some but not much. My mom just called the wildlife place and they said they or anyone would take in squirrels! So they just told us to feed him back to health and hope for the best. So it looks like Im going to be busy. I hope he makes it through the night..Please pray for this little guy. I found alot of great websites on caring for baby squirrels. Just please pray for him. I dont want him to die. Here is a pic of him. Ill post more soon.

09-13-2003, 04:21 PM
Oh I hope so much this little one pulls through. Fingers and paws crossed around here.

Aspen and Misty
09-13-2003, 04:23 PM
I used to have a baby squirrel! :D

Don't forget squirrel’s are diabetic and need some Gatorade (SP) UNLESS the formula you got is called Squirrel formula, not anything else it has to be squirrel formula!


09-13-2003, 04:26 PM
We care for baby squirrels at our local Wildcare Center, especially in the Spring. Too bad they couldn't help you:( What a precious little one! Thanks so much for helping him!! It sounds like you've found a lot of helpful links. We'll be sending positive thoughts and prayers your way!:) (Did you name him???)

09-13-2003, 05:05 PM
Aww he's so cute! Good luck with him, I'm sending positive thoughts your way.

09-13-2003, 05:21 PM
Thankyou so much I really appreciate this. I hope he pulls through so he can live a life that he deserves. We just got done feeding him. When i let him out to stretch his legs he draged his head around and was walking in circles! he wouldnt lift his head. We think he might of fallen out of a tree. I hope he gets stronger tomorrow and the day after that. Im still thinking of a name. My dad calls him chuck. lol. But..I just hope he pulls through the night. Keep this fella in your thoughts tonight. Wish him well.

I have lots of reading up to do!

another pic:

09-13-2003, 05:23 PM
Whoops here it is!

09-13-2003, 07:40 PM
I wish I could care for him! You going to keep him as a pet, then? I don't know how he would do on his own. He's so cute.

09-13-2003, 07:56 PM
Im not sure if I can keep him as a pet (even though many people do) I was reading up on how to release them in the wild until they started talking about how single orphaned squirrels wouldnt do well since they werent socialized ect... and they said they uasually get attached to their care takers. So you never know! he might become a member of this family.
I just got done feeding him, and he seems to have his energy back! He started jumpin around like he was happy!! Im glad he is becoming more active!!!

09-13-2003, 08:07 PM
I raised a baby ground squirrel last summer, and released her when she grew up.

They are actually easy to feed. I used kitten formula, evaporated milk and applesauce. I found this recipe on the internet somewhere, and the baby squirrel thrived on it.

You'll know when it is ready to be released. It will suddenly get wild and start biting you! Rodents don't imprint like birds do, and are much easier to release.

Sandy Ireland
09-13-2003, 08:14 PM
How cute that baby squirrel is! Glad to read he was doing better! It's great to hear about people who take the time and make the effort to help out a little critter! Good luck and keep us posted!

09-13-2003, 08:26 PM
Thanks everyone!!! i will definatly keep you all updated!

09-13-2003, 10:28 PM
Please keep in mind that he is a wild animal, and if you decide to keep him as a pet make sure you are not breaking any federal and state laws. Here in Oregon we cannot take in red squirrels, it is against the law and punished by a very hefty fine. They also are prohibited by state law.

Also please be sure to wear gloves, since he is wild and there is no knowing that diseases he carries. Squirrels are known to spread the plague, although very rare so just please be careful. I wouldn't want you to be bit, because you would need to go to the hospital and the little guy would most likely be euthanized.

09-13-2003, 10:50 PM
Here are some links I think you might find interesting.

Results of improper feeding of squirrels:

Please please please read this link!!!!


09-14-2003, 06:38 AM
Thankyou all. I dont think we will keep him as a pet. We will release him back in the wild.
Thankyou so much for those links! They were very very helpful!
thankyou so much!

I have a question..When we went to the petstore to get some Formula we got this stuff called "Just Born" it's kitten formula and it's for other wildlife. Is that Ok?
Because my parents says its Ok for him, but im not sure.
please help!

09-14-2003, 07:36 AM

09-14-2003, 09:49 AM

09-14-2003, 09:59 AM
Did the bottle say what type of "wildlife" the formula was appropriate for? You got so many helpful links...maybe they can help guide you? Did you say you had a wildlife center near you? Oh, I remember you did! I know they were unable to take him in, but surely they must be able to give you some advice on how to care for him. I'd try and contact them and ask their opinion re: what to feed! How's the little guy doing today? Hope he continues to thrive!:) Go Rocky!!:D

09-14-2003, 10:03 AM
The formula listed the wild animals and it said squirrels on it. We could call the wildlofe center for some tips. This morning when I fed him at 7:00am He ate very well. But he seems like he doesnt want to walk. Just sleep and eat. Is that normal for a 9-10wk old?
I feel so bad for the little guy, last night must have been so scary for him with out his momma. poor baby.

09-14-2003, 10:10 AM
The baby squirrels I've helped care for at our Wildcare Center slept and ate most of the day!:) They were very affectionate, and loved being held and cuddled during feeding time! I'd give him the opportunity to "exercise" but wouldn't be too concerned if he chooses to sleep a lot. Where is he sleeping? As long as he's eating well and seems bright and alert while awake, I think you needn't worry. If the bottle says ok for squirrels, I'm sure it won't hurt him. But do call the center and pick their brains for all the info. you can get. I'm sure you'll need some help re: when and how to introduce him to the wild, once he's ready!:)

09-14-2003, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by Amber
Thankyou all. I dont think we will keep him as a pet. We will release him back in the wild.
Thankyou so much for those links! They were very very helpful!
thankyou so much!

I have a question..When we went to the petstore to get some Formula we got this stuff called "Just Born" it's kitten formula and it's for other wildlife. Is that Ok?
Because my parents says its Ok for him, but im not sure.
please help!

Did you look at the pages I posted links to?

Kitten milk is NOT ok, nor is the formula that says wildlife on it. He needs a special formula. Also a ground squirrel and a red/fox/grey squirrel have different needs.

The images on that one page shows what happens when you feed baby squirrels cat milk, wildlife milk. It's very sad. You can clearly see the difference.

Esbilac, which is a puupy formula is supposed to match grey squirrels milk closer than anything else, even the specially made wildlife formula. I will try to find a recipe for you.

Please re read the link I provided. I really do not want him to suffer, even though I know you are trying your best. If you want I can call my boss and see what milk we use for our squirrels? I will give her a call in as soon as the center opens.

Also you mentioned that when you put him down on the ground he ran in circles. This usually signals some kind of neurological defect, or possible he was hit by a car. If this is the case, it would be more humane to euthanize him, because he would not be able to be released back into the wild. :(

He looks old enough to be bouncing around by now, and all the squirrels I have rehabbed had a lot of energy around that age.

Did you contact your local Fish and Wildlife to see if you are allowed to raise him? It could be against the law so please check and make sure you are not breaking any laws.

09-14-2003, 10:57 AM
Thanks for the great info you are giving me!! I just got done feeding him, he is very tired, he couldnt really keep his i lids open! But he is eating very well!
I will have my mom or dad call the wildlife place to get hints and tips! I do have a question.
I havent seen any stool from him yet he isnt going! but he is urining fine. Is this a problem?

09-14-2003, 11:04 AM
Yes we do have permission from the wildlife center to take him in our care. Please get that recipie for me that would help tons!!
he was going in cirlcles and dragging his head, today he doesnt want to walk. I think something is wrong with him, maybe he fell out of a tree and hit his head? I think he has a defect because sometimes he shakes his tail and legs when we are feeding him. I do want the best for him and I need all the info I can get!
I still dont get why the wild life center wont take him in he is a wild animal. *confused*

09-14-2003, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Amber
Thanks for the great info you are giving me!! I just got done feeding him, he is very tired, he couldnt really keep his i lids open! But he is eating very well!
I will have my mom or dad call the wildlife place to get hints and tips! I do have a question.
I havent seen any stool from him yet he isnt going! but he is urining fine. Is this a problem?

You will need to stimulate him to defecate by using a warm cloth or towel on his bottom, just rubbing gently and this should stimulate him to go to the bathroom. Since he is a youngin he may be constipated from the milk being switched, so you might want to add a little Pedialyte to the milk, for the first couple of days in order to prevent constipation. I would suggest wearing gloves when you do this.

I found some more info.



Oh this one says to use Pedialyte too, so now I feel better giving that advice. I always remember my vet telling me to add Pedialyte or lactaed ringers solution anytime you feed an orphaned animal for the first couple days.


Just follow the "Next" links and you should find a wealth of information! Hope this helps and keep me updated! :)

So go get some puppy milk! Esbilac is the best apparently!

09-14-2003, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by Amber
Yes we do have permission from the wildlife center to take him in our care. Please get that recipie for me that would help tons!!
he was going in cirlcles and dragging his head, today he doesnt want to walk. I think something is wrong with him, maybe he fell out of a tree and hit his head? I think he has a defect because sometimes he shakes his tail and legs when we are feeding him. I do want the best for him and I need all the info I can get!
I still dont get why the wild life center wont take him in he is a wild animal. *confused*

Most centers do not take in non native or introduced species. We used to take in red squirrels but last year they changed the laws on us, and now we can only take in native species. It's not that they do not want to help the animals, it's against the law to do so.

09-14-2003, 11:06 AM
what is Pedialyte?

09-14-2003, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Amber
what is Pedialyte?

its a baby forumla ;)

09-14-2003, 11:10 AM

09-14-2003, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by CamCamPup33
its a baby forumla ;)

No it is not. Pedialyte is a liquid made for human babies to ensure that they stay hydrated when they are having diahrrea or vomiting, and also constipation. ;)

But again, Esbilac, a puppy milk replacer is the best milk to be feeding him. :)

09-14-2003, 11:17 AM

That link says when to feed them and how much a day etc. as well as when to release them into the wild, when to wean etc. It's very helpful. :)

09-14-2003, 11:18 AM
Esbilac, a puppy milk replacer is the best milk to be feeding him.

Thanks, I was telling my dad this morning that we need to get puppy formula and he was like no we got stuff for wildlife blah blah blah, But i dont care what he has to say. me and my mom will get Esbilac puppy milk!
Since we think he has a "defect" what should we do?

09-14-2003, 11:19 AM
what does it look like to you? (the defect)

09-14-2003, 11:21 AM
I posted another link on the last page, right when you replied lol. Here it is again just in case.


Well it depends. If you really think there is something wrong, take him to the vets and see what they think. Who knows, he may be able to get through this. Perhaps he has a concussion or something, I really do not know. But if you are worried a vet should be able to tell you what to do. I know it could be hard hearing something is wrong, but at least you will know, and then can make the right decision for the baby. Good luck!

But I would maybe give it a little more time? You say he is eating allright.

09-14-2003, 11:22 AM
well, yesterday when I put him on the ground he was walking in circles with his head dragging, today he doesnt want to walk. and he also twitches alot. he just lays their, poor baby

09-14-2003, 11:24 AM
But I would maybe give it a little more time? You say he is eating allright.

Yes he is eating fine. The only thing is he doesnt want to walk or lift his head. :(

09-14-2003, 11:26 AM
Well it really sounds like he needs to see a vet. If it is something neurological there really isn't anything you can do, and euthanasia might be the best thing. Poor guy. :(

Are you sure his legs are not broken or anything? Have you done a thorough (sp?) exam of his body?

09-14-2003, 11:28 AM
I check him all over for cuts and stuff like that, but the weird thing is when we found him that morning he was running around fast. so I dont think he has any broken legs, uhhg! this is stressing!

09-14-2003, 11:29 AM
Maybe he's constipated. I don't know if that would make him walk in circles but you never know! Like I said, get him to the vet asap and see what they can do.

09-14-2003, 11:31 AM
will try!

09-14-2003, 11:42 AM

I hope the baby squirrel will be ok.
You have gotten such wonderful advice
from people.
You have a good heart and I am rooting for you.


09-14-2003, 11:45 AM
Thankyou so much kys! That made my day! Everyone is giving so much great advice! i apreciate this. Thankyou all!!

09-14-2003, 03:36 PM
How's he doing, now??

09-14-2003, 04:56 PM
It's not good, I told my mom I cant stand to see him anymore, He is dying we think. My mom is taking care of him, My mom told me the he is skipping breathe. I feel terrible.

pray for him please! If only he had his momma.. :(:(:(:(:(

09-14-2003, 08:39 PM
Those "sores" on the squireels body are botfly larvae, and that is NO reason to just shoot a squirrel, especially if it took 12 shots????!!!!!!!!:mad:

05-14-2005, 04:58 PM
Im prayin for ya

05-14-2005, 05:04 PM
Keep up posted!

05-14-2005, 06:04 PM
I'm sorry, but Whitewolf, do you not realize that this thread was made August 13, 2003